Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 21, 1970, Image 6

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    (> -Lnncnstor Farming. Saturday. March 21. 1970
U.E.P. Pledges Egg
Supply, Demand Data
“We me going to assemble and
maintain on a continuous basis
the most compiehensive bodv of
supply and demand mfoimation
that the egg mdustiy has eu-iy
had," Jenv Fulknei, Un.ted Egg
Pioduceis geneial mana u i said
i ecently
“It will cover cvei> phase of
the industiy and eveiy of
the counti.v We call it the Total
Infoimation Concept" he con
“We intend to make it the most
piecise measunng tool loi de
tei mining the t'ue value ot eggs
that the industiy has yet seen
We aie stai ting immedialelv ’o
expand oui staff and facilities
here in Atlanta. Geoigia to ac
complish this, and if necessa’v
we will go into a computei pio
“As a result of this program,
the future role of UE P in the
egg industry will be more vital
than ever This data will giv e us
Farmers Warned
Stolen Herbicide
May Be Sold
CIBA Agiochemical Company
has repoi ted that sizeable quanti
ties of the product COTOEAN
(R). have been stolen fiom waie
houses in Memphis, Tennessee
Company offiicials in Summit,
N J expi essed concern that the
heibicide may appear on a chem
ical black market
Some of the stolen COTOEAN
(R) was piopeily weighed, pack
aged, marked and stored, ready
for shipment, at the time of the
theft This materials bears iden
tifying maiks
In addition, other quantities of
COTORAN(R) in bulk drums
were stolen It has been detei na
med that certain icceiveis of the
bulk COTORAN(R) have pack
aged the pioduct in plain brown
papei bags and in plain corrugat
ed cartons
Handling 01 shipping pesticid
es in unmaiked or impiopeily
labeled containeis is illegal The
company has aleited USDA Reg-_
ulatoiy officials, Fedeial and lo
cal police agencies, who weie
actively investigating the thefts
CIB \ wained potential buyers
that the stolen bulk COTOR\N
(R) had not undeigone final pio
cessing undei the companies con
tiol and supei vision and, theie
foie, may not meet specifications
and quality icquiiements
CIB \ Agiochemical Company
advices all gioweis that, foi then
own piotection they should in
sist on pui chasing
(R) Bom ieh able and leputable
chemical dealeis only
Local Honey Producers
Plan for New Bee Year
The lust meeting oi local
honey pioduceis of the Spnng
season was held Thiusday even
mg at the Faim and Home Cen
On hand to give bee line
topics of timely intei est was
W W Claike, Jr extension
agi icultunst Seveial items le
lating to activities and plans foi
the coming yeai weie levicwed
• Editor's Desk
(Continued fiom Page 1)
that Allied Chemical is no long
ci one of the companies seeking
a dela\ m the DDF ban ”
Lancastei Fainnng appicciates
IMi Ileimgton’s effoit to keep
the iccoid stiaight Vvc hope to
heai fiom othei s who wish to
claufy 01 comment on items we
nioie flexibility and piecision foi
our opciations and enable us to
make a biggci conti ibulion to the
welfaic of om membeis"
United Egg Pioduceis is a na
tionwide coopei alive lepiescnt
ing 60 pet cent of the U S egg
pioduction Faulkners statement
was made at a special meeting to
considci wavs and means of fill
ing the infoimation gap caused
by the sudden termination of
spot egg trading on the New
Yoik and Chicago Meicantile
Exchanges Ml UEP Daectois
and Alteinates except one weie
in attendance
Aftei reviewing the tiaditional
exchange tiading and its effect
on price deteimination, the U E -
P Boaid concluded that the clos
ing of spot egg hading on both
Exchanges was inevitable and
probably to the best inleiest of
the industiy and the public in
the long mn
N. G. Myers & Son L. H, Brubaker Roy H. Buck, Inc.
Rheems, Pa. Lititz, Pa. Ephrata, RD. 2
Grumelli Farm Service Allen H. Motz Farm Equipment-
Quairjville, Pa New Holland
They did, however, conclude
that the void left by the Ex
change closings must be filled by
a “total infoi motion” system cov
enng eveiy legion of the coun
tiy. and one that would enable
the mdustiy and the consumei
lo moie acculately measure egg
values in iclation to the supply
demand balance
The Boaid voted unanimously
to fill this void by gieatly ex the L E P data gathei
in a nctvvoik and amended its
3970 budget to provide the
saiy funds foi that puipose The
Boaid mstiucted UEP manage
ment to begin the piogram im
The Board ol Duectois recon
fumed that the basic policies of
UE P. would not change and
that the national office, and its
regional membeis would con
tinue their dealing house activi
■Higher Yields
■ More Nutritious
■ Faster Regrowth
■ Drouth Resistant
Landisville, Pa.
Nissley Farm Service
Washington Boro, Pa.
L H. Brubaker
Lancaster, Pa.