Lanrasu r Fannin, 4- Milk Prices Too High Au* milk prices lon high in the North cast’’ In his provocative talk last week be fore dozens of dair.vmen al Lancaster Coun ty Dairy Day, A. J. Nixon, vice president of Penn Dairies, didn't flatly say prices arc too high. But we suspect most dairj men who heard the talk fell Nixon was urging lower milk prices. Are milk prices really too high in the Northeast? It's a question of real importance to Lancaster County, which is first in the state in dairying. In an area where being first in various important aspects of agriculture seems to come naturall>. the stature of dairying is still quite impressive. Dairvmg in 1968 accoutred for S3;i 4 million of the countv's M 24 2 million of a»- ncultural pi eduction, deriving accounted lor nearlv one thud nl the countv's total agricultural piwduct D.uiv ng \ as >\r>it.i moic than twice a> « heel c<; t'e. ho.s and sheep comomed Nixon gave some, sound icanons !,u lower milk puces, inclining toe grow ng and costlj. milk and milk product suiple es in the Northeast Nonnalh. when a sijr plus develops in a product, the price is toe high in relation to the demand The Penn Dairies president also said continued high prices of milk will encourage substitute products to come on the market. And he said high milk prices will encour age consumers to turn to other products But what about Lancaster Countj dairy men? Are milk prices too high. Air Dairy man? Probably not. His automated feeder pig barn enables Glenn Longenecker of Elizabethtown RDI to care for 400 feeder pigs with a minimum of backbreaking work and a minimum of time. (See story on Page 9.) His modern set-up is a far cry from the traditional “slopping the hogs" ap proach most of us knew or probably still know. Automation eliminates or holds to a minimum hired labor, which is increasingly scarce, more costly and less reliable than during the ‘‘slopping the hogs” days. Auto mation enables him to grow more hogs Has Advantages Automation obviously has its ad\ an tages. But that doesn’t mean every pig grow er should suddenly build an automated feeder pig barn Two points which Max Smith county agricultural agent, and other Penn State extension service personnel aie repeatedly making to county farmers aie —Don’t o\er-e\pand. don t buy too much or uneconomical equipment, don t waste your capital —Make suie that what you do ht<; in with your particular operation, don’t rum your system, don't get into something you can't manage Losses Possible The point is simply this While Irg pio its can be made from big. efficient aiRO- ASTER FARMING Lancastei County’s Own Farm VtecLij P 0 Box 266 Lititz Pa 17543 Ofhce 22 E Main St, Lititz Pa 17543 Phone Lancastei 394 3047 m Lititz 626 2191 Robert G Campbell Ad\ eitismg Duector Zane Wilson, Managing Editor Subscription puce S 2 pei jeai in Lancaster County S 3 elsewhere Established \o\ ember 4 1955 Published eveiy Satin da\ bj Lancastei Farming Lititz Pa Second Class Postage paid at Lititz Pa 17543 Member of Newspaper Farm Editors Assn Pa Newspaper Pub'isheis Association, and National Newspaper Association ig. Saturday. March 21.1970 To Automate? We’re constantly hearing about how the profit squeeze is hitting the dan > man. how important it is for him to make his herd more efficient, and how he must continue to expand to maintain a reasonable li\mg standard. If Nixon's proposal for lower prices is followed, the dairyman will be faced with both decreasing prices and increasing costs. It’s an old story in economics in general and farming in particular. It's the classic price cost squeeze in which the less efficient and smaller operations get squeezed out and the bigger and better operations expand. In a sense, the price-cost squeeze has been undeiway in dairying for many years. The number of herds has been decreasing, while those remaining grow larger (o take up the slack But this has been occurring under lelatuel.v f-norablo conditions o conl'nuing milk pi ice increases Imagine how the squeeze can intensify it. instead e going up milk ni ices go doe n 'lnc raided b\ Nixon. however nnohe-. moic than lust whcthei or not milk puces ‘-houlci be lowered Nixon actuahv was challenging danjmen to consider il they can afford not to lower prices. Will the consequences in teims of lost markets and general decline in dairying as a result of high milK prices be worse than the consequences of lower profit margins tor dairymen? That’s really the question Nixon raised. The question is \ ital to Nixon. He repre sents a firm which sells milk and milk pro- ducts But the question is no less \ital to every dairyman. mated operations, big losses also await the farmer who makes big mistakes in expand ing unwisely, improperly or in the wrong area.* - - ■ One of the dangers of automation is that it’s so expensne. We have to know how to get big returns out of automated operations in order to cover these high expenses and still have something left over. Study Pros, Cons Of course, there are manv complicating factors which enter into the situation when each indiudual farmer begins to consider the pros and cons of the situation. How much money does the farmer have to invest in upgrading his pig operation? How much can he or how much does he w r ant to borrow 7 How well does the fame m modern equipment 7 Can he ‘u it, or can he get someone to h\ it when it doesn't work 7 To operate efficiently, one piece of modern equipment often requires another Can the fai’mer affoid all the necessary equipment to become big and automated 7 Or will the costs of his equipment be too high to be otf-set b\ the income from his product 7 These are the kinds of questions each fanner has to answer foi himself Manj factors are involved, which only the indivi dual can know tullv Rewards tor making -ght decisions can be great, and the losses aom wrong decisions can also be huge Long Term Trends Those who choose to expand have long teim trends in their favor Automation is generally replacing labor, farming opera tions are growing in size, farming is becom ing more specialized. But the name of the game is still to make a profit The farmer who doesn't make a profit soon won't be a farmer any more. And to make a profit, costs have to be kept lower than returns. That's true if you slop the hogs or feed them by tube. To Be Alert For Termites As waimer weather arrives dunng late March and April, piopcrty owneis should be alert for termites that may collect in the sun ncai windows or doors. The termite should not be con fused with flying ants that may collect in the same warm areas. Tci mites will have four large wings of equal size and one elogated body the ant will have two pans of wings of diffeient sizes and ha\e a two section bo Tei mites at this time of the yen is a warning o( then piosence m the building and po-sildt sci ions damage To Graze Hmls fatefully Winter i\e and olhei last- are mged to keep accurate ic giowing glasses will giow in- cords of their chemical applica pidH when waim wealhei am- tions Recoid blanks are avail ves Animals to be giazed on able. THE TERBIBLE PRICE Lesson for March 22,197(1 s:vMimm<«i!fw. Matthew 211-n. the fifty-third chapter of .Isaiah; (1) Sin does cost and cannot be A teenage boy had participated overlooked. _ with a number of friends in the <2) God Is not reluctant to fop “borrowing” of a man’s car (with- give man, nor does he need out his permission!). Because the to be persuaded by Christ car was returned undamaged be- (3) The justice of God de fore the loss was discovered, the mands that someone pay police were not notified, but the the terrible price of sin; boy's father the love of God offers to found out when pay that price for man. h e accidentally In other words, it is God him heardhissonand self who offers to take upon a friend discus- himself the burden of sin. When sing their “wild Jesus willingly went to the cross, ri ~f‘ t +• t,- was G°d himself who was as soSwKShe S'* m “’ s mm a ” d tmish - Siid'mttkiM The l ““ 8c you see, was Rev. Althouse awav wrong. There was harm done and driving priveleges with the family hls fat her something to car for three months. This was to l * lB *°° wl *-h God. be his penalty one o£ the charac ters in W. H. Auden’s Christmas oratorio, For The Time Being, exclaims: “I No one knows ‘ But why, Dad?” his son wanted hke committing crimes. God likes to knew. “There was not any forgiving them. Really, the world harm done, we got the car back |s admirably arranged.” But he in time, and no one else knows is wrong: God doesn’t “like” for about it but you. I’m sorry it hap- giving us, for it is painful to him. pened and I want to forget the He does so only at a terrible cost, whole thing Why can’t you forget c nmpnnp na}fl it too 9 It doesn’t cost you any- «°i nBo ‘ ,e P a,B thing to forgive me. Why must was f°° with. the cross it cost me something?” which Jesus bore. In it there was What do you think 7 Is it true a ern^e cost: that theie was no haim done? Is Surely he has borne our griefs, he coirect m thinking that it and carried our sorrow^;.. • doesn't cost us to forgive? ® ut he was wounded for our If you were asked to explain transgressions, he was how God goes about foigiving us, bruised for our iniquities; w huh of these tw o answeis would Upon him was the chastisement j ou choose 9 that made us whole, and with Answer #1 When a man sins h‘ s stripes we are healed, against God, he incurs a debt with . God and, since he cannot nav it t 5? . on Ines c *py"3hiad •>/ Hi. oivisi.< Hod i« Ii " f • ’ 6 Christian Education, National Council ol Hi. uOfl IS ready to condemn him. Churchas of Christ in tha u. S. A. Ralaosad by But Jesus, by dying on the cross, Prass Samca) ofleis himself in payment of the debt and persuades the angry God to forgive the sinner Answer #2 When a man sins against God it is possible for God to overlook his sin as though it never happened. When wesay YOUR CHOICE SUNDAY we're sorry, this is what God does because of his great love for us. NOW IS THE TIME... By Max Smith Lancaster County Agent these areas should be allowed only a short length of time (15 minutes to a half-hour) for the first few days in order to get them accustomed to the lush forage; a feeding of some dry matter such as hay, straw, or silage is recommended before they are turned into the new pasture. To Keep Pesticide Records The subject of pesticides in agncutkue occupies the front iow, and eieic food and feed pioducci should be extremely caieful leeaidmg the use of any chemical Recommendations m iy be changed ficquently and the legistiations of ceitain chemical cancelled. Producei 3 The answers suggested above •e both extremes.ln the first le, God seems harsh and legal ;ic. What he wants is justice and matters little whether it is irist or man who does the pay g. >d, the sin-bearer In the second answer we see tite the opposite; God doesn’t ,ake sin seriously at all. He simply overlooks it as if it never hap pened at all. No one pays anything because there is really nothing to pay. Neither of these answers are adequate. Both miss some im- ATTEND THE CHURCH OF