Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 21, 1970, Image 28

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    Lnucnstcr Farming. Saturday. March 21,1970
lion.dil Ilt'll. Hiumsklc Coun
ts iC.tlil i agent. outlined fiom
tin lomfoit of his home the
benefits of foico molting of
I. inoi s to loiml poultmium .it
tin- I.anr.isioi Faun .mil Home
CiMli'i Tuosd.iN night
Tlu* loot in e s ( -t up b\
phono .uid lopoitod high
]\ successful officials h.iso licon o\o
im the mothod .is .i of
ob‘.lining top notch lectin cis
at cost
Not omln was the ospoiionco
of lU'll to poul
tiNinon but 801 l .ilso benefited
bN being able to keep another
appointment in Califoima aftci
the lecture
Bell foiwelded slides to Lan
caster which weie used in his
Ri\ciside Countv is one of
the nation's top poulliy pioduc
ing areas, and a place wheie
extensive use of foice molting
is being conducted
Essentially, foice molting is
a process of taking a pullet off
feed and water to stop egg pro
duction It is usually used
when pi eduction is tapeung off
and can be raised later by giv
ing the bud a lest and chang
ing the egg cycle
Bell emphasized that no one
pei son can tell an egg pioducer
whether foice molting will be
piofitable foi him He did give
System for Low
Moisture Silage
jfTx !
'il i I
’!i | i
> 1
\ *
Reduce Labor, Boost
Farmstead Profits
Enjoythe many advantages
of feeding IMS with the
finest in "oxygen-con
trolled" storage. Maintain
full nufiient value, consist
ent protein content Reduce
maintenance costs. Store
material safely, unload U
efficiently. Contact us to
day for details. Planning
assistance, complete con
struction service. "Pay-As-
You-Grow" financing, lease
arrangements available.
R. 1, Gordonvihe, Pa
Phone 717-768-8796
Lecture Is Success
Knst, when the pi ice of a eggs is minimal, the piooess
pullet is between $l5O and might not be best
$175. the egg piodnoor should ]iii*h feed costs also should
consider using the piooess. j )C consideiecl, he said, because
weighing the achantages against mo Hcd birds arc not as efficient
now pullet pin chases feeders as pullets.
Second, if the puce of ev Other factois to consider, he
tia and jumbo eggs is said, aic dealer acceptance of
high, foice molting will produce eggs from molted birds, the
l.ngci eggs If the price differ- time of year, how well the pio
once for medium and the large ducor keeps his house restock-
What’s New?
Portable Cleaner
Century Engineering Coi- The fourteenth edition of
poration has announced the ad- “Reynolds Irrigation Digest,”
dition of the “Scotty” portable concentrating on advances in
economy model for cold water sprinkler irrigation technology,
high-low pressure cleaning The is available by writing Reynolds
“Scotty” dehveis two gallons of Metals Company PO Box 2346,
water per minute at 500 pounds Dept. PR-104, Richmond, Va
of pressure The washei automa-
tically mixes the proper A . , . u vill**
amounts of cleaning materials Automated Insect Mlier
Preventive Medicine
Merck Chemical Division has tery operated or AC units pro
announced that the Food and viding effective 24-hour control
Drug Administration has ap- for up to 34 days of insects,
proved “Amprol” as a life cycle bacteria and odors in 6,000 cubic
coccidiostat for laying hens feet of space thi ough automated
This approval allows “Amprol” dispensing aerosols
to be used continuously in feed
thioughout the full life span of A ,
the buds and egg produceis A Lancoster Farming
need no longer wait until cocci- . *. n - UnL
diosis infects and damages the Classified Ad Can Help
buds before taking action
Let us tell you why Boumatic
Milking is the best milking
you can get.
Rear 49 N. Broad St.
Litifz 626-2343
Irrigation Advances
Lazarus Laboratories, Inc,
Long Island, New York, has in
troduced Aero-West, either bat-
cd. and the age of I he* lurch
when housed
The standard practice in Cali
fornia. he said, is to keep the
moiled buds off feed for 10
days, but place no resit iction on
Bell cited statistics showing
the number of California poul
trymen turning to foice molt
ing has been mci casing It is
particularly prevalent, he said,
on the larger egg fnnns of 50,-
000 biids or more.
Also on the program was Di
Floyd Hicks, who spoke on ven
tilation, and Kemit Birth, who
outlined the economics of force
|The one with the free
2-yeor guarantee
42 Optional Attachments for Mowing,
Snowthrowing, Clearing, Cultivating, Beautifying:
Whatever you need 365 days a year!
| 1 Mile North of Terre Hill on Route 897
East Earl, R. D. 1, Pa. Phone 215 445-6272
Consumers Warned Of
Swimming Pool Ads
Attorney General William C.
Sennelt today warned Pennsyl
vania consumers against bait
and switch advertising of back
> ai d swimming pools.
Sennetl noted that ads present
ly aie being placed m newspa
peis thioughout the Common
wealth foi back-yard swimming
pools for puces as low as $595
to 5795
mmr*£#o£fi s*
mower attachment and the