Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 21, 1970, Image 20

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-rLancastcr Farming, Saturday. March 21,1970
FHA Gives Credit for
Rural Housing Units
A record 5537 9 million in eie- slump,” Administrator Smith
dit assistance was advanced by sai d- “At same time, wo are
encomaging builders and deve
the Farmeis Home Admimstia- lopels t 0 step up their efforts to
tion to help moie than 61,500 invest in rural Amenta by in
rural families obtain new or im- creasing the volume of luial
proved housing dining calendar home completions.”
1969, Administiatoi James V
Smith announced today
Over 98 per cent of the funds
advanced to individual families
Administrate! Smith said the foi the construction and improve
rural housing piogram of the ment of ruial housing was pro-
US Department of Agriculture \ided by puvate investois on an
ciedit agency is attempting toie- msuied basis, Mr Smith said. A
spond to the human needs of national undei writers’ group re
ioiv and mode; ate income uual . , .. , .
families foi a suitable living en cently bou§ht nearly 5350 mil ‘
vnonment i ,on FHA notes
We me attempting to keep The 5587.966.534 in ciedit as
housing ci edit flow mg into the sistance was used foi vauous
nations small towns despite the housing piogiams
tight mone\ s.tuation and the
gen. al housing construction 5559 4 million in loans was ad-
j.c EHRLICH me.’
736 E. Chestnut St., Lancaster
There is no reason to these dajs. When placed
in our care, your dollars are protected by years
of expeuenc&d management and insured up to
520.000 bj an agency of the U S Government
No customer has e\ er had to wait for his savings
6 WE PAY UP TO .. .
Monej in b\ the 10th eai ns intci est 11 om the Ist,
\ccounts aie insiued up to $20,000
Mon. thru Thurs,
9 to 4:30
25 North Duke St.
Phone 393-0601
Fri. Sat.
9 to 6 9 to noon
vanced to construct or improve
individual housing benefiting ov
er 256.000 people.
$21.5 million was loaned to
construct or improve rental
housing units for some 9,112 rur
al residents, mostly senior citi
Another $6 9 million in loans
and grants went foi the constiuc
tion or impiovement of low-rent
housing for domestic faim labor
Grants are available foi labor
housmg to public bodies
The total amount advanced for
iiual housing loans by FHA lep
lesents a 12 6 per cent inciease in
the funds advanced during a
sirmlai pei iod last year
Administiatoi Smith said in
addition to impioving the quality
of housing in mial Amenca, the
piesent building late lesulting
fiom the piogram is creating
more than 35,000 man years of
on-site employment, most of this
in aieas wheie theie is much un
employment and undei employ
“The lepayment lecord foi our
luial housing loans is impies
sive,” Mr Smith explained
“Foieclosuies aie less than one
per thousand loans made and
losses are much less than one
per cent of the amount loaned ”
Faimers Home Administration
housing loans are made to appli
cants unable to obtain credit
elsewhere who live in the open
countiy or in ruial communities
up to 5,500 population The pro
giam is tailoied to individual
needs, and all loans are accom
panied by technical assistance
and supervision from any one
of over 1,700 local county offices
in 1969
Dommand Parfarmanca
New Van Dale "1230 Series II” Silo Unloader Customer-
Certified to outperform, outlast any make its size.
You’re in command. Push the
the new Van Dale “1230 Sene:
Unloader go into action—give y
output, feed more head—with<
booster or added electricity.
Our say so 7 No, our customers
testify the “1230
Series 11“ is better
three ways:
1. handles meaner
2. throws out of
larger silo
3. unloads on lower
cunent draw
So, demand
Command Perform
ance—the new
V- |-
Zeiset Purchases Hackney Stallion
.lohii .1 Zeiset, K.isl III)I. action He stands over 16 hands
ol Ridge Valley F.nm, ieventlv high and will be registered in
pm chased the pine b.ed hackney **«* of l _ he . American
V . liaekney Hoise Society, New
stallion. I’aradei s Red Felling- yoik City.
ton" 2017 from William Rushy, „ '. . . , , .
The Zei.set larm is located two
Mildmay, untaiio, t anacla .
J miles northeast of Goodville
The hoise i« a daik chestnut along the Conestoga in East Earl
with a lot of performance and and Caernaivon Townships.
Satisfaction ! :
That Comes | "
Doing A
Good Job Of
It’s a great feeling to know that you are the
master of your farmlands . . . that when you
treat your soil right, it will treat you right.
Taming is one of the most important factors in
keeping your soil in the highest productive
range. By raising the pH from a level below
6.0 to 6.5 or higher, you can expect to harvest
.8 mere tons of alfalfa per acre, with similar
increases for all other forage and cash crops.
Order Now For Prompt Delivery
Blue Ball, Pa. 354-4125 Gap, Pa. 442-4148