Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 21, 1970, Image 19
National Farm Meeting Dates Following mi' some of the up- Association, annual meeting, coming national f,irm organ. - /n- Mayflower Hotel, Washington, lion meeting dates .mil pl'ices DC, \piil 57, Vsocia- American D.iirv Assoeiat.on. an- tion of M.n g.n me Manufacturers, mini meeting. Pick Con ness Ho meeting, Ihack Ho tel. Chicago. March 23 25 Fomth tel. ScotKlale. Apnl 8 Annual California Ponltiv Heal- 12t th Svmposium, Umu sits of Cal- Na*mnal Cneese Institute and ifo-ma, Davis, Maich 25. Nation- \mciiean Duller Institute, an al Peanut Council, annual meet nua i meeting. La Salle Hotel, ing. Broadwater Beach. Bilo\i, Chicago 13-M, 23id An- Mississippi, April 5-7 nual Delmaiva Chicken Festival, National Independent Princess Anne, Md , June 11-13 \punTfoodl :~~r »m^Spr S y \ Materials “Look For This Sign” • Lawn & Garden Supplies Store Hours Mar 15 to July 1 Tues. - Thurs. - Fri., 7 a m. to 8 p m, Mon. and Wed . 7 a m. to 5 30 p m. Sat. 7 a m. to 4 p.m. Intercourse, Penna. HIGHEST RATES EVER PAID ON SAVINGS 5.75% On TWO YEAR CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT (Single Maturity) Five and three-quarters percent. Available in any amount over $500.00. Interest will be paid semi-annually if desired. sg±4 On AUTOMATIC \J/r\ RENEWAL /{J CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. Available in any amount over $500.00 (Interest checks will be mailed) SELECT YOUR TYPE ACCOUNT AND OPEN IT TODAY. BLUE BALL NATIONAL BANK Blue Ball 354-5163 Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation “GROWING WITH OUR COMMUNITY” (EACH ACCOUNT INSURED UP TO $20,000) • Bedding Plants • Evergreens Phone (717) 768-8451 5.50 T» On ONE YEAR CERTIFICATES OF DEPOSIT. (Single Maturity) Five and one-half percent. Available in any amount over $500.00 Interest will be paid semi-annually if desired. On REGULAR V/n SAVINGS ACCOUNT * ** $5.00 or more. (No Notice required to withdraw) BankAmericard] Are Milk Prices Too High? fContinued fiom I’ago 18) but l.kclv with .1 continued loss cning' on What About Fat? “What will we do with that fat n Thuc is a bill in Congress to ic move bulleifat fiom the puce suppoit piogiam “If anyone thinks that a icduc tion in the price of butleifat can be compensated by a higher pi ice on solids not-fat, particulaily foi manufactuung usage, I would suggest they think hard befoie they appi ove action in that mat ter. He continued, “How we dislu bute those dairy pioducts is another big question mark Cei tainly the mcieasmg puce of laboi is progiessively foicmg the elimination of letail milk delivery “How long this (retail milk de liveiy) will go on even in smallei metiopohtan aieas like Lancas ter. Han isburg, Reading, etc , is debatable Pioducei-dealei com petition in the Commonwealth is lugged, to say the least ” He sees the federal emphasis on feeding poor people as a boost foi milk usage, but notes thf A Terre Hill 445-3881 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 21. 1970—1!) sihool milk piogiam may be eliminated “We laci a ticmcndous pies sine fiom foicign counliles as to om impoit icatnct ons on uaiiy pioducts \ccoidmg to ic cent infoimalion, the s.x com mon economic countues of Eui ope have tiemendous holding both of bullcrfat and solids not fat something like 400 million tons of butter, and piobably moie than that as nonfat pow der,” he said Nixon called for stieamlimng federal milk inspection pioced ures so as to i educe the adminis fative costs, which now mn from thi ee to five cents pei hun diedweighl He also suggested a bettei sys tem of milk classification may be needed One appioach, he sa.d, “would be to mice milk on piotem content to encouiage P'oduction of lower fat, higher protein milk ” Milk Big Here Nixon emphasized that the Noitheast in general and Lancas ter County in paxticulai has t a giowmg stake in milk pioduc e, tion In the 11 Noitheastem states, milk production in 1969, lelative to the 1948 58 aveiage, was up 71 billion pounds But in the lest of the country in that same peuod, pioduction was down 5 1 billion pounds He noted that in Lancastei County pioduction increased fi om 564 million pounds in 1967 to 597 million pounds in 1968, a 5 8 per cent inciease in pioduc tion He believes theie was also a large increase in the county in 1969 Nixon also spoke out stiongly against what he teimed “the co operative payment piovision,” which he said gives cooperatives an unfair competitive advantage over tiaditional milk dealers, producers or piopnetaiy hand leis Besides being vice piesident of Penn Dames, Nixon is presi dent of Lancastei Milk Company Nixon explained that undei the law, the cooperatives can deduct ceitain items fiojn-the checks they pay danymen These cooper ative deductions are made foi expenses such as hauling, suppl - and others Unfair Competition “The expei lence in New York ROHRER’S CAN SUPPLY THESE Top Recommended VARIETIES • Cert. Ca\uga Alfalfa • Climax Timothy • Cert. DuPuits Alfalfa • Smoth Brome Grass • Cert. Iroquois Alfalfa £ Penn Mead Orchard 0 Cert. Saranac Alfalfa Grass 0 Cert. Vernal Alfalfa 0 Birdsfoot Trefoil • Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa Pasture Mixtures 0 Pennscott Red Clovet *_ , „ • Penna. Red Clo* er • Dekalb Corn 0 Ladino Clover 0 Dekalb Sudax 0 Cert. Maine Seed Potatoes • Garden Seeds • Lawn Grass Seeds ★ ASK FOR FREE CATALOG ★ SMOKETOWN Phone Lane. 397-3539 has been that tluue monies (de duct! (I bv the cooperatives) have bten i alhei generously to build manufactuung plants and in olhei ways unl.mlv compete against piopneuiiy handleis The piopuelaiy handleis aie piohibiled by law fiom making similar deductions and so aie placed a scveie competitive dis advantage, Nixon explained. “Now if we as piopnctaiies are not allowed to make deductions as allowed by coopeialives, and must pay the legal minimum puces for the milk and the coopeialive need not you can icadily undeistand that we aie in a competitive box ” He also asked danymen, “If you foice piopiietaues out of the milk business, and you get no moie and peihaps less than you now leceive in your milk checks, who’s kidding whom 9 ” Pointing out that the second Ingest daily chain m the US, Boiden, has moved out of the milk and ice cieam business in eastern Pennsylvania, New Jer sey and metiopolitan New Yoik, and all of noithein California, Nixon said, ‘ The eiosion in pio pnetary daily fiims thioughout the countiy and in our own com monwealth is veiy leal and veiy senous ” Milk Quality? Nixon also asseited that the duection the coopeiatives aie now taking will lead to the le appeiance of milk quality prob lems “Up to this time, the handler buying the milk whethei duect ly fiom the faimei or through a coopei ative, has been responsible foi the quality woik at the faim and has paid foi it “Under the new piessuies built up since last summei, senous efforts aie being made bv a num bei of firms to have these duties absoibed by the cooperatives, and the costs passed on by the coopeiatives to the faimeis Ceitainly quality and field woik cost money, even to a coopera tive “My opinion is that the system which has been used historically is a good one, has resulted m high quality milk The direction we are now going will bung about quality pioblems which we thought had disappeared ”