Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 21, 1970, Image 18

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    —Lancaster Funning. Saturday. March 21.1970
Penn Dairies Executive Raises Question
Are Milk Prices
(Continued fiom Page 17)
ceivly. however. consump
tion in tln- Noilheasl is being
idveisely affected by the pu'scnl
Inqh levels
“We must iccogni/e that many
national oi gamzations. and not
neussaulv ones in the daily bus
iness. aie spending heavy sums
of monev to develop svnthetic or
substitute clan v pioducts
• To nn knowledge, the synthc
as of piotem has not yet been
satisfactoi ilv accomplished How
cvei, I am led to believe that at
least soveial films feel that they
aie now on the thieshold foi
complete success What this will
do to the piesent dany stiuctuic
eventually is anybody’s guess
“Butterfat is now in the dol
cliuins If piotem synthesis is
successful, the solids not-fat pio
tem of milk raav well face un
paialleled competition even
at piesent puce levels
Price Competition
‘ Non competitive pi icing quick
i\ removes demand foi a pio
duct Take the case of bakeis and
nonfat powdci
Moat of the bake 1 s in the
countn now a’e in ng blends
a hich include sojbenn, cm in
combination with nonfat tin
■■"'lk The Luge baking maike
foi nonfat powde. mjj be gone
But, accoiding to Nixon the
jntssuies fiom high (milk) puc
cs aie staitmg to show signs of
ei uption ” These signs he sa’d,
include a couit test of piesent
Class I milk puces and pioduceis
under Fedeial -Oidei 4. and a
with a powerful new
$ 214.95
s 3soff
lowest price ever on
the professional PL-5
5 179
Phone 445-6272
1 Mi N ol Tone Hill on Rt 897 East Earl R D. 1
push by thiee Luge New Yoik
cooperatives foi a hearing to
lowei Class II puces under New
Yoik Oidei 2
Nixon said the e is “now a
Luge dispai.U between the fed
eial and state puces m many
paits ot the Commonwealth
This d'spa'ity has gone on too
long and is too big Collection
la soi ely needed
A.t anothei point, he noted
“Next week the Pennsylvania
Milk Marketing Boaid will hold
a state-wide heaung to consider
i educing the number of maiket
ing areas in which it currently
NOW, for March
and April ONLY
A. J. Nixon
PMMB Meets
fives minimum pioduccr and
minimum icsale puces
"Cuiicnlly theie aie 13 aieas
The heanng proposal calls foi
six or seven aicas -
‘‘One would expect that as a
result of this heanng, Pennsyl
vania authorities will begin to
align better state established
Class I prices with those unde;
federal, since moic than 70 per
cent of the milk in the Common
wealth is now pi elected by fed
cial 01 dei ”
Nixon also teimecl “a grave
mistake” the use of the Mmneso
ta-Wisconsm man ufactuiing
price senes as a bas.c price in
the Noitheast foi Class I milk
“Looking over the horizon,”
the Penn Dames official said, “I
see several new dn actions Fluid
milk, in spite of some medical
findings to the conti aiv, is still a
veiy wholesome food, and in my
opinion will so continue to be
accepted foi a long time n o
Mded it isn’t puced out of the
“We do have a slimness fad
in the countiv at this time and
butteifat is not a desuable food
foi many people We ha\e a veiy
Red Rose Programmed Hog Feeding produces healthy,
lean hogs going to market consistently at 200 pounds . . .
in less than 160 days ... at the lowest feed cost.
WANT TO KNOW HOW ITS DONE? To get the details
stop to see us or phone us and we will explain the
Programmed Hog, the Red Rose feeds to use, and the
way we can help you to some better profits from raising
your hogs
MED HOG STARTER KIT It contains a booklet on nutri
tion and swine management, feeding charts, record
sheets, and pen tags that will prove very useful
Walter Binkley & Son E. Musser Heisey & Son Ammon E. Shelly
Brown & Rea, Inc.
Elverson Supply Co.
p i i e ?7r E wS arbe o MuSSer Forms, '"C.
R D 1. Elizabethtown, Pa. Columbia
L. T. Geib Estate
I. B. Graybili & Son Chas. E. Sauder & Sons Mountyiile Feed Service
Sti asburg
Too High?
senous butlei fat pi oblem accord- milk consumption will coulinu*
ingly> , favoiablv on a per capita basis*
“This fad will continue for ‘
some yeais. and with it, oui fluid (Continued on Page 19)
sorghum—sudangrass hybrids t
See or call your nearest PIONEER salesmans
'■V'r ;W \ - v ' BR-A N O
I (. . >' v« * !
'.V-; .-
The combination of Red Rose swine
feeds and this scientifically developed
Programmed Hog can earn more money
for you'
R D. #2, Mt Joy, Pa
Heistand Bros.
Red Rose Farm H. M. Stauffer & Sons,
Service, Inc. Inc.
N. Chaich St., Quarryville Witmer
Musser's Mill G. R. Mitchell, Inc.
The Buck Refton, Pa.
Tone Hill
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Honey Brook
David B. Hurst