Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 21, 1970, Image 1

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    VOL. 15 NO. 17
Manheim Organization
Honors Corn Growers
Donald Hershey of Manheim
was recognized at the annual
Manheim Young Faimers Asso
elation banquet this week as the
organization’s top coin growei
in 1969. Hei shey had 205 bushels
per acre
Clarence Keenei took second
place with 193 bushels pei acre,
and Glenn Thomas was thud
with 190 bushels pei acie
A total of 23 Young Farmers
were enteied m the Com Evalu
ation Contest with an average
yield of 160 bushels pei acie
1 Clarence Keenei was also cited
for outstanding coin yield in the
■National Coin Growing Contest
He was the highest yield in Penn
sylvania in the non-imgated class
with 152 bushels per acre based
on a-25-acre plot
Pennsylvania Young Farmers
Association Seci etary, Robei t
Martin, gave some timely re
marks to the Manheim Young
Saturday, March 21
12:30 p m.—4-H Action Program
Tuesday, March 24
9:30“-11 30 am Reupholsteiy
Workshop, Fi lends Meet-
IContinued on Page 12)
Glenn Longenecker is shown with the compact mixing
unit adjacent to his new pig feeder barn. The mixing unit
draws feed from three 13 ton tanks, mixes it and sends it
through three-inch tubes to the 20 individual pig pens (See
story on page 9.)
Fauneis on things concerning
the State Association He lepoil
ed that the state now has 51 chap
teis with a membeiship of 1 550
L E Peteis, public iclations,
New Holland Division of Speny
Rand, was the speaker on some
ol the aspects of Public Rela
The Manheim Young Faimeis
piogiam of woik foi 1970 was
presented bv Vincent Beckei He
lepoited that this yeai the Young
Faimeis aie going to give an
awaid to the Manheim Young
Faimei of the yeai
He also lepoited that a volley
ball game between the Ephrata,
New Holland, Kulztown and Man
heim Chapteis would be hi Id at
7 30 p m Api il 2 at Ephi ata
Friends and families of the
Manheim Young Fanners Asso
ciation wei e served a ham dinner
at Hostetlers’ Banquet Hall J
Harold Esbenshade, president,
was toastmaster at the annual
feat. Jess Erway, advisor, intro
duced the officers amWheir wives
foi the coming year.
Officers of Manheim Chapter
aie: president Esbenshade, vice
president:, Donald Heishey, sec
letaiy, Issac Geib, tieasuiei,
Glenn Biubakei and public re
lations, Jay R Foreman
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, March 21, 1970
Galen R. Kopp, FFA advisor, con-
gratulates the top Garden Spot FFA Chap-
ter award winners. They are: Donald
Breneman, Strasburg RDI, Star Chapter
Farmer, and Miss Nancy Henkel, Star
Across the
Editor’s Desk
Laneastei Fanning this week
mtioduces a new feature, “Acioss
the Editoi’s Desk,” in hopes of
establishing a closei lelationship
between the newspapei and its
The now column will give the
editois an opportunity to call
attention to paiticulai featuies
in the newspapei
All letteis to the editoi pub
lished by Laneastei Farming will
lun in the column One objective
will be to encouiage such letteis,
comments and suggestions fiom
“Across the Editor’s Desk” will
also be a catch all foi news and
views, from whatevei souice,
that the editois feel readeis
might find infoimative 01 enter
The fiist item to make it acioss
the editoi’s desk is a lettei to
the editoi fiom Norman Heung
ton, duectoi of public infoima
tion sei vices foi Allied Chemical
Coiporation in New York City
The lettei, which is self-explana
toiy, is in full as follows
“On Januaiy 24 vou panted an
a;tide with the head Cancella
tion of DDT Uses Appeal USD A
naming Allied Chemical as one
of si\ compames appealing
.gainst the ledeial ban on the
use of DDT Because ot \oui in
tuesl in tins subiect. I should
like to bang jou up to date on
nn companj s iccent decision in
this aiea
We have not manufacliued
DDT since the thud quaitc ol
1968 but last veai we continued
to handle small quantities ol it
on a basis as an accommo
dation to clealeis who cany oui
line ot fertilizers, pesticides and
Dthei agucultural pioducts
Oagmallj, theiefoie, we did
Greenhand Farmer, an award tor the top
freshman agriculture student. She is the
first girl to enroll in Lampeter-Strasburg
High School’s vocational agriculture pro
gram. (See story on page 11.)
send a letter appealing Mr Hai
dm’s ordei
“In Januaiy, howevei, we
leached a decision to discontinue
entuely the sale of DDT in the
domestic market On Januaiy 19
we withdrew our appeal of the
ban We also withdiew, on Janu
aiy 23, fiom membership in the
Industry Task Foice foi DDT
“On Januaiy 21, Mi John T
Connor, our chan man announced
our decision to halt domestic
sales, and this mfoimation was
included in a number of news
papei and chemical tiade journal
stones Of couise, it is difficult to
get the word to every wuter on
environmental subjects Because
of your expressed inteiest, I par
ticularly wanted you to know
(Continued on Page 6)
‘What Makes Beef Prices?’
To Be Discussed at Center
“What Makes Beef Prices’”
wall be discussed by Haiold Nei
gh, Penn State extension consum
e. maiketing specialist at a
countywide consume, meeting at
the Faun and Home Ceric. 1383
Mcadia Road at 7 30 n n l'ue„
day Maich 2? Ms Doiolnv
Thomas, countv e\ten ion home
economist, announced
‘ Co isumeis soend mo e than a
foui h of then iood dollai toi
meat ” Mis Thomas exnlamed
This meetmg is designed to help
homemakeis get moie toi then
meat money and be a better in
foimed shoppei ”
Neigh will discuss the changes
taking place in the beef feeding
industiy today and describe the
steps involved in moving beef
$2.00 Per Yea;
Smith Gets
Star Award
Charles Smith received the So
lanco FFA Stai Chapter Farmer
awaid at the annual FFA Parent
and Son Banquet held in the So
lanco High School cafetena
The Stai Red Rose Farmer
awaid went to Rogei Campbell
and William Kiantz leceived the
Stai Gieenhand awaid
The following foundation
aw aids weie piesented
Daily farming, Carl D Kreid
er, livestock, Joe Linton, crops,
Scott Mull, safety, Mark Young.
Agncultme mechanic, Roberk
Young, electrification, Dairy My
ers, hoiticultuie. Robert Blant*;
soil and water management. Rog
et Campbell, agncultme produc
tion, John Enek
Agriculture business. Glenn.
Ki eider, the Henry Wenger
(Continued on Page 7)
fiom the farm to the table with
an illustiated slide talk
He will also discuss why re
tails s charge SI 59 a pound for
s'eak when -ice s aie selling for
30 cents a pound
Neigh has been a member of
tli" Coope alive Extension staff
at Pennsylvania Slate Umveisity"
since July 1956 A native of Day
ton Pennsylvania he earned a.
baeheloi’s degiee fiom Penn
Slate in 1950 and a master of
science in agucultuial economics
in 1966
Puor to his appointment to the
Penn State staff, Neigh was em
ployed by the U S Department «f
Agriculture as a marketing spee
lalist foi six years.