Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 14, 1970, Image 8

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    t— Lancaster Fanning. Saturday. March 14.1970
Veterinarian Urged at Dairy Day
Clean Practices Fight Mastitis
High moisture coin, mastitis
control, dairy breeding and bai n
ventilation weie among topics
discussed at the annual Lancaster
County Dairy Day piogiam this
week at the Fa-m and Home
DBF Anderson, Pei ry
County veterinarian, attacked
the impioper handling of daily
cows b> farmers, saving that too
many rely on "vvondci diugs” to
solve the pioblem of mastitis,
which can reduce both quantity
and quality of milk
Bacteria, he sa.d. cause a gieat
deal of the p-oblem. but improp
erly handled milking machines
also aie a maioi souice of mas
Much of the disease can be re
duced, he said, if farmers pro
vide adequate sanitation, pioper
cleansing befoie milking proper
use of the milking machine and
teat dipping aftei milking
The milking machine, he said,
should have an adequate \acuum
reserve, or enough pressuie to
handle the size herd undei milk
ing This usually means a laige
enough pump, he said but ma
chine companv expeits aie best
qualified to analyze and lecom
Proper Ventilation
Joe McCind' Penn State agu
Herr to Outline
New Obiectives
John H Hen newly elected
president of the Faim and Horne
Foundation, will discuss some of
the mayoi activities of the Foun
dation this year at the regular
meeting at 730 p m Tuesday,
March 17, in the confeience
room of the Farm and Home
Herr also will name seveial
committees How aid Campbell,
Farm and Home Centei Manager
will give a repoit on the use of
the Center
All board membeis have been
requested to gne some thought
to additional fund raising activi
ties to ieduce the mortage on
this project
cultuial engineer, outlined needs
foi piopei barn ventilation
One of the gieatest needs, he
said, is a continuous an flow fan.
supplemented by a tcmpeiatuie
contiol booster foi the summei.
The moving an removes mois-
Une which collects and causes
problems Foul smelling an also
is lemoved
Pool ventilation can cause bad
wOl king cond.lions and high
building maintenance costs
Cow Breeding
Haney Shaffei, Penn State
dany specialist, told local dany
men that unsuccessful bleeding
of cows often was caused by at
tempts at insemination too eaily
in the heat cycle
He said that a 24houi insui
ance on bleeding was contained
in the life of the semen, which
means that insemination can take
place late in the cow’s heat per
Shaffei said that the only suie
sign of ovulation in the cow is
indicated by standing heat All
othei signs mav mislead and a
fc.imei who humes to call a
bleeding coop =ei Viceman might
itally be to blame when the at
tempt is unsuccessful
Speaking about the aveiage
cow Shaffei said the cow will be
in standing heat 18 houis Then
theie is a 12-houi penod befoie
ovulation The egg will live ano i
ti ei 12 houis aLei ovulation and
can be leitilized anytime j
This is whcie the 24 houi hfe
of the soeim in the cow piovides
and advantage The spi( m can
be mtioduced duung any pait
of the heat cycle wheie the
sperm life and egg life oveilap
Usually, he said, this means
that the faimei is bettei off wait
ing to have the cow bied so theie i
is more of a time oveilap Wait-’
mg too long is laiely the piob-|
lem, he added
High Moisture
Leading off the piogiam was
Di Samuel Dum, Penn State
faun management specialist, who
outlined uses of high-moistuie
coin in the dan\ opeiation
He told county dairymen that
theic is no appaient dilTeience
in the nutritional value for milk
p.oduction of a pound of d.y
tnattei from high moistuie corn
oi an-diy coin, but that adjust
ments in quantity fed must be
made He estimated that 12
pounds of high moisluic coin is
needed to equal a pound of an
dry coi n
Dr Dum told fanners that the
ideal kernel moisluie in shelled
corn is 26 28 per cent, with lim
its of 25 to 33 per cent the ac
ceptable limits.
Ground ear com moistuie he
said, is an ideal of 32 pei cent,
with limits of 25 to 40 per cent
Some studies, he said, have
shown 7 per cent less field, har
ms*, mg and stoiage losses for 25-
30 per cent moistuie corn than
with diy corn This figuie can
j&m&k co.
For This Sign^)
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• Easy to Install
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Haul Your Own And Save .... Delivery Available.
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vary, depending on equipment,
management and worker skill
Pros And Cons
Advantages of high-moistuie
corn are found in the harvesting
storing and handling processes,
he- said.
They include. 1) harvesting
c.m be done two to three weeks
eaiher thanfoi cribbing. 2) three
is less field, h.inestmg and stoi
age losses computed to air-diy
corn; 3) it is usually ready to
feed when removed from stoiage
or can be processed as a part of
the continuous feed system, 4) it
adapts readily and easily to me
chanical hai vesting, storing and
feeding, 5) storage costs for new
facilities can be less than for
ci ib storage or heat dried corn.
Disadvantages which must be
consideied in overall dairy use
include: 1) moisture percental
of corn at ban cat must be known
to properly haivest and store
with minimum loss. 2) top spoil
age can be great if light amount
is not fed daily: 3) feeding meth
ods must insure adequate pro
tein and mineral intake, as well
as adequate fiber and energy in
4) Extra equipment, or acces
soi ics for equipment, may be
needed to handle high-moisture
corn: 5) extra storage facilities
may be needed while others are
left idle, 6) coin stored in this
manner must be fed since usually
there is no ma.ket for it; 7) ad
ditional powei may be needed for
conveying or piocessing; 8) in
winter freezing of grain may
cause handling pioblems; and 9)
more weight is handled than with
dry grain
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