Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 14, 1970, Image 6

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    ■LnneaMor 'Farming. Saturday. March 14.1970
Livestock, Poultry Feed
Use Rises 8% in 1969
On the strength of geneially
favorable livestock and poultr.v
prices, feed tonnage inci eased
eight per cent in 1969 ovei 1968.
aecoidmg to the American Feed
Manufactuicrs A ssoc i al l o n's
Feed Tonnage Repoi ting Service
The Feed Tonnage Reporting
Seivicc showed a five pei cent
increase the hist quaitei, si\
percent the second, seven pei
cent the thud and 13 pei cent in
the fouith quaitei
This is the ninth straight veai
the lepoit has shown a total ton
nage mci ease Tonnage mci eased
44 pei cent the last decade and
30 pei cent in the last five .veais
All of the nine regions mci eas
ed in foimula feed output in
1969. The largest increases weie
in the Mountain States ( + 39 < lf).
East South Cential ( + 10 r <),
West Noith Cential (+9 f cO. and
South Atlantic C+B'lc)
“Beef and sheep” foimula
feeds showed the laigest jump
in 1969 with a 21 pei cent in
crease above 1968, follow ed b\
dair>. up 12 per cent The in
ciease in danv teed occuued de
spite a 3 pei cent deciease in
milk cow numbeis
The milk feed mice iatio has
set a new lecoid hi°h (favoiable
My Neighbors
», * -
to dan v farmeisj m each of the
last foui veais Last yeai’s milk
feed puce t alio was estimated
at 2 pei cent lughei than 1968
and 22 pei cent above the level
of ten ve ns eailier
Fed cattle maiketmgs in 22 ma
joi cattle feeding slates last year
vveie seven per cent above 1968
This is the same peicenlage in
ciease over a vear eailier as din
ing the pievious two yeais and
equals the long time tiend
The onlv classes of feed below
a yeai eaihe 1 last leat weie tin -
ke%. down tw-o pel cent, and Theie weie also substantial
layer bleeder chicken, down one changes in swune. and beef and
pel cent The USDA spoiled a sheep feeds dui mg the 1959-1969
one pel cent mciease <n the tui- p eilo( j Swine feeds inci eased
key poult hatch dunng calendai f lo m 15 to 21 pe” cent of the
1969 Laying chickens on faims total Beef and sheep inci eased
on the fust of the month dining Lom 8 to 14 per cent
1069 ave. aged 1 per cent below a AU poultrv feeds accounte d for
jeai eaihei 40 pei . cen { 0 f t he total tonnage
The tonnage of beef and sheen repoited last >ear
f C
■v . 1
HP he answers to the questions above show how easily you and your
i. family can lose money each year m yoi ,r search for quality The
fact is that >ou, like so many others, may he buying virtually ‘ blind
folded ” For example
On the basis of impartial '.Moratory tas s the color TV set priced
at s3‘ ; 9 95 was judged better m overall ci'iahi tfun the model priced
at <429 55 (Possible avmg uptos7oo')j
The washmg machine priced at an average ot $254 98 was mdged
inferior in washing alulits to the mode! priced -<1 an average of $206 18
(Possible saving up to $4B 80)
The instant-load autoexposure camera priced at $69 95 was top
rated over sumlar models priced as high as $ll9 50 (Possible saving
up to $49 55)
The radio-phono console priced at $379 95 was judged better m
overall quality than the console priced at $499 95 and was rated a
‘ Best Buy” (Possible saving up to $l2O 00)
These “hidden” values and savings were revealed in recent issues
of Consumer Reports Hundreds of products like these are rated in
the latest 448-page issue of the famous Consumer Reports Bin me
Guide A copy is jours as a gift with a one year subscription to
Consumer Reports
Consumer Reports is published monthly by Consumers Union, a
nonprofit, public-service organization CU has ahsoluteh no con
nection with any manufacturer and prohibits the use of its findings for
promotional purposes It accepts no advertising, no “gifts” or “loans"
Of products for testing, no contributions from any commercial interest
it derives its income from the sale of its publications to over 1,500,000
subscribers and newsstand buyers all over the U S
Consumers Union’s own shoppers buy, on the open market, random
samples of automobiles, clothing, foods, household appliances and
supplies, photographic and sports equipment, cosmetics hi-fi com
ponents, and most other kinds of products you may be thinking of
buying These are tested comparatively by chemists and engineers
Fach regular monthly issue of Consumer Reports brings you the latest
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Inexpensive slide
Antenna amplifiers
Audio components
Convertible sofas
FM fringe antennas
Auto cleaner-
Power Tools
Tent heaters
Household timers
Fire extinguishers
Projection screens
How these impartial tests are made
Partial listing of contents
Main of these products are rated comparatn elv,
general buying guidance is gnen for all .
Air mattresses
Zigzag sewing
Hi-fi stereo kits
Electric toothbrushes
Portable dishwashers
clothes washers
used cars
Floor waxes and
wax removers
Lawn mowers
Outboard boats
daily. hog and miscellaneous
feeds has incieased dining each
of the last five sears Bioiler
feed tonnage has increased dur
ing four of the last five >eais
Starter-grower and la>ei breed
er chicken feeds accounted for
22 per cent of formula feed ton
nage in 1969 However, this was
a sharp diop from the 32 pel
cent of ten >eais eaiher Egg con
sumption has declined from 353
eggs pel peison in 1959 to 314
last >eai as estimated bj the
An instant-load autoexposure camera
priced at 569 95 ...
another model priced at $ll9 50?
Television sets
Fabric softeners
Caulking compounds
Laundry bleaches
Spinning tackle
Camp stoves
Radio-phono consoles
Crib mattresses
Life preservers
Room heaters
Slide viewers
Electric vaporizers
\ color TV set priced at $359 95
another unit priced at $429 95?
down-to-earth discussions of deceptive packaging practices (with ex
amples cited by name), advertising claims, credit buying and the
actual cost of credit honest reports on vitamins and other drugs ..
revealing facts about new, highly promoted gadgets that are often a
waste of money
Here are a few more examples of the "hidden” values and savings dis
covered in the CU laboratories
a portable circular saw priced at $24 95 was judged better In over
all quality than another model priced at $49 95 (Possible saving:
up to $25 00)
a coffee urn priced at $l3 95 was top-rated over other models priced
anywhere up to $45 95 and was judged a “Best Buy.” (Possible
saving up to $32 00)
a stereo amplifier kit priced at 564 95 was judged better in overall
quality than a unit priced at $99 95 and was rated a “Best Buy”
(Possible saving up to $35 00)
The frank reporting of Consumers Union has won wide acclaim. Time
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Boys’jeans i CITT -
Clothes dryers I
Electric coffeemakers j
Radios {
VaCUUm cleaners I □ Pavment enclosed
Refrigerators Li-LSi 1 — J
An automatic washing machine priced
at an average of $206.18 ~.
another model priced at an average of $254.98?
A radio-phono console priced at $379.95 ...
another console priced at $499,957
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