Lancaster Farming. Saturday. March 14.1970 18 State Swine Numbers Up 12% The numbi’i of swine m tlu- inn ease of nine jut cent above rl.ilc in up a 12 pti pioduetion a .vc.u e.nhei font ou>i tlu pa»t jeai. ehickui SoWs f IU | OVU . ( | totaled 53.000. mimbciN ..u NU.uh but simp ant inmMWi whlh , ;l „d cattle ‘onl.nm t° du-.m- pi> , lltu . ( 1IUU , lsl . (! . f lom iiieoidmit to the Stall Uop 1U . m 19()8 t 0 7 7 fo , tht . 1969 poitiim Si a it i The mimbeiN of and pun on state fauna lO'i- 12 poi ci'nt Sows to laiiovv thiough Mav in Jannaiv. willi an inventoiv of 0 [ this >V ear been estimated (i 13.000 lumcl \ veai eailiei the tl! 62 000. an inciease of nine pel lota 1 numbei of head was 547 000 ct . n t over the 1969 spring fauovv- Tlil value of hogs this yeai is ~,0;. placed at $22 8 million, as com p.ned with $lB 1 million Fall p'gs totaled 408,000. an Hershey TV Auction Slated May 11-16 South Pennsylvania's annual television Auction ielm ns to the an in the sming, actoid uig to Llo.vd Kaisei, Geneial Managei o£ WITF TV in Hei sl'ej The iuntl uiising idea which combines family fun and ueasui es will be televised on Channel 33 live and in coloi fiom the Hershey Commnn ty I’hieatei May 11 thiough 16 An time ot the Uiction will be spm until midnight Monday thiough Fadaj and fiom 1 pm Satin day until the last item has been auctioned Last yeai s sign off was at 5 ain Sunday Dining Auction Week Channel 33 will pieempt the entue even ing piogiam schedule to conduct moie than 50 hocus of bidding| on an ovei whelming auay of; inei chandise , To bid on any of the hundieds of items which wnil be ofteied, die viewe l need onlv pick up his telephone, dial the special toll ,l ee numbei and piesent his bid to one of the volunteeis man ning the special bank of 30 phon- Royster NITROGEN IS op Dress Grains rder Now low Down aye Time CHARLES K. NISSLEY R D 2, Columbia Piionc 285 5506 Sheep Slip Sheep and lambs at 165.000 Promment aiea peisonahties fiom the fields of government, education ladio and television, spoils and the community at huge will auction off the meich andise to the highest bidde Again this veai, special segments will be devoted to the ait lovei. the spoils buff and the do-it-youi selfu And bands combos and singing gioups will peifoim and have the i scwices auctioned The high mciciei on each item will be confhmed by a letuin phone call and will be invited to pick up his mei chandise at a special location in Heishey, Lan castei oi A'oik At this stage of Auction plan ning, an initial level of high CHORE-T ROUND HANGING WATERER 5 ORIGINAL CHORE-TIME FEATURES 1. Water groove provides single track for running water Pre vents buildup of dust around bowl, 2. Hood prevents roosting and dust collection in water. 3. Bowl design prohibits spilling and splashing of water. 4. Special radius permits self cleaning by birds. 5. Special quick assembly stud DON’S SALES & SERVICE 381 E. Jackson St. New Holland, Pa. Phone 354-9745 354-9744 1um(I wcic down illi cr per cent cr lions ;iNo icpoilcd down lotnl value of nil cattle and fi om the 170.000 of.i vc..i iMilici 5,000 fiom a >e.u eailiei and calves on .Inn 1 was $445,250,000 a u-coid low ' 1,000 in 1968 compaicd wilh $420,966,000 the pievious ye.u. Invenloi.v value at 536 million was up 10 pel cent fiom $3 23 million a >eai cailiei. Chickens Steady Pennsylvania chickens totaled 6 5 million hens and 8 39 million pullets of la.vmg age The figuies computed with 6 3 million hens and 8 43 million pullets of laying age a year earlier. A total of 31,000 luikcy-biccd- value donations fiom aiea busi nesses aie being sought Eaily donois of top value merchandise will icceive wide on-going pub licily as well as extensive teleu sion coveiage dining the Auc tion Potential donois aie uiged to infoim Channel 33 of then in tention to Lontnbutc tax deducti ble items 01 to call the station fo> finthei infoimation The Auction and station mem-| berships piovide the only funds i available to the Station which a e uncommitted, and aie therefoiej used in suppoit of the evening | piogiam schedule ensuung a steady gicwth of WITF-TV in its' piogiam of community seivice foi South Centi al Pcnnsylvanfa Cattle Decline Invcntoiy of cattle and calves on Pennsvlvania faims as of Jan 1 was 1 78 million head, down one pci cent fiom the 1 8 million ol a year eai liei Neaily all of the decline was in cattle and calves kept foi milk which numbeied 127 million computed with 1 29 of a year ago Milk cows two yoais old and oldei at 807,000 weie one pel cent shoit of the 815,000 of a yeai eailiei Heifeis one to two veais of age being kept as leplacement stock weie also off one pei cent and heifer calves foi milk weie down three per cent Othei cattle numbeis weie about steady 512,000 comput ed with 513 000 a yeai ago •:« <«• •:♦> <♦> <♦> •: GET i MORE i FOR YOUR i DAIRY iDOLLARS The money you spend for feed makes more money for you, when you -choose FLORIN forti fied Dairy Feeds. Count on it for maximum production from your dairy herd . . . maximum profits, too. WOLGEMUTH : BROS., Inc. $ v MOUNT JOY, PENNA Corn pioduction in Pennsyl vania soaied 34 per cent higher in 1960 than the previous year with 76 2 million bushels produc ed, accoidmg to the State Ciop Repoiting Service. The high pioduction was still six per cent less than the recoid 1967 ciop. Pioduction of corn silage at 4 9 million tons was the second highest on lecoid Oats produc tion of 22 6 million bushels was 15 per cent less than in 1968 with aueage at a lecoid low. liny acreage, at a record low, failed to slow production down with yields of 4 15 million tons, and vveie the highest since 1924. Yield pel acie set a record high. Com Up 3i r /r Pit. 653-1451