Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, March 07, 1970, Image 7

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    Dairy Day
(Continued from Page I)
Marketing in the Northeast,” Al
var J Nixon. Vice piesidenl of
(Penn Dairies, Lancaster.
The afternoon schedule includ
fes: 1 30, ”Aie you Bleeding
Problems?” Harvey Shaffer,
Penn State dairy specialist, and
2:15, “Dairy Bain ventilation,"
Joe McCurdy, Penn State agt (cul
tural engineer.
Arthur Breneman, piesident of
the Lancaster County Guernsey
Breeders Association, is master
Of ceremonies.
Dauy Day committee membcis
are; Jav Landis. Lancaster Coun
ty Holstein Breeders’ Associa
tion: Arthur Breneman, Lancas
ter County Guernsey Breeders’
Association; James Esbenshade,
Lancaster County Ayrshiie Ble
eders’ Association; Charles E.
Cowan, Inter-State Milk Pioduc
ers’ Cooperative; William Deis
ley, Moore Dairy, Lancaster;
Richard Hess, Red Rose Dany
Herd Improvement Association;
John A. Flora, Zausner Foods
Inc. New Holland.
Amos Rutt, Lancaster County
Agricultural Extension Associa
tion; Robert Bushong, Lancaster
County Agncultuial Extension
For An Average
40 Cow Herd
You Can . . .
Save walking 100 miles a
Save carrying 292 tons of ff
milk a year. \ a '
Save 200 hours per year I j /
on an average herd. jj
Produce higher quality <
Increase your milk
1. Engineered for the modern dairy farm of today as well as the dairy farm of
tomorrow. Around the barn pipelines and milking parlors.
2. The only milkhouse control unit that is assembled at our modern new factory
on a stainless steel panel. Pretested for trouble free operation, self-draining
with patented washing features.
3. Built and guaranteed by Sta-Rite Industries, Inc , of Delavan, Wisconsin, a
recognized leader in home water systems and agricultural components.
24 Hour Milking
Equipment Service
Installation and Service
Agwav Bee Line’s Local
Commodity Technicians are
Beatrice Foods
Share of Dairy
According to Sales Manage
ment magazine (Jan. 15), Beat
rice Foods Co.. Chicago, "in
cicased its (dairy) sales about
80 per cent in the last decade to
$530 million in 1969
Of that 80 percent, about 20-
25 percent has been through
new products Dining this
period of Beati ice’s growth,
Borden’s dairy sales have in
creased slightly to about $7OO
million .”
However, Supermaiket News
(Feb. 16) earned an article by
Ken Holl that notes, “Borden
Association; Simeon Horton,
Mount Joy Farmers’ Coopera
tive, Robei t Keen, Queen Dairy,
Incorpoiated, Lancaster, William
Killough, Penn Dairies, Incorpor
ated, Lancaster, James Kreider,
Lancaster County Agricultural
Extension Association, Melvin R
Stoltzfus, Lancastei County Agri
cultural Extension Association,
and Di H G Wohnseidler, Seal
test - Supplee Division.
Pipeline In Any Barn
1027 Dillerville Road, Lancaster
24 Hour Service Daily Ph: 717-397-4761
will dose its five milk and ice
cream plants in not them Cali
fornia and drop distribution of
milk and ivc cicam in the slate
Borden, the nation's second
laigest dany firm, has seen its
empire shrink steadily in icccnt
yeai s.
Last month the New York
based company abandoned the
milk business in its home tei ri
tory, metropolitan New York
In 1968 Bolden’s Dairy and
Services Division contributed 45
percent of the company’s sales
but only 25 percent of profits.
Sales for the nine months end
ed Sept 30, 1969, rose 3 4 per
cent over the previous year’s
figures (according to Standard
& Poor’s), ‘largely reflecting
stronger demand for conveni
ence foods, favorable response
to recently introduced products
such as the Swiss Style yoguit
line and other lowfat items,
and price inci eases on certain
dauy pioducts’”
This is the first of a series of articles piepared in cooper
ation with the Pennsylvania Institute’s Committee of Taxa
tion to assist taxpayers with their 1969 income tax returns.
The Fedei a ! tax forms foi 1969
:ax icturns have taken on a new
The new foimat for the indivi
dual tax foim 1040 is now only
one page, and may be sufficient
for most taxpayers. Sepaiate
schedules, to be used when neces
sary, leplace the second page of
the old 1040 form.
While much of the information
is the same as last year, the ic
vision will take some getting us
ed to as more paper work is
The IRS estimates that the one
page 1040 will be all that is ic
quired of appioximately 31 000,-
000 of the 77,000,000 who aie ex
pected to file returns this Apnl
Schedule C Profit or loss
fiom Business or Piofession (Un-
The change was hi ought about changed)
b y the conviction that the “build- e _ c U 1 Gams
mg block” system in the long
mn will be most efficient and ex- (Unchanged)
pedite the huge admmisti atn e Schedule E Supplemental
task of processing the i etui ns i nco me (Similar to last yeais’s
Computeis weie piobably behind Schedule B, but miscellaneous m
the decision, not the Tax Refoim come i la s been added wheie
Act of 1969, which was enacted pjgviously it was pait of last
after the design change yeai’s pait 2 page 2 )
With the revised format every- Schedule F Faim Income
one will use the new 1040 foim (Revised)
It will be the basic filing letuin g c h edu le R Retueinent In
regai dless of the amount and come (Foimeily pait 0 f last
type of income The 1040 A foim ~ eai ., s Schedule B )
has been eliminated Schedule S E Computation
Only the 1040 need be complet- of Social Secuuty Self-Employ
ed if income consists of wages and ment Tax (Foimeily pait of
salaries, if theie are no more Schedule C 1
than $lOO of dividends or SlOO of Schedule T Tax Computa
inteiest, if deductions are not ( 10n (^ ew Similai to last yeai’s
itemized and if there are no ad- Bnes, page 1, and part 5,
justments for sick pay, moving page 2 credits )
expenses, oi payments to a self-
employed letirement fund PP&L To Sell Bonds
The IRS will continue to com- * T ,„h*
pute the tax wheie income is un- Pennsylvania Powei &L »■
dei £5OOO, subject to withhold- Company today (Maich 4) i
m 0 if theie aie no more than a legislation statement with re
So’o of divaends and .nicest. and Exchange Com
-9 mission foi the sale ol $5O mu
and additional adju ] lon 0 f 30-year, fiist-mortgage
Schedules foi dividends, inter- bonds, Mi Robeit R Foitune,
est, itemized deductions, etc aie PP&L vice president. Financial,
added as needed Many of the announced Scheduled bidding
schedules have been leletteied date for the sale of bonds is
Schedule T is a new device to Maich 23, 1970
Top Recommended
• Cert. Cax uga Alfalfa • Climax Timothy
• Cert. DuPuits Alfalfa • Smoth Brome Grass
0 Cert. Iroquois Alfalfa 0 Penn Mead Orchard
0 Cert. Saranac Alfalfa Grass
• Cert. Vernal Alfalla $ Birdsfoot Trefoil
• Cert. Buffalo Alfalfa Pasture Mixtures
• Pennscott Red Clover w
• Penna. Red Clover • Dekalb Corn
• Ladino Clox er • Dekalb Sudav
• Cert. Maine Seed Potatoes
• Garden Seeds • Lawn Grass Seeds
SMOKETOWN Phone Lane. 397-3539
Lancaster Farming, Saturday. March 7.1970
Income Tax Return
assist in computing the tax 1'
does not have to be filul with
the foi m in all cases.
The sepaiate mstiucti on book
let is no longci in use Insliui
tions aie included with the sched
Many of the schedules used in
the past letain their letter de
signation, including the follow
ing, and noting their i elation to
the pievious schedules.
Schedule A Itemized De
ductions (Same as pait 4 of last
yeai’s page 2 )
Schedule B Dividends and
Inteiest Income (Same as pait
2 of last year’s page 2, $lOO ex
clusion now on page 1 )