Weekly Poultry Report Eastern Pennsylvania And New Jersey Prices unchanged on light tinucs good for immediate type hens. Demand fair but less needs In instances cm rent bids aggressive than past several going unfilled Less lhan-ti nek weeks. Offerings adequate for lot prices unchanged to 1c high cun ent needs. Increased offer- ei on Plant Grade, mostly lin ings reported for sale just prior changed Advance interest spot to and following Easter as pro tv with cailv trading tanging ducers attempt to obtain a firm from 26‘-2-27 l jc on Plant Grade date for movement. Demand for Occasional load Plant Grade for heavy type hens fair for ade- tomorrow’s delivery reported at quate but limited offerings 27'sc Undertone unsettled but Prices paid at faim- Light Type generally firmer Hens: 8-11 V* mostly 11c in Penn sylvania mostly 9-10 c in New Jersey. Heavy Type Hens Tfewr. • Vintage (Continued from Page 2) 40-60 lb. Spring SlancM”) Lambs and Slaughter Ewes, Slaughter Ewes about cfo ' SPRING LAMBS Good 40- CONSIDERING REMODELING? Contact us early for an estimate and suggestions on stalls and ot.her equipment. Ask your neighbor who has them See you at Dairy Day TUESDAY, MARCH 10, FARM & HOME CENTER SHOW-EASE STALL CO. 523 Willow Rd., Lancaster "Yours for Better Dairying" Go no farther in search of the best 46 h.p. tractor. See us about a new 1520. Great features. Nice price, too. A. B. C. Groff, Inc. New Holland 354-4191 Landis Bros. Inc. Lancaster 393-3906 Wenger Implement, Inc. The Buck 284-4141 Delmarva Ready to-cook mo\ ement con Pool trucklot (Thursday ar mal at terminal markets) U S Grade A 26ts-28 mostly 27'ic; Plant Grade 26 28 mostly 26‘itc Special packs inducting IV2. S'vsi sizes Tfewr 60 lb 36 00 38 00, few Choice 45- 50 lbs 4000 44 50 SLAUGHTER EWES Uti lity and Good 5 001000 Ph: 392-3668 John E. Kreider M. S. Ycorsley & Sons West Chester 696-2990 Shotzberger's Elm 665-2141 Fogelsville March .1. 1970 (Pilres p.iltl dock veights, cents per lb . except wheie noted) HENS. lie,ivy Type O'-j 24. PULLETS 20 3.1 mostly 20.12; ROASTERS 13' i -34 mostly 29- 32, CAPONS 30-41 mostly 36 38; DUCKS 2B'i 33'2 mostly .1033: DRAKES 20-39. TURKEYS. Hons 36. RABBITS 35-37 mostly 48 52. GUINEAS 40-71 mostly 60 70. PIGEONS (Per Pair) 110- 2.85 mostly 1 15 1 35. TOTAL COOPS SOLD 490 Local Grain Prices These puces are made up of the aveiagc puces quoted by six pai ticipatmg local feed and giain concerns. It should be noted, however, that not eveiy dealer handles each commodity All prices aie per bushel, except foi ear com which is per ton The average local giain puces quoted Thursday, Maich 5, 1970 aie as follows. Rid' Offered' Coin (ear) 53900 $4233 Coin (shelled) 143 155 73 76 113 1 33 Oats Bailey 1 46 Wheat Bid is the puce the dealei will buy from the fannei dehve.ed to the mill Offeied is the puce the dealei will sell foi at his null Mild Weekend The weather foi southeastern Pennsylvania will be mild over the weekend, but Tuesday it will turn cold with possible snow flumes Saturday is expected to be fair and nuld, mostly sunny, with temperatures in the low 40’s to 50’s according to the Philadel phia weather bureau Sunday and Monday will he partly sunny and mild with tempeiatures ranging in the up per 30’s and 40’s during the day and overnight temperatures in the upper 20’s and 30’s. The colder weather Tuesday will push temperatuies an the low 20’s with possible snow flur nes Try A Classified Ad If- Pays! Weekly New York Egg Mkt. I'iom Monday. Minch 2 to Ftiday, Maidi 6 WHITE Key K\ L.n gc Fey Large Fey. Mediums Fey. Pullets Fey. Peewecs BROWN Fey. Large Fey Mediums Fey Pullets Fey. Peewees Standaids Checks Tiend Demand impiovcd on mediums and laige geneially held a bit more confidently. Pullets weak Copyiight 1970 by Urner Barry Publications • Lancaster Elect Officers (Continued fiom Page 2) HOGS 1250 Ba'lows and T,lc L ‘' nc