Lancaster Farming. Saturday. February 28. 1970 2 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review February 26, 1970 CATTLE 902 Compared to CATTLE 655 Compared last Tuesday, Slaughter Steers with last Thursday slaughter „ „ ornn ~ fATTI F 984 Comnared to uneven. Standard to Choice ful- steers steady, instances strong CAT PLE 2600 ComiKm'd to A ™ 98 5 4 . , sKhte? ly steady, and to 50 higher on high Choice and last weeks close. Slaughtci .J. R Pnmc sleady t 0 50 higher Wlth Prime; cows weak to 50 lower, Metus fully steady ins ances 50 Seer f 1,11 J me m’o 1200 Ibs the advance mainly on weights instances 75 lower; bulls fully Cows "ste'd \ * U>*s0 V lowe^°BuI S ls over 1225 lbs; Cows steady to steady Supply included 46 pe. u.osUy sU.adv feeder ' buyer mostly steady Feeder buyer weak instances 25 lower on Uti- cent cows. iHHight about 100 head Good and bought about 100 head Good and included 1 35 5 ° nerrent Choice 950-1200 lbs Slaughtei Choice 950-1200 lbs Slaughter Supply included 35 percent Stceis for finthei feeding Steers for further feeding. cows SLAUGHTER STEERS SLAUGHTER STEERS High-Choice and Prime 1050- High-Choice and Prime 975-1450 1350 lbs. 31.50-32 85. Choice 950- lbs 3150-32.50, Choice 950-1250 1300 lbs 30 25-32 10. 1300-1450 30 00 31 85 > 1250-1450 lbs SLAUGHTER STEERS High Choice and Prime 1050- 1150 lbs 31 50 32 85, Choice 950- 1300 lbs 30 25 32 10. 1300-1450 lbs 29 25-31 00. high-Good and low Choice 29 10 31 00; Good 27 - r. 5 29 50, Standard and low-Good LG 00 27 75 low-Choice 29 10 3100 : Good Choice 2900-3050, Good 27 00- COWS Utility and high StaiSaid and low 29 Standard and low-Good Good 26.00-27 75 24 50-27 75. 23 00-23 75, Cuttei 19.75-22 00 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS SLAUGHTER .HEIFERS BULLS Choice 28 75-30 00, SLAUGHTER HEIFERS Choice 800-975 lbs 27.75-29 50; Good 600-950 lbs 25 50-27 75 six head 30 60-32.25, Good 27.25- Choice 800-975 lbs 27 75-29 50, Good 25 00-27 50 COWS Utility, and high- 28 75; Utility and Commercial Good 25 00-27 50. COWS Utility and high- dressing Cutter 21,00-22 75, few 2 6 75-29 25, five head 30.00-30.- dressing Cutter 21 50-23 50, few 22 8523 50: Cutter 20 50-22.25 35 COWS Utility and high- oq=n«7s Putter 21 nn 22 nn Canner and low-Cutter 18 75- dressmg Cutter 21 50-23 50. few tI ’ Z 20 50 CALVES 351 - Vealers most £3so-2375. Cutter 2! 00-22 00 BULLS - Cho.ce 23 75-20 75 75; Utility and Commeicial 27- Good 27 25-28 75, Utility and 50-29 85, few 30 10-30 85, indivi- Commercial 27.00-29.75, five VEALERS Choice 54 00 dual 32 00 head 29 85 31 25 • indlvldual 2200 58 00; Good 51 00-55 50; Stand- FEEDER STEERS Choice lbs 33 85 ard 45.00-52.00; Utility 36 00-44 - and Prime 950-1150 lbs in Good FEEDER STEERS - Part 00; Cull 90-120 lb 30 00-35 00, 65- and Choice slaughtei finish 30- load mostl y Ch ° ic f . lbs 33 J 85 lb 23 50 29 50 50-30 85, Choice 950-1200 lbs 28 - 3J5 > a ro und a load Choice and SHEEP 4 No market test 85-30 00 Prime 975-1100 lbs. with Good „ , , to low-Choice slaughter finish CALVES 90 Vealers most- 2g 2g 30 g 5 ly steady CALVES 444 Vealers 1 00 VEALERS Choice 56 00- 200 higher, most advance on 59 50, couple 60 50 61 00," Good c u u and Utility 52 00 57 00, Standard 43 50-50- VEALERS Choice 56 50- 50, Utility 36 50-44 00, Cull 90- 60 00, Good 52 00 56 50, Stand -120 lbs 26 00-32 00 ard 45 0 0-52 00, Utility 37 00-45 - (Crrtmued on Page 3) (Continued on Page 3) BULLS Choice 28 50.29 85, few 30 75-3160. Good 27 35 28- 75. Utility and Commeicial 27- 50-29 85, few 30 10 30 85 FEEDER STEERS Choice and Prime 950-1150 lbs with Good and Choice slaughter fin ish 30 50-30 85, Choice 950-1200 lbs 28 85-30 00 CALVES 400 Vealeis most ly steady VEALERS Choice 56 00- 59 50, Good 52 00-57 00, Stand •u d 43 50-50 50, Utility 36 50-44 - 00 Cull 90-120 lbs 26 00 32 00 HOGS 1050 Gilts 75 1 00 lower BARROWS AND GILTS US 1-2 200-250 lbs 28 75-29 00 Couple lots US 1 250-265 lbs 29 50 US 2-3 200-280 lbs 28 25- 28 75 SHEEP 350 Wooled Lambs mostly steady WOOLED LAMBS Couple lots Choice 90-105 lbs 29 50- 20 00 one lot Good 90 lb 28 00 Local Grain Prices These puces aie made up of ■he aveiage puces quoted by six paiticipating local feed and giam concerns It should be noted, howevei, that not every dealer j’andles each commodity All prices aie pei bushel, except foi tar coin which is pel ton The aveiage local giam puces quoted Thuisday Febiuaiy 26, i 970 aie as follows Bid Offered Coin Ceai) $39 00 $42 33 Com (shelled) $143 $155 0< ts $ 72 S 83 Hailey $ll3 $134 U heat $147 $166 Bid is the puce the dealei will buj fiom the faimei deliveied to the mill Offeied is the puce the ctodlei will sell foi at his mill MEN NEEDED In this area to train as LIVESTOCK BUYERS LEARN TO BUY CATTLE, HOGS AND SHEEP at sale barns, feed lots, and farms We prefer to train men 21- 55 with livestock experience For local interview, write age, phone, address and background National Heat Packing 236 E. Town Columbus, Ohio 43215 MARKET NEWS REPORT lbs 29 25 31 00. high-Good and 29 75-31 50; high-Good and low- Banows and March April May June July August September October November December January ’7l Febiuaiy a-asked b-bid n-nominal Tiend Cattle are stionger Hogs steady, Potatoes stronger, and Eggs weakei AUCTIONS makes the difference in marketing livestock! New Holland makes the difference in auctions! MONDAY 10:30 A.M. - FAT HOGS and SHOATS 2:30 P.M. - FAT STEERS,'BULLS, COWS & VEAL FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL THURSDAY at 12 30 P M. NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, INC. Abram W Diffenbach, Manager Phone (717) 354-2194 Auction Only February 25, 1970 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thursday, February 26,1970) Chicago Chicago Cattle Hogs 31.40 28.05 4.01 31.70 28.50 31.50 27.67 30.70 25.10 30.45 24.00 30.15 HORSE SALE MONDAY at 10:00 A.M, DAIRY SALE WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M, New Holland, Penna. Vintage Auction Fcbmary 24, 1970 TyVV^^ New York Maine Chicago Potatoes Fresh Eggs 3.71 4.63 28.50 2.60 Fcbiumy 2(5, 1970 HAY SLAUGHTER STEERS February 23, 197» High Choice and Pnme 1050- Twenty seven loads of hay sold 1300 lb 32.00-32 85. Choice 950- as follows Timothy and Mixed 1400 lb 2985-32 00, high Good $3O-$4O; Alfalfa $43-$50.; Straw and low Choice 28 85-30 25, $4O $47 Good 26 85-29 85. Standard and low Good 26 00-27.75 COWS February 25, 1970 Receipts of 135 cows and 2 heifeis sold stionger Fiesh Hol stein 400-810, Guernseys 225-390, Other breeds 275-350, Heifers 300-320 HORSES February 23, 1970 Receipts of 320 hoises sold steady on riding horses and stronger on draft Riding Horses 100-290, Driving Horses 90-395, Work Hqrses (pair) 570-850, t single) 140-310, Mules (pan) 500-750, (single) 145 300, Pony maies 15-30, Geldings 10-25, Kil leis 8-9 HOGS February 23, 1970 43.45 Receipts of 1246 hogs sold stea civ to 25c lowei Retail 29 50-31 - 00, Wholesale No 2 3,4 29 25-29 38.30 36.15 35.90 New York Eggs Puces shaiply lowei Street trading slow but impioved slight ly Most distnbutois continue to be fiee selleis and puce conces sions numeious in an effoit to clear floor stocks Receipts limit ed on biowns, light on whites with diveisions to out of town points Supplies of jumbos ade quate, extia laige and laige am pie with less than fancy quality plentiful and offeied in a wide lange of puce and quality but mediums and smalls occasionally buidensome Caiton oideis disa ppointing locally occasionally im pioved foi spotty letail ads 37.75 38.20 VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. PARADISE, PENNA. BULLS, STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS, LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 Box 100 Paradise, Pa. 10 mi East of Lancaster on Rt 30 Kenneth E. Hershey, Sales Manager New Holland Auction 50. Heavyweights 27.00-29.25; Sows 22 24; Boars 19-22. CALVES February 23, 197# Receipts of 90 calves sold ste»> dy Choice and Prime 53-58 50; Standard 41-48 50; Good and Low Choice 49-52 50; Common 25-40. Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared with last Friday, slaughter steers 50 higher instances 75 up oa weights over 1300 lbs. Slaughter heifers steady to 25 higher. Cows steady. Bulls 50 higher. Receipts 70 percent slaughter steers and 25 percent slaughter heifers with balance mostly cows Overall finish slaughter steers more attractive than lasi week with 25 percent Prime and 60 percent Choice, compared with 20 percent Prime and 6? percent Choice last week and 10 percent Prime and 74 percent Choice last year. Average cost slaughter steers estimated at 30 90 for the week, compared with 3025 last week and 29.24 last year Average weight steerS expected to be near 1200 lbs. up substantially from last weeks 1176 lbs and compared with 1138 lbs same week last year. Heifer supply mostly High Good to Prime weighing 850-1100 lbs. SLAUGHTER STEERS On Wednesday, Prime 1200-1450 lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 32.00- 32 50 with 10 loads at 32.50. High Choice and Prime 1150 j 1500 lbs 31 50-32 25 Choice 950- 1400 lbs Yield Grade 2 to 4 30.- 50-31 75 Choice 1400-1500 lbs. Yield Grade 3 and 4 30 00-30.50. Mixed Good and Choice 950- 1300 lbs Yield Giade 2 to 4 29.- 50-30 50 SLAUGHTER HEIFERS —r On Wednesday, High Choice and Prime 925-1100 lbs Yield Grade 3 and 4 30 50-31.00, Choice 850-1050 lbs. Yield Grade 2 to 4 29 00-30 25 Mixed Good and Choice 28 25-29 25. Sheep Council Meets The annual meeting of delegat es of the Ameucan Sheep Pro duceis Council will be held 10-12 at the Albany Hotel in Denver. About 150 delegates are expected to attend Try A Classified Ad It Pays!