County Seeks, The Lancaster County Plan- The Commission took those ning Commission took steps stc P s when it adopted a mem- Tuesday to insure tighter con- orantJ um initiated by the Lan .. „ . _ caster County So 1 and Water trols on water and soil manage- _ nient in municipalities and large Consei'vation District, subdivisions The memorandum is a work- OPEN HOUSE BARGAIN WEEK REFRES! NOSH TRACTO 656 HYDROSTA COME IN AND DRIVE! --- ]TRACTOR ASK ABOUT THE PANIC PEDAL REGISTER FOR DOOR PRIZES COPE ‘WEAVER CO. ■ « I. NEW PROVIDENCE Conservation Gets Tighter MARCH 2nd TO MARCH 6th DAILY District Controls ing agreement fo* an exchange of information and recommenda tions which will be passed on to subdividers and municipalities if construction threatens the total run-off or changes the course of a water-way. In presenting the memoran dum for approval, planning staff explained that heretofore, in the review of subdivision plans, “staff has not looked deeply into soil and water management" ex cept in limited areas already covered by zoning regulations Undei the agreement, the Plan ning Commission will Recommend inclusion of soil and watei management measures to those subdivision plans deem ed necessary by the commission, Request from the Distnct, prior to approval, technical assis tance on those plans which le quire additional soil and watei management planning; Furnish the District with a copy of that portion of each plan on which District assistance is requested; Recommend to municipal plan ning commissions and subdivid ers that use be made of Dis trict technical assistance in order to incorporate soil and water management measures in subdiv ision activity The Conservation District will; Furnish technical assistance as requested. Provide the planners with stand ards and specifications for any recommended soil and water management measures; Furnish the planners, develop- lO*OH ON PARTS Not Regularly Discounted. Lancaster Farming. Saturday. February 28.197 P Owners Ofls,oooDogs Could Bo Prosecuted Unlicensed dogs in Lancaster County are estimated at 15,000. But J. Marvin Hostetter, dog law enforcement officer for the county, said the figure doesn’t upset him because the ratio of unlicensed dogs to the 42,707 licensed pooches is one of the best in the state. His prosecution record he prefeircd charges against 302 dog owners last yeai is one of the best m the state, according to the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture, which enforces the state’s dog law act Some of those prosecuted paid fines as big as $lOO for not hav ing their dogs licensed Hostettei said he can’t understand why anyone would risk a fine when a tag costs only $1 20 to $2 20 “A dog tag means the ownei cares for his pet,” Hostetter said “It’s the only way an owner has of getting his dog back if it is lost or stolen ” Dog law enforcement is like scratching a hole in the sand er or any municipal body, tech nical assistance in design, layout and construction of recommend ed measures The commission and the Dis trict agree mutually to. Conduct orientation seminars necessary to implementation of the areas of cooperation, Serve as information sources to all municipal planning com missions; Review the memorandum an nually. SPECIAL THIS WEEK ONLY SO U GREEN STAMP K| BONUS 9e|p9 ON EQUIPMENT according to Hostetter. “You seem to make so little headway for all the work involved.” Complaints such as dogs run ning at large, dog bites and dogs killing livestock and poultry re quire much investigative work, the dog law officer said. "When you’ie lunmng down complaints, it means you can’t be checking people to see if tr.ey’vc bought dog tags." he added Duung a iccent sheep killing investigation in the Churchtown aiea, Hostettei encountered a man who feigned ignoiance of the Pennsylvania dog law “You mean to tell me I have to pay to get a license for my dog 1 ” the man asked indignantly “I’ve had a dog for 12 yeais and never had a license ” He said the recalcitrant dog owner paid a $lOO fine and was m the county treasuier’s office the next day for a dog tag Hostetler, who has alieady begun checking on dog owners who haven’t purchased 1970 tags, thinks it’s high time the Com monwealth of Pennsylvania paid for his home phone. “My wife takes complaints all day. For the free answering ser vice, I think the state ought to pay my phone bill the same as they pay a game protector’s.” Hostetler was an investigating officer for the U S Department of Justice before becoming Lan caster County’s dog officer, a po sition he has held for three years. MOVIES WED., MARCH 4 1 P.M. NO STOP PLOW Phone 786-7351 11 OREEN STAMPS