Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 14, 1970, Image 8

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    f -ft noxpf Farming, Saturday. February 14.1970
Wheal And
Feed Grain
Meeting Mon.
The Agricultural Stabilization
& Conservation Service. Lancas
ter, announces a to ex
plain the 1970 Wheat and Feed
Grain programs will be held
Monday, February 16 at 7-30
p in, in the Farm and Home Cen
All farmeis and other mtercst
id persons arc invited to attend
md learn the details of the
.vheat and gram progiania
Farmer; with a Feed Giam
nase (com, haile> and grain
orghum) can earn puce support
nd/or diversion payments by en
olling in the feed gram pro
Minimum dnersion is 20% of
he base and maximum diver
sion is the largest of 25 acres, or
50% of the base, not to exceed
‘otal base. Farms with base of
25 acres or less, earn diversion
nayment on the minimum .and
11 farms on acreage diverted in
xcesS of the minimum. Price
~uppo#t payment is earned on
]anted feed grain, up to 50% Of
.he base.
Wheat farmers can earn certi-
Icate payment on wheat planted
or harvest up to 48% of the
dOffflefit, by diverting an acre
age e<jual to 30.3% of the allot
ment They can also earn diver
=.on payment on any part of the
llotment not planted to wheat
Maximum wheat diversion is the
larger of 50% of the allotment,
or the difference between 25
acres and 30 3% of the alotment,
rot to exceed the allotment
Farmers enrolled in either pro
ram must maintain the conserv
ng base established for the farm,
nd must plant within the appli
able base oi allotment on all
;her farms in which they have
n interest.
Diverted acieage must be ehg
ale cropland No crop can be
arvested, and acieage cannot
le pastuied between March 31
nd September 1
Final date to eni oil is MARCH
.3 Farmeis die encouraged to
-iroll eaily and avoid the last
runute rush
In higher yielding forage crops
In Funk's-G "Hot" Hybrids
At Hoffman, we’re constantly on the alert for new and
better -varieties that will increase crop yields. As new ad
. ances are checked out and have proved their value, they’re
oassed along to customers.
For new ideas in forage crops or Funk’s-G Hybrids for 1970,
call your Hoffman Seed Man.
• Monheim
(Continued from Page 1)
room. It will start Tuesday,
February 17. at 7:30 pm and
will continue each week for five
weeks. Anyone who did not al
ready register can do so the
first evening. The course deals
with Farm Mapping, Soil and
Water Conservation, and Field
Fertility Management.
A course on Electric Motoi and
Automatic Control will be taught
b.v Mark Campbell, vocational
agriculture teacher at Manheim
Central high school. This course
will begin Thursday, February
19. and run for ten weeks The
cost ,s SlO 00 Registrations must
be made before Thursday by
calling the high school Vo-Ag.
Dcpai tment.
The farmers were also remind
ed of The Hazardous Occupations
of Farm Youth law which mak
es it imperative that you do not
hire boys under 16 and allow
them to work on and around
power equipment. A course will
be offered to get boys certified
in this area, starting March Ist.
Chester Co.
Dairy Day
Next Thursday
Robert A. Powers, Jr. Chester
County Agricultural Agent, an
nounces a Dairy Day to be held
Thursday, February 19, at the
Sadsburyville Fire Hall, Sads
The program will consist of
10:00 A.M.—Movie on “Freeze
Branding”, a new way to identify
dairy cattle. “Improved Milking
Techniques”, Stephen Spencer,
Penn State Dairy Specialist; “Or
ganizing the Dairy Farm for
Maximum Profit”, Samuel Dum.
Penn State Farm Management
Specialist, Noon —Lunch (cour
tesy of Atlantic Breeders’) 1 00
P M.—Atlantic Breeders’ meet
ing, 2 30 P M —Adjournment.
Thnty years ago, fewer than
one-m-five was being saved from
cancer: today the American Can
cer Society reports, it is one-m
-three It could be one in two with
early detection and piompt treat
* A
Loeatec n the Heart of Lancaster County
• Wilson Nomod
(Continued from Page 1)
sy. W. Va. In 1961. During high
school and college, he worked
part-time and sevcial summon
for the Hampshire Review.
During four years at Romney
High School, Wilson was in the
vocational agriculture program
He was reporter, parliamentar
ian and president of his chapter
of FFA, as well as a federation
In 1961. he won his local, fed
eralion and area FFA public
speaking contests and entered
the state contest on the subject,
‘ Why Government Should Get
Out of Agncultuic."
The new managing editoi i«
married to the formei Patncia
Cavanaugh of Lancaster Tney
have two children Mary Elaine,
three, ana Diane Elizabeth, one
Wilson is the son ot Mr and
Mrs. George H Wilson, who re
side at 88 Diller A\e, New Hol
Mrs Wilson, a former reporter
on the New Era’s society page
and a Millersville State College
graduate, is the daughter of
Pi of and Mrs. John Cavanaugh
of Long Apartments, 221 Race
Ave, Lancaster.
With A Big Dutchman
Automatic P
Feeding System
You get more eggs from your feed dol
lar because our exclusive, patented re
mixing intake wheel in the feed hopper
re-mixes uneaten feed returning from
the trough with fresh feed. That means
all of the feed is used. Your birds get the
full ration, and feed is not wasted. The
result is better feed com ersion.
The Big Dutchman chain-in-trough feed
ing circuit strengthens this benefit by
Diller Ave., New Holland, Pa.
You Art Invited to Attiwd
at Meadow Hills Dining House
Thursday, Feb. 19, 7:30 P.M.
Smoketown, Pa. Phone 397-3539
(Chevron Chemical Co.)
Refreshments will be served.
® s ' '
“carrying” the whole feed to the birds.
Feed is not dragged or forced by any
mechanism that has a grinding, separa
ting action.
These are real advantages that give you
more out of the feed you buy, and more
out of the hens you feed. For more in
formation on money-saving layer cages
and feeding systems see your nearest
Big Dutchman representative or write:
A Division of U.S. Industries, Inc.
«T *
- £
Phone 354-5168