Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 14, 1970, Image 1

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"'■ ■'iß iii (IS TrnrrTr^B_3BlH£Bft3Pßßt£B?Brß^V’Bfekfl
VOL. 15 NO U
New directors of Lancaster County Ag-
ricultural and Home Economics Extension
Association. (Front row left to right): Mrs.
New Inspection Standards For
Meat & Poultry Adopted By State
The Pennsylvania Department
of Agriculture this week announ
ced that it has adopted Feder
al Meat and Poultry Regulations
in the state’s meat, poultiy and
food inspection prog) ams
The move was made to estab
lish uniform inspection stan
dards that will not hamper pio
cessois and packers noi restnet
interstate liade of meat and
poultry pioduas State Agricul
ture Secietaiy Lelmd H Bull
said The new standards icplace
state regulations that had gov cm
Soil & Water
Annual Banquet
Set For Mar. 17
The Annual Cooperators
Meeting and Banquet of the
Lancaster County Soil and Wa
ter Conservation District will
he held Tuesday. March 17, it
was announced Wednesday at a
meeting of the district’s board
of directors. The banquet for
6-30 pm. at the Quarryville
United Methodist Chuich
Speaker for the evening will be
Merntt Freeman, Pennsylvania
Dutch humorist, and the Co
operator Fanner of the Yeai
Award will be piesented
The next boaid meeting will
be March 4, at the Faim and
Home Center
Farm Calendar
Mondav, Feb. 16
7:30 p m —ASCS meeting on
Wheat and Feed Giam
Progiams. Fairn and Home
Tuesday, Feb. 17
10 00 am—Pa Young Faimci
Leadeiship Tunning Con
ference, Penn State Uni
veisity, Holiday Inn, State
7 30 p.m Ephrata Young Fai m
{Continued on Page 10)
J Stanley Stauffer, Jr and J Harold Frev
(Back row) J Glenn Wissler and Ellis R
Denhnger Not present was J Wade Groff
ed the processing, packing and
sale of meat and poultry pio
ducts in Pennsylvania In effect
he added, diffeiences no longer
exist betw-een federal and state
regulations pertaining to these
“We have taken this step re
luctantly,” Secietaiv Bull said
‘ because, .n oui opinion om
state legulations vveie more
sh urgent and affoiaed a gieat-n
degree ol consumei p'otection
tlian is possible Federal
“We have uiged fedeial auth
onties to lev lew these leguli
turns and have recommended
changes that we feel will be in
the best interests ot both con
sumers and the meat mdustiy
thioughout the nation”
Secietaiy Bull pointed out that
coloring, foi example, now may
be used in processed meat pxo
ducts such as fiankfurters, ai
though it previously had been
banned under State regulations
(Continued on Page 12)
Pickle Co. Needs
More Growers
The Oxfoid Pickle Compan\
held a meeting Thaisday vuth
potential giowexs Haivey Good
ot the Plant Food Store, Inter
com se, said about forti fannus
attended nut.' of
new giowe-s
The comp au> 'uten-as to take
uu to 150 acies tins yeax and 10
acies weie committed at me
meeting About halt ot f he tarm
eis committing aueage we.e
gioweis last >eai
Th' 1 compxnv ar' .nc a d an .n
f. ,n puce at oi $125 a
bu-hel to tho-e larmexj that
g, la.'t >eat New growers thus
jeai wul reoeue the same price
as last >eat or $l2O a bushel
Lancaster Farming, Saturday February 14, 1970
F & H Foundation
Board Meets Tuesday
The re-orgamzaUon meeting ot
the Board of Directors
Lancastei County 'Pc-, n c ’
Home Foundation will be held' 1
Tuesday evening, Febiua,y 17
at 730 pm at the Faim and
Horae Centei Ofllceis ot the .
board will also be elected
'This will be the fli:t meeting :
of the Boaid sune tne Annual ;
Meeting and since the election of .
seven members ioi a tmeeyeai ;
A ’epoit vv,ll be given ov Join ,
Heu of the Budding ?>L nten , Comm tree and Howard .
Campbell will give a p.cgiess ]
lepoit on the activitie. at the ■
Center (
Manheim Young
Farmers Name
1970 Officers
The Manheim Young Farmers
met Tuesday evening New offi
ceis of the organization are
Harold Esbenshade, President,
Donald Hershey, vice president.
Jay Foieman, public relations
Glenn Biubaker, treasurer, and
I=sac Geib. secretary
A Leadership Training Confei
ence will be held Tuesday Feb
ivaiy 17 bv Penn State Umvei
sitv, at the Holiday Inn, State
College Pa The meeting stalls
at 10 a m
\ couise on Soil Capabilm
uiid Feitilitv vvll be offei a d
he-" 1 except foi cost of mutual
the Manheim Cential Vo Ag
(Continued on Page 8)
Garden Spot YF
Banquet Next Friday
The Gaiden Spot Young Farm
cs annual banquet w ill be held
Fuda l February 20, at the Blue
BMI Fue Hall at 6 45 p m
All coin contest paiticipants
a e mged to attend Enteitam
rnen’ will be piouded by Glenn
Extension Association
Honors Dr. Eshleman;
Elects Five Directors
One bundled eightv nine peo
ple attended the annual d.nnei
meeting ot the Lancas'ei Couiuv
Agiicultuial and Home E> onom
ics Extension Association
daj mghl at the Faun and Home
Call B He i Pi evident of the
Boaid ot DaectOi> acteo a? teas'
rrastei and anothei bomd nnm
bei James G Kieidei gave ha
The highlight of the inee mg
was the election ot five duecto’s
The county is divided into five
distucts and elected foi a thiee
year term to seive their lespec
t've districts were Noithwest
J Haiold Fiey. Marietta R 1
Noitheast J Glenn Wissler,
Ephrata Rl, Southwest J
Wade Groff, 644 Beaver Valley
Pike, Lancastei, Southeast
Ellis R Den’ingo-, Goidonville
Rl, and Southern Mrs J
Stanley Stauffer Jr
e Dunn? the business meeting
'm s Edna E Buckvv alter read
'the minutes of the 1 969 annual
meeting and the treasurer, Mel
vin G Rohiei. reported An audi
tor repoit was given by Roy
Book and the nominating com
mittee’s lepoit by C Wauen
Leimnger Jason Weavei served
as chan man of teller s foi elec
tion of daectois
The newly oigamzed Lancastei
Co Faun Womens llnuy-two
rrcmbei choius duected bv Mis
Scott Nisslev and accompanied
by Mis Wilbei Hostettei, East
Petersbuig. sang old time tav
onties including Silvei Moon”,
‘ Come To The Fair” and ‘ Just
A Cottage Small' They conclud
ed by singing “The Faun Wo
men’s Song” and the State Farm
Women’s theme song ‘Bnghten
The Corner.”
Staff Reports
County Commissioners Benja
min F Weaver, Abram Dombach
Cottle Feeders Invited
To Educational Meet
Two educational meetings for
cattle feedeis will be held at the
Farm and Home Oerter at 8 00
p m as follows Thursday, Feb
ruary 19, “Coin Silage & High-
Moistuie Com foi Cattle"
Lester Buidette, Livestock Ex
tension Specialist, and \uus
Infections Prevention and
Conti ol” Dr Sam Guss. Ex
tension Vetennauan Wednes
day, Febiuaiy 25 'The Live
stock Situation and Outlook ’
H Louis Mooie, Agucultuial
Economics Extension, and "Feed
Gnnding Mixing, and Mateual
Handling” Lauy S Click,
Agucultuial Extension Engine
All of these speakeis, lepie
sent the Coopeiative Extension
Seivice of The Pennsylvania
State University and will have
some very helpful information
for every feedei
$2.00 Per Year
and Paul Varnall were among
the honoied
The Countv Extension staff
M M Smith \ icto> Plastow,
Ainoid G LiiocL laj W Irwin,
Mis Doms \\ Thomas and Miss
Man Rosenbeipei prepared a
\ei\ oulstand ng in of activities
foi the pas f \ou It indicated
now main pcop.e ate leached
La the > senices Thc-e included
12 934 cases 01 "icln dual assis
line 13 eitliei h\ peisonal visits 01
advice ovei the telephone, 491
newspapei ai'.ctes. 578 radio
bioadcasts, 30 television pro
yams, 333 cp ai’.ai ielteis writ
ten and distnbuted to 104,004
people. 8 Gaining meetings with
112 leadeis in attendance, 433
(Continued on Page 9)
Zane Wilson
Wilson Named
Editor Of
Lane. Farming
Zane Wilson, of 530 Golden St,
Lititz, has been named managing
eoitor of Lancaster Farming, ef
fective Monday, February 16
Wilson will have complete re
sponsibility for the news side of
Lancaster Farming
He succeeds Eveiett R News
vv angei, who has taken a position
vv ith Gi ant Heilman, photograph
ei. located in Lititz
Wilson has a faim background
and has been involved in many
aieas of news lepoitmg in addi
tion to farming He started his
journalism caieei in 1959 on his
high school newspapei
Since Maj 1866 he has been
a staff \uitei foi the Lancaster
N°w E'a
He pietioush was a leporter
foi th° Chaileston tW Va) Dai
h Mail and Spungfield (Ohio)
A native of West Virginia,
wheie dgncultme outranks
‘ King Coal” in business volume,
Wilson leceived a BS degree
fiom the West \ngmia Univer
sity School of Jou.ndhsm with
a mmoi m political science in
He giadualed fiom Romney
Hi„h School in Hampshire Coun
-1 Continued on Page 8)