Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, February 07, 1970, Image 4

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    4—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. February 7.1970
From Where We
For Better
American Diets
Heart disease, accepted as the nation's
leading killer has been attributed to over
eating. obesity, saturated fats, smoking,
sleeping too little, worrying too much, com
peting too vigorously, overdoses of vitamin
D. low physical activity and even lately
“The Pill" is blamed, to name a few. What
is the answer? A. All of the above? B. Some
of the above? C. None of the above? Or
perhaps, D There is not enough mtnrma
tion available to adequately answer the
We think the answer lies somewhere
between B and D. Medical science has
clues and some information. And the gen
eral public, largely has only mismforma
lion. The subject, especially on fats, has
been debated recenth by the National Meal
Board's Dr W. C Sherman. Director of
Nutrition Reseaich and the American Heart
Association's Dr. Campbell Moses, Medical
According to reports Moses spoke well
of meat industry’s promotion work and en
dorsed “new” lean pork and other lean
meats. He said the heart people did not
want to cut meat from the diet of Ameri
cans, they only want to cut saturated fat
contained in food intake. They only want to
substitute polyunsaturated fats for the sat
urated ones. Of course, this means cutting
your consumption of meat, dairy, and egg
In rebutal, Sherman made three points.
First, the American Heart Association’s re
peated special health claim for polyunsat
,urated fats has no scientific proof to sub
stantiate it. In fact, at the recent White
House Conference on Food, Nutrition and
Health, a special panel on heart disease re
ferred to the polyunsaturated fats idea as
“dietary hypothesis”. If you are a scientist,
that means it is a supposition assumed as
basis for reasoning. A hypothesis comes be
fore a “theory” which in turn comes before
a “law”. A “law” is a theory proved beyond
■reasonable doubt. So, you see, the polyun
‘saturated fats idea hasn’t come near being
proved beyond reasonable doubt.
Secondly, Sherman said research with
'animals and investigations among humans
,show evidence that an oil fat diet may in
crease the incidence of cancer and other
■degenerative diseases. And thirdly, he ask
ed why the American Heart Association is
Vigorously supporting the idea for a mas
sive, government-financed diet-heart study
on humans if it already is certain that sat
urated tats are bad and the polyunsaturated
fat diet is good You would think if they
had proof of scientific fact, they would not
be so interested in further study
We are compelled to ask where Dr
Moses would like to lead the American
people Evidence doesn’t show that the land
Farm News This Week
Nisslev & Miss Ober Have
Top 4-H Record Scores Page 1
Poultn With Leisons Won’t Be
Sold For Human Consumption Page 1
Lancaster County’s Own Fai m Weekly
P 0 Box 266 - Lititz, Pd 17543
Office 22 E Main St, Lititz, Pa 17543
Phone Lancastei 394 3047 oi Lititz 626 2191
Everett R Newswanger, Editor
Robeit G Campbell, Advei Using Duector
Subscription pi ice $2 per yeai in Lancaster
County s3elsewheie
Established Novembei 4,1955
Published eveiy Satuiday by Lancaster
Fai mmg, Lititz, Pa
Second Class Postage paid at Lititz, Pa
Membei of Newspapei Faim Editois Assn
Stand ...
of polyunsaturates is necessarily the
promised land of heart health.
We think the American Heart Associa
tion should join with farm organizations to
support research and promotion of diets
that are based on facts and common sense.
The public would be served and so would the
agriculture industry. At least that's the way
it looks from where we stand.
Commonsense Approach
Retiring Executive Vice Chairman of
the National Alliance of Businessmen, Mr.
Leo C. Beebe, expressed a refreshing view
point on the present near mania for innova
tion for inno\ation’s sake when he said. "I
think that what this nation needs today is a
moratorium on inno\ation for at least a test
period during which we all do what we’re
supposed to do. like managers manage, and
teachers teach and garbage collectors col
lect the garbage. . .
“I suggest that if we started doing that,
we’d get more innovation than we’d know
what to do with. Why? Because where do
new and effective ideas come from 7 Not
from the ozone. They come from people who
have done their homework, who think and
work and have tried old ideas, who have
learned that because the old ideas won’t
work, we need something new. Thus they
have a trame of reference from which to
And the Marshfield, Missouri, Mail has
expressed some thoughts on the quality of
people and the quality of nations that while
sounding uncompromisingly harsh, embrace
a fundamental truth. It says: “Only second
class people make a second-class nation.
People who want to be paid without work
ing enough to earn it are second-class
people, not Americans. People more anxi
ous for security than self-respect, comfort
above accomplishment . . . are dragging
America down to the second*class. nation
status. . . . Run this nation once more by
hard work and for those Americans with
self-respect, not for whiners and we’d
sweep that scornful ‘second-class’ sneer and
all excuses for it down the rathole where
it belongs.”
Across The Fence Row
“Well, son,” asked the father, “how are
your marks at school?”
“Under water,” was the response,
“And what do you mean by that?” per
sisted the parent.
“Well,” said the son reluctantly,
“they’re all below (C) level.”
They say bright eyes indicate curiosity
Well, so do black eyes.
When we do not succeed, our friends are
disappointed in us; when we do, they are
annoyed. Stephen Huguenot
Prejudice being down on something
you’re not up on.
No man is a good physician who has
never been sick Arabian Proverb
And with this cold weather we've been
having here is a good one A cold is both
positive and negative, sometimes the eyes
have it-and sometimes the nose.
Local Weather Forecast
(From the U. S. Weather Bureau at the
Harrisburg State Airport)
The five-day forecast for the period Sat
urday through next Wednesday calls for
temperatures to average near normal with
daytime highs in the low 40’s and over night
lows in the 20’s Mild temperatures over the
weekend, turning colder Monday and Tues
day and warmer again Wednesday.
Precipitation may total one-fourth inch
as showers late Monday night.
Lesson for February, 1.1970
I church. Some ot the congregation
welcomed the newcomers, but
”*“• '* »“««««* them a chillyrecep
tHvwimi im**! PMimt lion. Finally, a delegation of irate
A certain young minister was Parishioners came to the pastor
fired by his congregation for what and **
a minister of the Gosncl"
Either the minister would indi
te disputed -conduct" was cate to the newcomers that they
the minister’s visits to a local XS etasSS’SeJ'SSuMMkfo?
American Legion Post. Disturbed his rcsignation< & had broU ght
because he had no great disgrace upon the church
ontact with the ith isits to the post, they
’ople who pa- sauJ
inized the Post, >p be young minister refused to
decided to go do as they demanded and the
.re every Fn- s t ragg i e began. The irate faction
ly evening for began a campaign to garner suf
ipper Perhaps flcient support to force him out.
it C °* me6t 8n < At last, they were successful. “A
.alk to some of man 0 f God,” they said, “wouldn't
Rev. Althouse JJJJJL associate Wlth that kind o£ people
~ , ... n * ver parKenea j n that kind of place."
the doors of the church.”
The first Friday evening when what would Jesus do?
he entered the Post, a hush fell what dQ think? Was tlie '
lie appeared at tne diwrway. ai those pcap i c? W as he wrong in
though these people did not at- g o j n g w here they were instead of
tend his church (or any, for that waiting f or them to come to him?
matter) they did know vrtio he what would j esU s have done?
was and were astonished to see Actually) we do not have to
him there. They could hardly be- speculate as to what Jesus would
lieve their eyes. No clergyman have done> for the New Testa
had ever before set foot m the ment te l!s us plainly what he did
Post. It was the one organization do> He not only to ld parables
in town that had a bar and hardly about seeking the lost, about the
a place where one would expect physician coming to heal the sick
to find a pastor. instead of the well, he himself
Not our kind went to them and sought them.
u. He associated with the “wrong
Nodding to several of. the peo- k j nd 0 f peo ple” and too often was
pie as he passed them, he sat found £ the “wrong kind of,
down at a table and scanned the plAce >. He condemned £n&
a aitr^f. ca ®f to associating with badots, tax col-*
his table andhe placed his order. j e(dors other moral “untauch-’
s#ndv, ' ieh 3115 a ables.” He was denouncedfor go
• a. * i • in § t 0 their homes and sharing
+ T,^^l! V ffs the Peopl^ n their hospitality.
the Post regarded him as an oddi- would we say to him to
avolded him and day? More important, wfcat Would
XUS table. In the ensuing weeks, y,- cn „
however, they grew more friendly *
and several people eventually sat (i«ml «n wHinM c#yynsi,i#a by Hi* Divnim
down at his table and talked with chmtmn cwncit u
him at some length. S hu ’ Th *‘.* < . CKr T ,n .*? u< *■ *• *•*
At first they talked about many * * m '*’
things in general; the new school
tax, the high school football team.
Read Lancaster Farming
For Full Market Reports
To Put It In Wiiting
Many farm lease anangements
aie being made dunng the win-
Iti months Theie is not any one
definite lease that will suit all
parties, theiefoie, each auange
ment is a bit different and should
be put in wilting and signed by
each parts Even though a writ
ten ’ease will not guaiantee com
plete honesty, but it will usually
help with a bettei undei standing
of each person’s lesponsibihties
To Give Special Care To
The Young
This is the time of the year
r hen hundieds of pigs and lambs
are being born on our faims
These little animals leqmre spe
cial care the fiist 48 hours ■ih
order to get a piopei stait Pro
ducers dre urged to pVdvide dry
and draft-fiee quaiters foi them
war, peace, Viet Nun, etc. Grad*
uatly, however, their converse*
tions became more personal and
several asked him his advice and
counsel. One man confessed to
him that ho had once been a very
active church member but had
"gotten away from it n and found
it difficult to-get started again.
That kind of people
After several months of his
weekly visit for n asndwich and
coffee, several-people he met at
the post began to come to his
By Max Smith
Lancaster County Agent
at this time In many cases piofit
oi loss uj the business is largelj
detei minded on the kind of a
stait they get
To Beware Of Bargains
Every year we hear of special
deals offered to farmers by
stiangeis who tiavel through the
countiy making veiy attiactive
puces on materials and equip
ment I have nothing against
special sales and good bai gains
but the point is that you should
be sure that you know with
whom you are dealing and that
he is reliable and will stand be
hind his product. It is best to
deal with reliable folks and con
cerns, and ones that are known
in the community, and will make
adjustments if the product is not
satisfactory. Many bargains fiom
strangers end up to be very ex