f» Fat ming. Saturday. Jamiar> 31. HM) Woolens A Fashion Favorite Woolens ;nul wonleds aie lo Always hang garments up im ilay's fashion favoiilos foi holli mediately aftei "rating. sine wnimill and good looks continues Wool fd)eis are elas To be well gioomcd. choose tic and hghl witnkles will usual yout woolen watdtobe with an ly "sitetch out oum night. eye foi good quality and then You can quickly steam nwa\ Kite these garments a little moie fumly sot wiinkles fiom caie kindness, sajs Mis Pat packing or wearing by hanging Mathias textile and clothing the gaiment up in the batluooin specialist al the Unneis.it> of while >ou lather up in a hot Mai > land shower. TAKE jaSMSBjL- “^a A , GE PRE- SEASON DISCOUNTS NOW Insure obtaining the finest quality and sen ice available Fertilizer spread when you want it and in correct amounts per acre with our calibrated fleet of spreaders. Call 569-3296 or 626-6790 Woody Funk 665-4921 Mark Eshleman 393-8517 Ted Minnich Chentgro Fertilizer Co., Inc. Box 218 East Petersburg, Pa. 17520 FREE SAMPLE COPIES Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly service. We'll be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LAN CASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates Just write their names and addresses below (You'll be doing both them and us a favor!) Stieet Addi ess & R D Cil>, State and Zip Code (You are not limited to two names. Use separate sheet for additional names.) Addiess □ CHECK here if you prefer to send a Year’s (52 issues) GIFT subscription for S>2 each ($3 each outside of Lancaster County) to your Inends listed above. If so $ enclosed, or □ Bill me later. Please mail this form to: laneaster ; P. 0. BOX 266 \oui Name Stieet Adche&s & R D City, State and Zip Code LITITZ. PENNA I'topei lv shaped hangcis aie ,’i must (cm maintaining «hotildei lines pants should In’ hung up by Hie nil ft. skills bv Hie waist blind U it wise to close nil but tout /ippeit simps .met books This helpt tet.iin slmpe .uul theie is lest need for piesslng An elect lie clothes bitisli is ;i lmml\ :ud in icnoving lint and sin face soil before it becomes embedded in the fibeis Or use Hie vacuum cleaner with Hie soft biush attachment If the brush isn't clean, give it a thorough washing in warm suds and nnses and let diy bcfoie vacuuming your clothes Spots should tie treated as soon as possible Blot up the moisture immediately when something is spilled Often e cloth 01 sponge wrung fiom waim sudsy water will prevent damage Nevei mb wool Con suit a stain chait for lemoung diffcient types of stains Some woven womens nay be washed Just give them the eai e kmdness fine fabuc needs and you’ll be pleased with the le suiting beauty and economy Do be sure that the lining, inter-lining, facing and trim of a garment are also washable. When buying yard goods oi ready-to-wear, check the hang tag for care instructions. For woven woolens that are tagged machine-washable, fol low manufacturer’s directions Generally, a short wash cycle, gentle agitation with cool to lukewarm water and soap or de tergent is advised It is the na ture of wool to release soil rea dily when laundered under proper washing conditions Of comse, it pays to wash woolens befoie they are heavily-soilod and to pie-treat stains immedi ately Many knitted woolen gai ments may be machine washed in the same wav Then aftei washing, shape gai meets on j v. * ' ' z LJ*U-a flat surface and (by away from heat oi sunlight If hand washing pm* soap 01 detergent and cool to liik"waili ve aler Swish up the suds IWoie putting the gaiment m Then sipiee/e the suds thmugh sevei al times Always siippoil the fin bt ic with vonr hands woe! fibeis aie weaker when wet For first washing, gently swish for two minutes, then change to fresh suds foi an ad ditional one minute squeeze washing Rinse thoioiighly and toll in a thick towel to absoib excess moisluie bcfoie laying flat to diy. Treated wool gaimcnts that aie tagged machine washable, often mav be diverdiied on the cool to waim cycle lleie again, follow the mstinotions given bv the manufaetuiei for best ic suits When piessmg wool, steam and a pi ess cloth ate impoitant And instead of'shdmg the non bock and foilh move it up and down In combination with Hr 1 Here's The Way To Make Mere Money Above Feed Cost! Dairy feeds at dif ferent prices do not have the same pro ductive value. You usually get what you pay for. Lower-priced dairy feeds often pro duce less milk and make less profit. RED ROSE DAIRY FEEDS are the feeds you should use.: These feeds (available in many protein levels) enable a cow to produce up to her inherited capacity. In the long run you can make more money above feed cost with high quality, Red Rose Dairy Feeds. The price per ton is relatively unmM portant. What is important are the results! If you use plements, again Red Rose has one suited to your need. Be determined to earn more money from your dairy herd this season. Decide to use Red Rose Dairy Feeds. So, vhy not call your dealer, now. Walter Binkley & Son David B. Hurst Lilitz Bowmansville Brown & Rea, Inc. Atglen Elverson Supply Cc. Mountville Feed Servict Elverson Mountville Henry E. Garber R. D. i, Elizabethtown, Pa, L. T. Geib Estate Manheim I. B. Graybill & Son Chas. E. Sauder & Sons Stiasbuig Teire Hill E. Musser Heisey & Son Ammon E. Shelly R. D #2, Mt. Joy, Pa Lititz Heistand Bros. Elizabethtown Red Rose Farm H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Service, Inc. Inc. N. Chm ch St, Quarryville Witmer Waller 11. Whcclock. Chant' bet shunt. has been reelected chaiiman ol the Pennsylvania Kyj- vfaikcllng Adiisoiy Conn* ell Aho icelerled woie Richard Movei. Winfield, \ ice chan man, and Dasid (! haiidei Blooms* buu; secrclaiy. The Kgg Council is one of nine commodity councils ap pointed by Stale Agriculture Seuctaiy Iceland II Bull to study marketing opportunities and changing marketing pat* tems, to establish bettei com munications in all phases of marketing, and to piovide clos er liaison between producers and the Agnculluie Depart ment steam this technique lifts and renews the textuie Tne excep tion is woolens which include mohair or all-mohair garments with loft or brushed surfaces. Pi ess these on the wiong side with the diy cloth pi electing the fabuc Red Rose DAIRY FEEDS G. R. Mitchell, Inc. 1 Refton, Pa. } Musser Forms, Inc. Musser's Mill The Buck E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honey Biook Columbia