•—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. January 17.1970 4-H BEEF CHAMPIONS at the Farm Show Thursday, were shown by Daryl Forry (left) in the Hereford breed and Nancy Herr in the Shorthorn breed. Local MISS SUSAN CUSTEAD, Meadville R 6, the Pennsyl vania Dairy Princess, cuddles the new-born calf, that ar rived first at the Farm Show, this week. The calf was named Raymond because of his timely arrival on the day (Sun day) Pennsylvania’s Governor, Raymond P. Shafer, visited the show. He belongs to the Richard Hess family, Strasburg Rl. L. P. Photo Dutchman Beef Farm Wins At Harrisburg A Lancao» Countv Here- Summei Yearling Heifeis Spx ford Fa'm c= itu °d all champ- mg Yearlong Heifers, Spring lonshms m * Hereford Beef Bull Calves Senioi Bull Calves, Bieedmg Ca‘t!« classes Wednes- Summer Yeailing Bulls, Thiee day, b\ show ng bo»h champ on Buds,owned by exhibitor, Pair of and iesp,ve champion animals calves, Pair of Yeaihngs, Get of m the bull and lemale divisions s.re and Best ten Head, owned The Dutchman Heieford Co, b> exhlbltor Inc, Oxfoid R 1 ‘bowed CHR T „ , Lady Misch, a -ummer yearling e wmneis in the High to the top female spot and the re- '- c 'h°°t Division of Clothm = com seive champion bull was Mis TJV' 5 ! % foll ° ws chief, a senmi bull calf, shown J° Elizabeth Mmnich, TeuyFas wuh Bulhun Faims, also of Ox- " acht Beth L “ e T ci <; a " d A “ drey ford R 1 Siegnst, all of Neffsville, Donna Caiman and Daun Smith, of Lit- The reserve ch m'Pion female itz, Chailene Hoffei, Kinzers Rl; was Kohr d -pi mg yearling, and MeLssa DeLong and Juh and the reseive cnampion bull Bnnton both of Landisville. entries missed the grand championship however. That went to the champion An gus shown by Robert Peffer at Mechanics burg R 2. L. F. Photo was Fhmg Dutchman, a spring bull The new beef bleeding com panv m Lancaster County also lecoided first place wins in the Spring Heifer Calves, JUST PURCHASED by the Ephrata Graybille, Student Teacher at Ephrata FFA Chapter, Wednesday afternoon, were High School, and members of the FFA these two fine bred Duroc gilts at the Farm committee, Rick Pfautz, Dale Groff and Show Sale Pictured left to right are: Carl Melvin Weise. L. F. Photo ■ f AT THE POULTRY FEDERATION BANQUET are (left to right) Hendrik Wentmk, toastmaster, Leland Bull, Secre- Farm Local Holstein Entries Few At Farm Show HARRISBURG Local en tiles in the Holstein show here at the Farm Show, Tuesday, were scarce and championships won by County brcfd°rs wCie non existent The Robert Kauffman family. Elizabethtown Rl, The R.chaid Hess family and the E.un Hess Ji family, both of Stiasburq Rl had the onl.' local entiles in the show Edw n had th" -second place div aged cow in the Junioi D;\,sion and Susan Kauffman had the third place in the Junioi D.vision of the Junioi \calling Heifer Class Robeit Kauffman nad the second place pioduee of dam and the local Holstein bleeders put together-the third place County Group of Five Spiing Valley Farms, of Atr \ille, Yo'rk County, exhibiting Woodbine Ivanhoe Mollie, a 7- year‘old cow, walked off with championship honors. The afli mal was earlier judged senior champion. Last year a Spring tary of Agriculture, Miss Becky Jo State Poultry Queen, and Donald Federation President. L. F, Show Valley Farms on:ry captured the bull championship Championship bull honors went to Lime Kock B.R. Pcnstiuc a calf owned by Hubert S. Mu- Ici, of Myerstown, Lebanon County Anothei Milloi entry, L.me Rock Ma quis Jake, a ycal- Lrg. was judged reserve champion Allen Dairy Farms, Inc., of Mechanicsburg, RD 2. C'umbci land County, show.ng Monocacy Meadows Kay Model, a 3 vear-old won the leseive female champ icuship The animal was also se lected as lesene senioi champ ion Junioi channion was Pleasant S’te Oiboindale Royal, a senior’ ycoiling exhibited by Michael Chion.stei, of York RD 7. a 4 H niembei The Chromstei animal also was judged leserve champ .cn in the junior division. Reserve junior champion was a senior yearling, Kmgway Beau ty Deedee, exhibited by Kmgway Faims, of Delta, RD 2, York County. - ' - * The premier exhibitoi award was won by Spring Valley "Farms and the premier breeder awa?d Was presented- to Kmgway Farms. Fritz, Horn, Photo