• Nine-Screen **"*' **■ PrtJduccts of the intriguing Marketing Service (Continued from Page 17) presentation arc Harry A. Car- The cost of marketing affects cy, Carol 0. Dossln, Jr.,‘and food prices, points out Catherine Rirr InfAVAef In Q n rkVArtYirkKil<»a ccssary for a food source for William II Folwcll. all mem- B Love, extension specialist in UIICiCJoL U 1 vJIIUWIIIUUUCo livestock and humans; other bers of the Penn Slate Extern- consumer education. The Penn- iiAnnicßimr o„.. n , (inn types of grass arc needed for sion visual aids unit, .sylvania Stale University ... , ! . recreation, and still others arc In another pnit of the 1.200- Among the functions involved industries have been picking up vital in conserving soil and wa- square-foot College of Agricul- in food marketing, arc process- steam over the past several ture exhibit, 4-H members arc ing, transporting, storing, and years, a trend that was evident The other two-part program answering questions on pro- distributing. All of these arc here at the 54t1l Pennsylvania deals with the intriguing and jects and opportunities offered time consuming and require la- p arm show. One of the newest beneficial aspects of insects and in the educational youth pro- bor, equipment, and space. ideas for recreation equipment aesthetic and economic values gram. In still another section, , s the snowmobile. of trees College of Agriculture faculty Carey is chairman of the Twelve hundred color slides members are pointing out the planning and Constructure com- Two of the etgm snowmobile are required to present the two many career opportunities avail- mittee of this informative edu- dealers exhibiting at the Show 15-minute shows. able to agricultural graduates, cational display. are farm machinery dealers who NEW BOTTOM SILO UNLOADER THE FLYING DUTCHMAN No chutes to climb, doors to change, or unloader to move. Eph rata R. 2 (Farmersville) Pa. 17522 THESE SILOS HAVE A FLYING DUTCHMAN UNLOADER CONTACT US FOR INFORMATION Unloader Now On Display AUTHORIZED DISTRIBUTOR DESIGNERS & BUILDERS OF SYSTEMS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 17,1970—19 Rugged construction assures long life and trouble free operation. Phone 717-354-5374 cither sell their own make or have brought another manu facturer’s snow machine to take advantage of the current up iwing in recreation business. Reports are that several othei leading farm machinery com panies are considering the snow mobile market. All of the snowmobile exhi bitors have been in the business at least two years and all are keenly interested in the family fun machine rather than the larger horsepowered race mod els. Of all the models on display at the Farm Show, today’s buy er has a choice from 14 to about 30 horsepower in the family type machine and can expect to pay from about $B5O to $1,500 for it. One dealer said he was amazed at the success of his snow sled sales. He offers both the sled type vehicle and six wheeled all-terrain machine. One of the “hangups” of the farm machinery companies is whether to offer both the sled type and an all-terrain vehicle or just one type. Most agree that the sled type machine is far more popular right now but some predict that the all-terrain vehicle will outlast the sleds. One company representative said he was more interested in a practical machine for western farmers to use in feeding live stock during stormy weather. Another dealer says he sells 300 all terrain vehicles each year and cannot keep enough sled types in stock At an average of $1,200 per machine, that is a lot of money going into recrea tion At the 4-H booth, two Alle gheny County sisters said they would enjoy riding snowmobiles but they felt that it costs too much to buy oi rent one of them to enjoy it. A Lancaster Farming Classified Ad Can Help NOW! IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE YOUR REMINGTON CHAIN SAW