Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, January 10, 1970, Image 1

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Farm Show
VOL. 15 NO. 7
Population Explosion About To
Begin At The Farm Show Complex
' The population explosion is
about to commence at the Penn
sylvania Farm Show complex as
the first animal entries began to
arrive Thursday. All exhibits,
including commercial, must be
in place and ready to go by
Saturday (today).
The 54th annual Pennsylvania
opens to the public
Monday morning (Jan 12) and
continues through Friday (Jan
16). The sprawling complex will
serve as “home” to nearly 2,000
head of livestock, more than 2,-
000 entries of poultiy and all
the owners, handlers, showmen
and officials necessary to make
Farm Show an unparalleled ag
ricultural extravaganza
Livestock entries include 680
Arthur Breneman
Breneman Again
Heads County
Guernsey Assn.
i Arthur Breneman, Willow
Street 81, was reelected presi
dent of the Lancaster County
Guernsey Association Thursday
Elected vice president was
Ellis Denimger, Goidonville R 1
and Mevm Breneman, Strasbui g
El, was named secretary ti ea
sin er.
Robert Rohrer, 1058 Lime
Valley Road. Lancaster was ap
pointed the DHIA duectoi
Melvm Stoltzfus is chan man of
the tour committee and K°n
neth Garber, Willow Sheet R 2
is chairman of the field day
Farm Calendar
Monday, Jan. 13
12-16—Farm Show in Hams
tmrg (see schedule on Page
Tuesday, Jan. 13
7 30 p.m.—Gaiden Spot Young
Farmer meet, Vo Ag Room
head of dairy cattle, 462 beef
cattle, 470 sheep, 279 swine
and 93 horses.
Most of these entries are in
the adult division, but about
one-fourth of the entries will be
shown by junior (4-H and FFA)
competitors Interest by the
younger set is split fairly well
between beef animals (188) and
dairy cattle (184), with 86 sheep
entries and 47 swine.
Most of the competitois, in
the adult division especially, are
no strangei s to Farm Show ha\ -
mg exhibited m previous shows
Rookies soon learn that com
petition is stiff, but premiums,
points of knowledge and ex
change of ideas make the effoi*
well worthwhile.
Visitors and exhibitors alike
are assured of traditional even
ing shows in the Large Arena
and"the acres of eoramei cial ex
hibits provide hours of fascina
Manheim Boys
Win In FFA
Tobacco Show
A pair of Manheim Central
FFA boys won both ends of the
Lancaster County FFA tobacco
show Thursday at the Farm and
Home Center
Taking first place in the wrap
per class and winning the Grand
Champion Award was Gerald
Swope, Manheim Rl, and win
ning first in the filler division
was Douglas Rohrer, Lititz R 2
Swope, 15, is a sophomoie and
(Continued on Page 5)
A COUNTY SNOW SCENE. The kind of weather
Lancaster County farmers usually think of as Farm
Show weather, came early this year as shown m this
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, January 10,1970
ting speculation by ruial and
city dwellers.
F. W McCartney, building
superintendent, reports snow re
moval will be completed well
ahead of Farm Show opening
and precautions have been tak
en to make certain all is in
i eadiness at 8 a m Monday
Special Meeting
For Poultrymen
Scheduled For Jan. 29
An informative meeting of
special interest to poultrymen
has been announced this week at
the regular meeting of the Lan
caster County Poultry Directors
Thursday night. It is set for 7-30
p m. on Thursday, January 29,
at the Farm and Home Center.
Eiititled ' “Market Stability
and Producer Responsibility,”
the program will essentially
deal with the question, “How
can pioducers achieve moie sta
bility in firm prices in a boon
and bust industry 9” It will also
include the joint effoits of the
egg marketing cooperatives be
longing to the United Egg Pro
ducers in the area of the pi ice
discovery system The discus
sion will be led by the follow
ing well-known speakeis
Maurice M Stem (Gieene,
Maine) Piesident of Maine Egg
Farms, and one of the foundeis
of U E P , Jerry Faulkner (At
lanta, Georgia) General Man
ager of U E P, David Hefler
(Scarborough, Maine) Manager
of D E Coster Egg Farms and
(Continued on Page 16)
ROY M. ROHREE, Strasburg Rl, (right) discusses one
of his champion hands of tobacco with the judges, Lester
Whitmore (left) and A K. Mann Rohrer dominated the
Lancaster County Tobacco Show held Thursday at the Farm
and Home Center. L F. Photo
Roy Rohrer Tops County
Tobacco Show Thursday
A long time tobacco show win
ner did it again, Thuisday, at
the Lancastm County Tobacco
Show held in the Farm and
Home Centei
Roy M Rohier, Stiasbmg Rl,
who has shown tobacco foi more
than Unity >eais, dominated the
show again by topping every
class except one and winning
two of thiee championships
Witmer Rohiei, Strasburg Rl
Lancaster Farming Photograph. The bridge and mea
dow scene is located southwest of Manheim just off the
Mt. Joy Road.
$2.00 Per Year
had the first place long binder
hand that went to the champion
ship in the bindei division But
Roy won in long and shoi t wrap
pers long and shoit PlleiS and
in short bindei s
Roy will be seeking his tenth
farm show title next week, as
the local entues will be placed
in competition
Locally. Arnold Lueck Asso
(Continued on Page 16)