# Have You Heard? should be soaked In a salt water i-ji solution then washed. (Continued fiom Page 17) SpotB lhnt rcsist whisk brooms When storing a seldom worn and stiff clothes blushes will of hat on a shelf, turn up the brim ten come out when rubbed with all around and push all dents a lubber sponge. thC Pa.nt spots on shoes can bo re hat in shape fo. the future. movcd ./ the head of kltchen Hitting The Spot match is moistened and nibbed To get ballpoint ink marks off on the spots washable clothing, rub spots with petroleum jelly and then wash yo , u » et , ca tsup stains on in hot detergent water. washable clothing, sponge them Perspiration-stained clothing with clear, cold water before ' putting in the regulai laundiy A Lancaster Farming For mustard stains try gelling Classified Ad Can Help the spots off with ginger ale f4o Other Protein Need When You Feed No trouble with scour* or Mid* Koine oft feed. You’ll b* more fhu USE ONLY »/3 W. SPECIAL TANV.LAC SSaS^SaTSSS PER HEAD PER DAY WITH GRAIN AND ROUGHAGE GET BIGGER PROFITS CULTURE PRODUCT FOR EVERT FARM-FEEDING PURPOSE. FOR MORE PROFITS—MAIL COUPON 1 THE TANVILAC COMPANY, INC. ! 6th I Corning Avts, lox 96, Highland J Park Station, Dts Moines 13, lowa • • Please Send Me Additional Inform*- i lion about Special Tanvilac. J t have - Cattle { NAME I ADDRESS ! C 0. NOLI BIRD-IN-HAND FREE SAMPLE COPIES Copies of LANCASTER FARMING are not always easy to find they are not sold on newsstands and perhaps some of your friends may not be acquainted with our weekly service. We'll be glad to send, without charge, several copies of LAN CASTER FARMING to your friends or business associates. Just write their names and addresses below (You'll be doing both them and us a favor!) Street Address & R. D. City, State and Zip Code (You are notilmlted to t wo names. Use separate sheet for additional names.) Address □ CHECK here if you prefer to send a Year's (52 issues) GIFT subscription for $2 each ($3 each outside of Lancaster County) to your friends listed above. If so $ enclosed, or □ Bill me later. Please mail this form to: P. O. BOX 266 SPECIAL TANVILAC Feeders Say ... "The Most Economical Feeding Plan of All" LOCAL DISTRIBUTOR- Your Name Phone Lane. Street Address & R. D. City, State and Zip Code LITITZ, PENNA. John Huston Named Sec. Of Beef Council John L. Huston has been nam ed Secretary of the Beef Indus try Council of the National Live Stock and Meal Boa id Official announcement of the appoinl ment followed the Dccembci 9 meeting of the Beef Indusliy Council in Chicago Huston also succeeds his picdccessor, Don ald E. Walker, as the Meat Boards Vice Picsidcnl for Beef Piograms. accoiding to David 11. Stioud, Piesidcnt of the Boaid Huston joined the staff ns Council assistant in 1967. Walk- er lesigneti September 1, 1969, to accept a position with a com modities biokuage firm. As Secietaiy of the Beef In dustiy Council, Huston adminis teis cieation and execution of piogiams designed to mciease and stiengthen dollar demand for beef and beet cattle As Vice President, Beef Progiam, Hus ton is pait of the Boaid’s exe cutive management group He will help guide all departments in projects relating to beef in the Board’s over-all program of promotion, education, informa tion, research and merchandis ing About 55 58 percent of the Board’s income is derived from the beef cattle segment of the industry and a like percentage is budgeted to beef projects. A native of Roseville, Illi nois, where he grew up on a livestock farm, Huston worked as a vocational agriculture in structor at the Henry, Illinois, high school before joining the Chicago-based Meat Board. Huston graduated from the University of Illinois' College of Agriculture in 1963 gaining a B.S. degree in agricultural edu cation. While attending the U of I he was a member of both the livestock and meat judging teams and was high individual Lancaster Farming, Saturday. January 3.1970 Ititudes & Platitudes Jerry Marcus 4, '-vli S 9 , i! 1 11 || il i -'4 'Zi -i/ii 11 The Travelers Safety Service Excessive speed was involved in almost 40% of the fatal accidents in 1967. in beef cattle judging at the 1965 International Live Stock , „ , . Exposition in Chicago He also 1863, two Russian fleets un has an active background in 4- expectedly appeared in Amer i- H Club work and was a delegate can waters, one in the Pacific to the National 4-H Conference and the other in the Atlantlc S ix in Washington, DC. in 1964 He . . . . , . „ „ received the Coultas Memorial warshl P s put into port at San Award as the U of I College of Francisco and a like number at Agriculture’s outstanding seni- New York. It was considered a or. friendly gesture. FARMERS! ARE YOU GETTING ALL THE MILK YOU SHOULD? How much milk SHOULD you get from your herd? The PIONEER CHALLENGE FEEDING PROGRAM will answer both questions. Stop in and we will show you how. S ELMER M. SHREINER Trading as Good’s Feed Mill Specializing in DAIRY & HOG FEEDS New Providence, Pa. Phone 786-2500 SINCE IS7S Fleet’s Visit 19