Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1969, Image 7

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    • Th« '69
(Continued from Page 1)
farm operators, recreation in
come, and number of autos,
trucks, tractors, combines, and
corn pickers (including com
heads for combines).
Expenditure items cover pur
chases of feed, fcitilirer. pesti
cides, lime, gasoline and other
petroleum fuels* machine hue.
farm labor and livestock and
New Data To Be Shown
Seveial items will be publish
This year a new alfalfa-orchard
grass combination has been add
ed to the line-up of Hoffman
Formulas. , . . “Top-Potential”
Formula. Also “Formula 69”
Brand Timothy and “Formula
70” Brand Red Clover, new
multi-variety blends, have been
All 15 Hoffman Formulas are
designed to meet specific hay,
pasture and grass silage needs
All offer broader protection
over a wider range of disease
and adaptation problems.
New Liquid Supplement Offers
Palatable Solution For
Problem Eaters.
It’s called Arcadian Co
sator Liquid Feed. And
an ideal way to get you:
better cows and steers
to eat more. Compen-
sator includes molassei
protein equivalent, pol;
phosphate phosphorus,
sulfur and whatever vil
trace minerals or other
require. Combined wit’
Compensator makes a m
tion that problem-eater!
it on. It soaks right in.
part of the feed. Best
to replace dry supplerm
costs per pound of milk
had a problem getting
supplement. Now your
offers a very palatable
New Holland RD #T
cd for the first time in the 1060
census. All farmers will be ask
ed to give the age of selected
items of equipment, expendi
tures for key items such as pes
ticides, tons of commercially
mixed formula feeds, and esti
mates of the m.nkcl value of
their machine)y and equipment
Some of the moie di tailed
items of faun data will be pub
-11-heel fm 1960 onlv foi fauns
with sales of $2,500 and o' ei
Typical items aie Aue. ot in
dividual ciops haivested, acies
u ngatcd .ities teilili/cd mun
hei of tiactois by tv pc, number
ol icgniai lined woikeis. tons of
diy and liquid feitiluer used,
acies Lined, acies on which
chemicals weic applied, mven
loiy numbeis ol cattle, hogs,
and sheep by age sex classes,
and numbei of conti acts for
m oduclion of crop and livestock
To avoid asking unnccessaiy
questions of small fanners, a
short version of the census re
poit form has been developed.
Thus, the more detailed data
will not be available for most of
the smaller operations and will
not be published for farms with
sales of less than $2,500.
The specialized operators who
produce most of our food and
fiber will be asked for addition
al infoimation about major
trends in production methods in
a series of mail surveys to be
conducted early in 1971. For ex
ample, questions for commer
cial dairy operators will request
information on type of milking
parlor, whether any feed grind
ing and mixing was done on the
farm, expenditures for dairy
health products, and how much
was spent in 1970 for dany
Other specialized products for
which additional data may be
collected are fruits, vegetables,
livestock, poultry, cash grain,
tobacco, cotton and other field
crops A supplemental census
will cover greenhouse and nur
sery products. Results of these
special surveys will be publish
ed separately. Data will be
shown separately for the prin-
cipal producing counties, for
states and for the United States.
A sample survey of farm fi
nance is also scheduled for
early in 1071 Data collected will
be grouped by class of faim and
will include faim debt, cicdjt
anangements. taxes, etc. In gen
eial, the items are compaiable
to those for which financial data
woic collected in the 1%0 and
1905 sample smvejs of agiicul
Faim Data Fiom
Population Census
The Census of Population and
Housing (o be taken as of Api il
1, 1970, will be the pnmaiv
somce of data on chaiacteuslics
of nont a i m people an d
then housing Occupation of
taim people m 19 70 \eisus 1965,
education, and net faim income
after opeiating expenses, aic
some of the facts to be iccoided
Both nonfann as well as farm
icsidents, jegai dless of punei
pal occupation (such as medi
cine or law), will be asked foi
the first time to lepoit net
earnings from their farms.
Many other facts about the farm
operator and farm household
will be collected in the 1970
Census of Population and Hous
Virtually all of the basic agri
cultural information which has
been compiled in previous cen
suses will be gathered for all
farms in the 1969 census Addi
tional data will be collected for
specialized farms Also, some
farm data will be compiled in
the Census of Population and
Housing for nonfaim as well as
for farm residents.
Keep Nutmeats Fresh
When exposed to air, moisture,
and warmth, shelled nuts tend
to become rancid and stale. To
keep nutmeats fiesh, put them
in tightly sealed containeis 01
in moisture and vapor-proof
wrappings in the refngeiator or
fi eezer, advise Penn State exten
sion foods and nutrition special
ists. Whole nutmeats stay fresh
longer than chopped 01 giound
■' **"<
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 27,1969—7
Placements of hi oiler chicks in
the Commonwealth dining the
week ending Dec 20 wcie 1,-
002,000 Tlie pl.u cmcnt 1 - weic
29'i abo\{‘ the same week ~
>eai eaiJio .aid 9', bHow the
pievious week A'ciage place
ments dm mg I lie ] iin u' el.-,
wcie 17' i al'o\> a .cai < uh"i
Setting, loi I) ink . (hn 1 ,■
1 702 000 '-I'-htl, above th.
piemens week and IT, abec
the compaiable pi i imi a vc.a
eaihcr The cm lent bweek to
tal of eggs set is 1T„ above the
same penod i vcai ago Inship
meuts of bioilei-type chicks dur
ing the past 10 weeks aveiagec!
17,000 compaied with 17,000 a
year ago Outshipmcnts avei ag
ed 314,000 dining the past 10
weeks, 18% above a year
The Way
To Make
More Money
Feed Cost!
Dairy feeds at dif
ferent prices do not
have the same pro
ductive value. You
usually get what you
pay for. Lower-priced
dairy feeds often pro
duce less milk and
make less profit.
Red Rose
RED ROSE DAIRY FEEDS are the feeds you should use.
These feeds (available in many protein levels) enable a cow
to produce up to her inherited capacity. In the long run you
can make more money above feed cost with high quality
Red Rose Dairy Feeds. The price per ton is relatively unim
portant. What is important are the results! If you use sup
plements, again Red Rose has one suited to your need.
Be determined to earn more money from your dairy herd
this season. Decide to use Red Rose Dairy Feeds. So, why
not call your dealer, now.
Walter Binkley & Son
Brown & Rea, Inc.
Elverson Supply Co.
Henry E. Garber
R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa.
L. T. Geib Estate
I. B. GraybiH & Son
Refton Strasburg
E. Musser Heisey & Son
R. D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa.
Heistand Bros.
Red Rose Form
Service, Inc.
N. Church St, Quarryville
• Dairymen
(Continued Horn Page 1)
tier. Selinsgrovc RI) 1, David
Roth, Lo.vsvilh*; Rajmimd I'.
Ditmer. Willow Slicet RI) 1;
Vi’.iimi Diiclior, Mveistown RI)
! I ion knkholf I’.eimilh- RD 1
.ii-l • u 'ib vimi'i, Painijra i<() I,
fry A Classified Ad
R©Ec/t SC. ifohrer
Bulldozing - Grading
Pcfz Sales & Service
Barn Cleaners - Silo
Unloaders - Cattle Feeders
Qu.irrvville, R. D. 1
Hensel 548-2559
David B. Hurst
Martin's Feed Mill, Inc.
R D. 3, Ephrata, Pa.
Mountville Feed Service
Musser Farms, Inc.
Musser's Mill
The Buck-
Chas. E. Sauder & Sons
Terre Hill
Ammon E. Shelly
E. P. Spotts, Inc.
Honey Brook
H. M. Stauffer & Sons,