16—L>nc*sterT«rmlng, Saturday. December 27.1969 Snacks For By Mrs. Richard Spence NIBBLE BAIT cups puffed wheat cups puffed rice cup Spanish peanuts can (3% ounces) French Fried Onions cups cheese pretzel sticks cup butter or margarine, melted tablespoons grated Parmesan cheese tablespoon barbecue seasoning % teaspoon garlic powder Place cereals, peanuts, onions and pretzels m large shallow baking pan. Combine remaining ingredients and pour over cereal mixture, tossing until evenly coated. Heat in preheated slow oven (300 d'-crees) about minutes, stirring occasionally. Makes about 10 cups. 3 % If you’re serving ice cream at a party, you might like to use one of these topmnss TAFFY HONEY SAUCE Vz cup morasses % cup honey Blend molasses and honey to gether; spoon over ice cieam For a praline touch, top with pe can halves Makes 1 cup Garber Oil Co. Texoco Heating Oil Burner Sales & Service MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 FOR THE FARM WIFE AND FAMILY Holiday 2-MINUTE TAFFY PECAN SAUCE H cup butter or margarine >■2 cup sugar cup molasses Vz cup evaporated milk 1 teaspoon vanilla Vz cup pecan halves Melt butter in saucepan; add sugar and molasses. Bring to a full, rolling boil; reduce heat and boil 2 minutes, stirring constant ly. Remove from heat; stir m evaporated milk, vanilla and pe can halves Serve warm or cool over ice cream or cake. Makes 1% cups MOLASSES PINEAPPLE SAUCE 1 can (9 ounces) crushed pineapple Vi cup molasses 1 tablespoon butter or margarine Pour pineapple with the syrup fiom can mto saucepan, add mo lasses and butter Bung to a boil, tlmmcr 5 minuter Serve warm or cool over ice cream or cake, Make* about 1 cup. * • * • QUICK BLUE CHEESE DIP A ounce package Blue cheese 1 pint dairy sour cream Crumble the blue cheese. Re serve 2 tablespoons blue cheese for garnish Combine the remain ing blue cheese with sour cream. Blend together. Place in bowl and top with lemaimng cheese. Chill until ready to serve Makes 2'■s cups i 4 * * « Here are some fillers for your punch bowl CRANBERRY HOLIDAY PUNCH 2 quarts ginger ale 1 quart orange soda 8-ounce bottle lemon-lime soda 2 cups cranberry juice cocktail Freeze one quart ginger ale for beverage cubes. When ready to serve pour cranberry juice and carbonated beverages into punch bowl. Float beverage cub es Garnish with orange slices and mint leaves. Serves 24 punch-size cups. CHERUB CLOUD PUNCH 4% quarts cola, chilled 2 cups sugar 1 pint heavy cream Vz tablespoon cinnamon Pour Vh pints of cola into ice cube trays and freeze until mus hy. Whip cream until frothy, mix with sugar Scrape out frozen cola into punch bowl, add cream, then pour in remaining bottles of cola Stir lightly, sprinkle with cinnamon Selves 36 punch-size cups. SPARKLING TEA PUNCH 3 quarts ginger ale 114I 1 4 cups granulated sugar 1 cup hot water carving, pour into punch bowl; I cup lemon Juice add ice cream in large spoon -3 cup* orange Juice fus. Serves 10 to 16 persons, 1 cup pineapple Juice allowing 2to 3 punchsizc cups 3 cups double-strength tea for each. 1 12-ounce bottle raspberry * * * * soda CRANBERRY GLOW Freeze one quart ginger ale x can frozen lemonade for beverage cubes. Boil sugar concentrate and water five minutes Combine x cup cranberry juice cocktail with fruit juices and lea. Chill, x quart sparkling soda Just before serving, add thor- Lemon slices, small candles cughly chilled carbonated hever- Combine ingredients. Pour into ages. Float spaiklmg c.ibes. suitable slices and light candles Serves 40 people Serves 8 * * SWEETHEART PUNCH B i ue Laws ♦ * 2 quarts cherry soda The name, Blue Laws, ongin -1 quart orange soda ated in the Connecticut colony, 1 quart lemon-lime soda which pnnted a set of firm state- Freeze one quart cherry soda ments of what to do and what for beverage cubes Chill remain- not to do, and bound them in a mg soft drinks When ready to blue paper cover, serve, shave or crack beverage cubes. Place in punch bowl, add olher soft drinks slowly Garnish with orange or lemon slices. Makes 24 punch-size glasses * * H ROSE BOWL FLOAT 2 quarts raspberry soda Z small bottles orange soda 1 quart cream soda or ginger ale 1 pine vanilla ice cream Chill carbonated beverages thoroughly. Just before serving pour beverages into punch bowl. Add ice cream, dividing tjie pint into four “floats.” Makes 32 serv ings. 1? rs -*s ROMAN FIZZ 2 quarts grape soda 2 small bottles lemon-lime soda 1 quart ginger ale 1 pint vanilla ice cream Chill thoroughly Just before QEBI3EX 4811 fr«m - ChißtU* A man’s wisdom makes his face shine. (Eccles. 8:1). All of us have a need to understand, assimilate and to remember. Courses, teachers, books are priceless. We gain the most from their help, how ever, if we go first to the source of all wisdom the God- Mind in us. As we become at tuned to God-Mind, we see, we understand, and we remember. Working from this starting point we grasp facts, retain knowledge, make sound judg ments, and express ourselves earily.