Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 27, 1969, Image 13

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    Just A Little
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JF YOU ever get a bus stuck on the barn hill of your
Lancaster County farm, get out a heavy log chain and
DIG a little, or
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HOPE the telephone company truck last week when the National Young Farm
with a cable and winch'comes along to pull ers were on tour at the Melvin Shertzer
it out. At least that is the way it worked family farm at Millersville Rl.
duung this time Charcoal burn- days Sleeping bags may be use-
We’ie now faomg ihe lead of eis might be used for cooking if ful Farmers also should be
Winter and ice stoiras or bliz they aie placed on an outside equipped with standby genera
zaids may knock out electrical P ° r m the fiioplaee wheie tols tQ provide DOwer for the
service Summer camping gear ' entilation is proper Extra food
or hunting equipment might be supplies should always be kept many pieces of equipment. Plan
used for this emergency A gas on hand wheie there is danger of ning in advance for this type of
stove or latern may be useful being snowbound for seveial emergency is good management.
“Hang Up”
hook up your biggest tractor to pull it loose
doesn’t work
TRY A TRACTOR on the rear. And if that doesn’t work
Winter Storm
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, December 27,1969-48
w \>l
§ V-v*
, T
“Too manv headline hunters
and self stj led ecologist do not
understand the scientific aspects
of soil-plant-water relationships
and thus draw incorrect conclu
sions from unsupported informa
tion to the detenment of the
housewife or consumer of Ameri
can foods,” Carman said
“There has been gross misun
derstanding and a gieat deal of
misinformation spread regarding
agriculture’s possible contribu
tion to water pollution,” he con
“The spotbght of fact should
be focused on the many errors
of misinformed self-styled lead
ers who attempt to link nitrogen
levels in streams to the growing
If that use ot commercial fertilizers.”
(Continued on Page 18)
Chemicals Safeguard
Abundant Food Supply,
Institute Head Soys
Scicntifica!l> applied icsear
ch and of .1 ncultmal chemi
cals icpiciciit the nation's stron
gest safeguaul lo .111 abundant
supplj of nututiou' food
That's the opinion of Dr W,
11 Caiman, Vice Piesidcnt,
Mcmbei Services National Plant
Food Institute \V ishington, D.
C, in an addiess before the first
annual Ohio Ag Chemicals Con
L. F. Photos