—Lancaster Farming. Saturday. December 27,1969 10 Sale Register FRI. JAN 9 12.45 Sharp Mid- Winter Registered Holstein Sale along Rt. 222, 6 miles S. of Lan- caster. 8 mi N. of Quarryville at Carl Diller Farm. Sale by Carl Diller and John J. Stoltzfus. SPECIALS BAITEWES 20% OFF un 1 1 k, ' IW Plus Your Old Battery TOBACCO PAPER |*> v c 50 LB. ROLLS lb TRACTOR CABS $ 260. ASSORTED TOOLS $5.95 Value ONLY eoeh REDUCED PRICES ON TRACTOR TIRE CHAIMS C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Penna. Phone 768-8231 Sale Register WED. JAN. 21—9 A.M. Martin’s Sale Barn, Blue Ball, farm equip ment and machinery. We sell on commission. Paul Z. Martin. MON. JAN. 26, 1970—Sugar Loaf Sale, Staunton, Va., Div. of Shalce, Inc. Sale Register SAT. JAiV. 31—Public Sale of farm equipment located 1 mile south of Bachmanville, Lebanon Co. Terms by Wm. B. Stauffer. WED. FEB. 4—9 A.M. Martin’s Sale Barn, Blue Ball, farm equip ment and machinery. We sell on commission. Paul Z. Martin. TUBS. FEB. 10—Sale by Verna Nissley for Luke Nissley, deceas ed Clair Nissley Exe. on Aber deen Rd, 2 mi. N. of Rt. 230 at Aunt Sally’s Kitchen, Elizabeth town, Pa. Farm Equipment, corn and hay. WED. FEB. 18—9 A.M. Martin’s Sale Barn, Blue Ball, farm equip ment and machinery. We sell on commission. Paul Z. Martin. WED. MAR. 4—9 A.M. Martin’s Sale Barn, Blue Ball, farm equip ment and machinery. We sell on commission. Paul Z. Martin. SAT. MAR- 14—Public Sale of modern Allis Chalmers farm equipment located four miles west of Elizabethtown, near Goods Church. Sale by John M. Nissley. TUES. MARCH 17—at 10 A.M. 40 head of dairy cattle, full line of farm machinery and house hold goods, located 2 mi. north west of Manheim on Old Line Road, turn west on Colebrook St in Manheim. Terms by Roy B 8011. WED MAR. 18—9 A M Martin’s Sale Bain, Blue Ball, farm equip ment and'machinery, We sell on commission Paul Z Martin. SAT. MAR. 21, 1970— Black Gold Farm’s Sale, Forest River, No. Dakota. r " *■ •• *," ~ r FREE. Subscribers to Lan caster Farming will re- 1 ceive one advertisement t Free each month in our ' Mail Box Market. Sub scribers using the Mail Box Market will be ' governed by the following rules Limit your advertisement % to 25 words; All advertise- 5 ments must be in our hands by Thursday noon or same will be held over , for next week’s paper; No business advertisements > accepted. For Sale—Winchester Centenial Guns never used, 2 file cabi nets letter size bargain, 19 stone beautiful diamond ring, 1955 Buick 2 dr, hard top Give offer Denver (267-2104) For Sale—l 962 Blue Corvan, 2 dr, 3 speed stick shift, good con dition, inspected; must sell Mar ian Landis Ph 284 4566. For Sale—Fat pig—weights 350 or moie Apply to John S Mai tm, Ji , Denver R#l, near Zemb omatic bain cleaner shop For Sale—Registered Purebied Shiopshue lams eligible for per foimance legistry, $5O each One champion—sl2s 00 Contact Warn Menhennett, RD #l, Coch lanville, Pa., Ph 215-593-5726. Dairy Equipment Milk Tanks 800 Mojonnier Vacuum; SOOEsco; 300 Mojonnier and 300 Esco, all Walker Approved. Many other New York Approved. CURRY SUPPLY CO. Curryville, Pa. 200 gal. Girton bulk tank; 300 gal. Girton bulk tank, McD. No. 1 approved. CLARK ELECTRIC Rl, Kinzers, Pa. Ph: Intercourse 768-8228 Real Estate For Rent—'Farm house 7 rooms and bath, oil hot water heat, South of Lancaster with oppor tunity to take over 45 to 60 cow herd on shares in near future. Write Box 266 A, % Lancaster Farming, Lititz, Pa. Local Classified Advertising Rates Use This Handy Chart To Figure Your Cost Words (1) Issue (3) Issues 14 or Less $l.OO $2.40 1.05 2 52 1.12 2 69 1.19 2 86 1.26 3 03 133 . 3.20 1.40 3 36 KEYED ADS (Ads with answer coming to a Box Number, % Lancaster Farm ing): 50c additional. Ads running 3 or more con secutive times with no change billed at 20% discount with $l.OO minimum.' DEADLINE; WeiMfegcfey noon of each week’s publication CALL 394-3047 or 626-2191 Help Wanted We need SALESMEN with farm background to sell Tractor Driven Alternators by demon* stration. Act NOW Call EPH RATA 717 733-7911 Ask for Mr. Shealer. ELECTROMEC 34 N. Rdg. Road, Ephrata, Pa. Herdsman and Manager for modern dairy farm, house with utilities included, 6 day a week with vacation and insurance. Very good wages to right man. Apply or write VALLEY VIEW DAIRY FARM R.D. #2, Northampton, Pa. 18067 Phone 215-262-5976 Experienced or inexperienced man to work and learn Diesel Mechanic. Many Benefits. C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Pa. Miscelloneous For SaIe—MUSHROOM SOIL for your lawn and garden. GAP NEWPORT MUSHROOM FARMS. INC. Ph. Avondale 21S-268-8808 Lancaster 394-2611 FREE CIRCULAR Country Records Fiddle Tunes J. E. Mainer Hylo Brown, etc., Un cle Jim O’Neal, Box ALF, Arcad ia, Calif. 91006. WOOD SHAVINGS. Ideal for work-ways and bedding. $l2 per ton. Can be delivered in bulk loads of 10-12 tons. Less expen sive than straw or tanbark. Con tact Bob Geist at Leola Supply Co. Inc. Ph. 717-656-6811. ~ Tree Service Custom Cham Sawing Trees Cut Any Length J. LANDIS BOWERS Columbia R.D. #l, Pa. Phone 285-5649 Ph: 768-8231