which has been converted to no- total land, or 8 million acres, is proposed curbing acquisition of nagricultural uses in the past 10 currently being farmed. Urban!- agricultural use land through holne of nil Pennsvlvanlans and y® OM : an avcra 8C of 115 acres zntlon has claimed 8 per cent, or eminent domain, or public com- I am certain this report will re- of n B>’icultural land, including 99 2.4 million acres, and forest land damnation proceedings, ceive every consideration In for- aclcs of cropland, has been covers 62 per cent, or 17 million Other recommendations Includ* gillie for stole Inheiilonce tax molming fitline loud policies in od; ,O the " M STu" uS*T£ gou-.no. M a luncheon meei.ng Tbc report p.c.cnled some nr- Unuo. mains rural and potentially ag- thCir iUld ** a; the Penn Hams Moloi Inn. lesl 'n« statistics It said "Pennsylvania, with its 28 8 ncultural. This is far from the « fr -__ lhon and the go\emoi in Hun con "Neaily one-halt of Pennsyl- million acres of land, appears to truth...” ricultur-il econorfvr ValMa * yi.itulatcd the committee, com \.ini.rs farm land has gone out have enough acreage to satisfy The study committee proposed 1 ni^‘ —Lnncmtcr Fnrming. Saturday. December 20.1969 12 • Recommendation (Continued from Page 1) mention ol food production since thctu.n any futuic needs A closer look restrictions on public improve- —Dc\elop a strong program ‘‘The wise picseiwition of our of the contuiy This includes leveals that this will not be the ments in an agricultural use area for infoiming the public of the agi icultuic land is indeed .1 no- 420.009 acres of some of Penn- case at the piesent late of land when low cost is a motivating continuing necessity of planning cessit> foi the health and well- sylvania’s best agncultuial land conversion About 30 per cent of factor m site selection. It also all land use. MILLER & BUSHONG, INC. As shepherds watched in wonder and awe while Wise Men followed a sacred Star there in a Manger an Infant lay, born to bring messages of comfort and joy, of "Peace on Earth, Good Will toward Men." In this gladsome season, when we celebrate anew the marvels of the first Christmas, we reflect reverently upon the meaning and Miracle of Bethlehem With our friends and neighbors, we share the quiet contentment and high happiness of this holy Day, and we gratefully take the opportunity to put aside the routine of everyday business and to send, to one and all, our warmest holiday wishes Feed Manufacturers ristnws Merry Christmas! ROHRERSTOWN, PA.