Division VOL. 15 NO. 4 INTENSE INTEREST in Lancaster County farming methods was evident on the National Young Farmer tours conduct ed in the County as part of the organiza tion’s Education Institute held this week at the Host Farm, (left to right) Robert Neff, Millersville Rl, one of the host farmers, From All Of Our Staff To All Of You 8 I Recommendation Given To Set Aside Land For Farm Use Only A 40-page repoit of a plan to save Pennsylvania’s farm land was handed to Gov Shafer this week, as the special study com mittee headed by Curtis B Wach smuth and including two Lan caster County men Amos Funk, Millersville R 1 and Larry Skromme, New Holland finish ed two yeais of woik Of special interest to local faimers because of the piessmg, steady enroachments of uibamz- Farm Calendar Saturday, Dec. 20 (today) 9 00 a m —Distribution of Lan caster County 4-H steers, New Holland Sales Stables Tuesday, Dec. 23 11-45 a m —Pa Holstein Com mittee meeting, Starlite Restaurant, Carlisle, Pa. explains his steer and tobacco operation to Jared Hoover, Abilene, Kansas, Clyde Watson Jr., Max Meadows, Va.; Ivan Yost, Local Farmer and Chairman, National Executive Committee and John Nixon, Cridersville, Ohio. L. F. Photo ation and commercialization of the County’s diminishing supply of farm land, was one of the com mittee's mam proposals They recommended that “land use” areas of 4,000 adjoining acies be designated and set aside foi fanning pui poses only County Commissioneis would be authoi ized to establish these areas aftei appiopnate public healings, held on petition of no less than 15 land owneis Wachsmuth explained to the governoi that the proposed Agn cullmal Land Conservation Plan would provide financial incen tives for farmers to participate They would include Assessments to be based on agncultuial values only; owners would be compensated for allow ing hunting and fishing on their propel ties and for maintaining watershed protection; heirs of landowners who continue to par ticipate in the plan would be eli (Continued on Page 12) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 20,1969 i 4-H Angus Steers I To Be Distributed 1 2 The steer calves for the An 3 gus Club members m the 197 C 5 Red Rose 4-H Baby Beef Club will be distxibuted this Satui | day morning December 20, S fiom the New Holland Sale I Barn at New HoUand time will I be 9 00 a m according to- M M. Smith, County Agent J Each membei is expected to i j come to the New Sale l Barn at the above tunic firepiO, i ' ) ed to diaw for his steej/pay toi S him, and take him home 1 “Please be theie along with t your parents, if they would like } to come,” Smith said COUNTING REFERENDUM BALLOTS Thursday afternoon at the Department Of Agriculture Building in Harrisburg. Ballot counting began Wednesday, on the milk marketing program for dairymen across Pennsylvania. No information on which side the counted ballots were favor ing was allowed to be released from the closed door counting session but James Kegel, at the Agriculture Department Infor- National Farmers Show Interest In Co. Agriculture Intense interest in how Lan caster County Faimeis do it, was appaient Monday and Tuesday as faimeis trom 22 states acioss the Nation visited local host families as part of the National Young Faimei Educational In stitute held at the Host Faim, tms week The laising of tobacco and maiketmg of the ciop pro bably received the most atten tion But othei intei estmg sub jects centered aiound close Farm Public Image Discussed “Farm products are produced on economics,” said Boyd Gart ley, Member and Public Rela tions, Inter-State Milk Produc ers, “but they are sold on emo ‘ions.” Speakmg as one of three panel members on Young Fai m er Public Relations at the Na tion Young Faimer Education al Institute, Wednesday mom mg, Gaitlev told the leading fanners that you must select the image you want, pick the class of people you want to *each and then use the media ‘Jdu want to do the job “What fli#' peofffl’>;want is what you must give them,” he said “Sell the difference between just oi dinaiy and the best Dr Muny McJunkm, Maiket Development Division, U S (Continued on Page 8) mation Center said officials were pleased with the more than 10,- 000 ballots that were received in the referendum. Approximately 22,500 dairy farmers were eligi ble to vote on the proposed self assessment plan to finance an ad vertising, promotion and resear ch program to increase the sale and use of milk. Kegel said it would be several days before a conclusion would be reached because counting in- $2.00 Per Year neighbors, haid-topped lanes and sliong, well-built bank barns. Pai t of the 250 persons attend ing the Institute, went one day to the Millersville area to visit members of the Penn Manor \oung Farmers Chapter and the other day to visit young Farmers in the New Holland area The farm stops, arranged by the Garden Spot Young Farm eis, included, the Neff Brothers, Melvin Shei tzer and Amos Funk all of Millersville Rl, Lloyd Har nish, Lancaster R 6, Harold Wis sler, Harold Musselman and John Campbell all of New Holland; Stauffer Homstead, East Earl Rl and an Amish faim at Kinzers Rl In the Monday night banquet speech Morns Fonda, General Sales Manager for A 0 Smith Haivestore Products, said “Chan ge is ceitain ” Speaking on the subject “Managing Change”, Fon da said in the future the real com mei oial fai m will be managed by young people with new manage ment abilities He piedicted in \estments foi faimeis three tim es as gieat as now and said the future faimei will be an innova toi, have laigei nsks, be giowth ouented with a moie business like appioach Fonda piedicted credit would be available (maybe at a higher rate) but the credit people would be asking foi projected profit and loss statements and looking (Continued on Page 5) volved not only recording the yes no vote but also tabulating the individual voter’s milk pro duction Working in the Lancaster Farming Photograph above are (left to right) Raymond F. Wit mer, Willow Street Rl; Jacob N, Smith, Palmyra; Miss Sandra Rarends, Ag. Dept.; Warren Bucher, Myerstown R 2; Larry E. Kegerreis, Ag. Dept.; and Ray F Reiter, Ag. Dept.