Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 13, 1969, Image 7

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    :• Poultry •
(Continued from Page I)
All fans but the one next to the
cross elevator located at the end
oi the bouse blow air in a hori
zontal fashion. The fan next to
the cross elevator is mounted so
as to blow air directly down
wards into the manure at veloc
ities of 1000 feet per minute.
These fans, circulating the warm
house air across the manure at
high velocities, results in iapid
surface drying. Frequent stnnng
constantly exposes new moist
surfaces of the maniue to the
Stirring is accomplished w,th
Tune In The
Ole Sheriff
(Bobby Montgomery )
6 to 8 P.M.
Monday thru Saturday
Ephrata R. 2 (Farmersviile) Pa. 17522
a specially designed device which
also serves as a cleaning mech
anism. (See photo page 10).
It is time clock controlled and
through a scries of reversing
switches the system is automatic.
Cleaning can be automatic or
manually controlled.
When the manuie is removed
freu the house at 30 per cent
moisture it is finely lexluicd and
dry to the touch It is ideal foi
field application oi it can bo
further piocesscd with a com
mercial dryei. After the later
diying stage moisture content is
cut to less than 10 per cent amt
the manuie can be sloicd safely
without pioducing offensive od
ois Several potential sales out
lets aie now being explored for
use of the diy fine powdeied ma
The fust stage of drying inside
the poultiy house costs aiound
$3/lon of 30 per cent moistuie
manure remaining This cost is
calculated on the basis of the
net inciease m kilowatt consump
tion for ventilation because of
the drying fans mounted direct
ly over the manure Cost per
kilowatt is assumed at IIAl l A cents.
The cost does not include capital
investment for the additional
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• Soil it Water
(Continued from Page 1)
nor a meeting for conservation
contractors and enter into a me
mo of understanding with the
planning Commission Woik will
be done with all civic and muni
cipal oigani/ations to i educe an
and watei polution and idcntili
c. tion of major nulusti ial, com and municipal pollute)
will be lecoidcd.
fans Electucal costs to’ sin ring
aic negligible To di.v the man
uie from about 30 peiccnt to less
than 10 pci cent adds anolhei S 2
to $3/ton of di > manme I'hus
foi around S7/ton foi electucal
and fuel costs a saleable pioducl
can be produced
In summary, Biesslei said the
main factois in favor of the s>s
tern are oideis can be conti oiled
so poultiymen can sumve in
lesidential aieas, fly bi ceding
areas are decreased, highei tem
perature in the house results in
better feed conversion: mature
handling is easier and there is
less down time foi manuie re
moval in between flocks
5 v< V
County Native Awarded
PhD In Agriculture
At the fall commencement
cxeicises of Michigan State Uni
versity, East Lansing, Michigan,
John S Shcnk was confencd
the Doctor of Philosophy degree
liom the College of AgnculUiic
The title of his thesis was
"Selection and Chai actei nation
of Digestibility Diffeience in Al
lalla bv Chemical and Bioassay
Pi occdui es”.
Dr. Shcnk, son of Mi and
Mi s William Shcnk, Lancaster
R(1 is now employed in Chns
tianapolis, Brazil He is the son
in law of Mr and Mis lia Holz
hauei of New Pi evidence.
Beginning Januaiy Ist he will
leturn to his undergraduate
school, Penna State Umveisity,
Univeisity Park, Penna and be
come a member of the faculty
as an AssT Piofessor of Agiono
my woiking in forage breeding
Shenk is a graduate of Penn
Manor High School, attended
Millersville State College, and
as a child was an active mem
ber in 4-H woik His wife, the
Phone 717-354-5374
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, December 13,1969
*' y -A • *
The York Imperial continues
to be Pennsylvania's leading ap
ple variety, accoiding to the
Slate Crop Repelling Seivice.
The 1909 crop of 142 8 million
pounds of York Impel nils ac
counted foi 28 pel cent of the
slate’s apple pioduction Golden
Delicious (918 million pounds)
lanked second in pioduction fol
lowed by Stayman, Rome Beauty,
Delicious. Jonathan and Mcln
tosh The state’s total apple pio
duction was 510 million pounds.
Nationally, the apple ciop was
the hugest in 30 yeais Delicious
tanked lust in the nation in pio
duction with Golden Delicious
second Mclntosh thud, Rome
Beauty fouith, Jonathan fifth
and Yoik Impeual sixth
About 17 cubic miles of water
occupies the crater of the ex
tinct volcano at Ciater Lake,
Oiegon every bit of which
fell theie, no sti earns lun into
foimer Gloria Holzhauer, is a
graduate of Lampetei-Stiasburg
High School They have four
childien, Lucinda, Suzanne,
Mary and John William.
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