Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 13, 1969, Image 21
Farm Machinery Farm machinery ii one of the big investments in modern ag riculture and at this time of the year every operator should , '•< I ''' < A t»v , »vS* s !>*Sf*V >*< ». " '■*- k < '; r* r, . ■ ’ * ■ .s!*■> V «■% * *J*. :. f#„-> > n wv > V - v * "BETTER-BILT" LIQUID MANURE SPREADER DISTRIBUTED AND SOLD BY S. M. MANUFACTURING Co., Inc. R. D. 4, Lititz, Penna. Phone 717-626-8585 Call or vVrite For Free Demonstration Lancaster Automobile Club During the month of December, a handsome new AAA front end plate will be awarded to the proposer for each new member he proposes. . ACCIDE^ I INSURANCE AND MANY OTHERS COAST TO COAST SAIL BOND SERVICE LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE CLUB JMJJ#Si I LJ 34 N. Prince St., Lancaster, Pa. Pleas* send • CHRISTMAS GIFT membership TRAVEL SERVICE LICENSE SERVICE _ _ Thl» JMllCtlun If >• Ulti («r NEW MEMBERS ONLY r % f Addrtu _ MUST RESIDE IN LANCASTER COUNTY j 1 I INDICATE (X) HOW YOU WANT DELIVERY MADE LEGAL Send lift ptckagt direct 0 tend t* m* Q ADVISORY SERVICE Stnder<f Nflmt MONTHLY MAGAZINE Du « J 7 50 No entrance tee for i per- Entrancs Fe» ~,,,,.5 250 Address son residins with a present TOTAL memll ' r > FEE »? » make every effort to sot his equipment under roof. Machi nery that is out in the weather will rust and then break down when put to hard use; also, rust Owl Hill Road For Christmas, give a membership in the 365 days of driving pleasure TME IDEAL GIFT EASY TO BUY-SURE TO PLEASE PACKAGED IN A COLORFUL HOLIDAY BOX Over 57,000 Members in Lancaster County enjoy these services... shortens the life of any piece of equipment. A special shed or machinery born is strongly rec ommended. If this is not pos- l We, f h l t Ind,c “ tor i . sibie, then storage in the barn The 1)081 indicator for keeping or tobacco shed will give prolcc- track of your weight is an hon tion. The problem with barn cst look at yourself in a full storage is that in case of fire, length mirror, suggests Louise the losses will be more severe. W. Hamilton, Penn Stale exten- Good management states that sion foods and nutrition special farm machinery should be stor- Ist. From this look, you should cd in a dry place when not in be able to tell if you’ve gained a use, and all working parts greas- few pounds or if your weight is ed for the Winter. about right v>. V vs* < ♦V < > Lancaster Farming, Saturday. December 13.1969—21 Pennsylvania Broiler Placements Un 4*U Placements of broiler chicks in the Commonwealth during the week ending November 29 were 985.000. The placements were 4% above the same week a year earlier but 14% below the prev ious week Average placements during the past 10 weeks were 15% above a year earlier. Sett lings for broiler chicks were 1,- 1794,000 —7% below the prev ious week but 17% above the comparable period a year earlier. The cuirent 3-week total of eggs set is 22% above the same period a year ago Inshinmonts of broil ei-type chicks during the past 10 weeks aveiaged 8 000 and compaics with 12,000 a year ago Outshipments aveiage 304,000 dining the past 10 weeks, 19% I above a veai eai lici | 22 STATES Placements in the 22 States weie 55 023,000 —3% 'below the pievious week and 1 13% above the same week a ijeai eail.ei A. eiage placements |dm mg the past 10 weeks weie 1 12% above a yeai ago Settings weie 71,321,000 slightly be llow the pievious week but 14% above a yeai earlier The cur rent 3-week total of eggs set is 13% above the comparable per iod a yeai ago Cattle Lice Conti oiling cattle lice now pre vents them from building up during the Winter months In a recent reseaich study done in Arizona on two year-old Here ford heifers, it was found that the group heavily infested with body lice lost 80 pounds per head more duung the Winter than those free of body lice The recommendation states that it is definitely economically advanta geous for livestock owners to eliminate lice from all of their cattle In our local feed lots many farmers have the problem ol cattle lice infestation and should not be tolerated for best returns Sprays will obtain bet ter control than dusts and should be done on a warm day with the use of cold water and an insecti cide such as ciodnn, the treat ment should be lepeated in two to three weeks SNOW PUPS FROM TORO n The 14" Snow Pup 22 pounds Yet the Snow Pup can clean a 50 foot driveway in just 10 minutes Digs deep and throws snow up to 15’ in three directions Again this year a pneumatic primer, and automatic compression re lease for easier starting. 5 109 ,s Ell f. KM Pond Road R D 1, Ronks, Pa Phone 768-3670 (2 miles Northwest of