—Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 13,1969 20 • Farm Women (Continued from Paso 17) Eshelinan ami Mis Harry Weid oi, \u'io welcomed into the group Conti ibutions weic made to the Salvation Aimy, Amcucan Bible Socictv, Cimplsd Childion and Retarded Children Mis Raymond Dixon and Mrs Cyrus Neff vveie appointed dele gates to the State Convention The Society will sponsor a bus trip to the Convention in Harns buigonJan 12 For reset vations contact Mrs Frank Hodecker. The new yearbooks were dis tributed by Mrs Frances Lefev er Christmas carols were sung, under the dnection of Mrs Chai les Shank, accompanied at the piano by Mis Edwin Eshelman Gifts were exchanged. The next meeting will be held Jan 3 in the home of Mrs Ray mond Dixon, 2349 Middlegreen Court, Village of Old Hickory Guest speaker will be Mrs Arth ur Poyck SOCIETY 22 Society of Farm Women 22 held a Chnstmas meeting Tues day at the home of Mrs Haiold Rudy, 502 Penn Grant Rd, with Mrs Paul Miller as co-hostess Mis Floyd Anderson was in stalled as a new member Mrs Lloyd Heir, Mrs Jay Landis and Mrs Kenneth Funk will be the delegates to the State Conven tion in Hamsburg in Januaiy Mrs Heniy Hess is alternate The piogiam featured the ex changing of gifts, caiol singing and games The next meeting will be Jan 20 at the home of Mrs Lester Landis, 2088 Cieek Hill Rd Mis Cloyd Wenger will he co-hostess SOCIETY 23 Fifty animals were stuffed for 4he Venture Club Toys for Tots project at a recent meeting of HOW! IS THE TIME TO PURCHASE YOUR REMINGTON CHAIN SAW (gops Remington Arms Company, Inc , Park Forest, 111. FOR A LARGE SELECTION OF NEW & USED CHAIN SAWS ... SEE GEHMAN BROS. SALES & SERVICE Phone 445 6272 1 Mi N of Terre Hill on Rt. 897 East Earl R D. 1 Society of Farm Women 23 of Weslnngton Boio. At the meet ing held in the home of Mrs. John Hess, Washington Boro Rl, 14 dolls were also diesscd for the piojcct Mis Chailes Ficy assisted the hosteas Dcvo'ions were in chaigc of Mis Andrew Nissley. Dm mg the busincsi meeting, Mrs J Clayton Charles, presi dent, gave a resume of her term of office Approved was a gift of a Christmas dinner and two tur keys to be given to three area families, and a money gift to be sent to two Washington Boro families, who have seriously handicapped members requiring medical care These gifts will be sent in advance of the Christmas holiday. Mrs. Paul Keagy, ways and means chairman, reported on plans for upcoming refreshment stands at sales She also discuss ed the part sales and made sug gestions Society 23 was in charge of the dessert and beverage table at the lecent Benefit Auction held at the Farm and Home Center The next meeting of the group will be Tuesday, Dec 30 at the umim A real, authentic John Deere Riding Tractor with pedals for fun-filled action. Made of long-lasting aluminum alloy; has heavy, rubber-tired, ballbearing wheels and strong roller chain drive. Handsomely finished in tough baked enamel in yellow and green. The tractor and trailer are made for each other with secure draw bar hitch. May be purchased individually or in combina tion. Come in and see this riding tractor. You’ll find more than the usual in stability and quality. Great for a Christmas present or any special occasion. Wenger Implement', Inc. Landis Bros. Inc. The Buck 284-4141 Lancaster . 393-3906 A. B. C. Groff, Inc. Shotzberger's New Holland 354-4191 Elm 665-2141 M. S. Yeorsley & Sons West Chester 696-2990 • Have You Heard? (Contlnuod from Page 17) must be pliable so you can force it easily through the press on ungreased baking sheets. Bake pressed cookies until set. The decorative shapes are attractive in themselves, but if you wish you can spi inkle the unbaked cookies with colored sugar or cinnamon sugar When You Buy Your Holiday Turkey If you're selecting your turkey more than three days in advance of the day you’ll serve it, belter buy a frozen one. Choose the frozen turkey that has an undamaged wrapper. Exposure to air dries out the meat and encourages a rancid off flavor to develop. You can safely buy fresh tur key two or three days in advance. Select a bird with clean waxy skin, without bruises or discolor ations, few pinfeathers, and a well-distributed layer of fat. For a mouth-watering bird, choose a meaty turkey, with broad breast and short, thick legs and thighs When you buy a ready-to-cook turkey weighing twelve pounds home of Mrs. J. Clayton Charles, Lancaster R 2, at which time sec ret pals will be revealed. or lon. allow one pound of meat TVv A for each serving. • * Y When you buy medium or heavy ready-to-cook birds, birds I6Q "■“* weighing twelve pounds and _ _ over, figure on two servings from JJ Pay# each pound. LANCASTER SILOS ... VIBRATED & CORRUGATED STAVE SILOS Designed and Built For Strength GET YOUR EARLY ORDER DISCOUNT NOW Contact Leroy Zook, Salesman C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse 717-768-8231 or 215-593-5793 Also See Us For Starline Silo Unloaders LANCASTER SILO COMPANY 2436 Creek Hill Road, Lancaster, Pa. 17601 Manufactured in Leola by
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