STIRRING DEVICE pulled through poultry house manure pits helps fans to dry product from 75 percent Need • • • HAY - STRAW - EAR CORN Buy Now ond Save! More and more farmers are buying from us for better value and all around satisfaction Delivered any quantity I j Phone Area Code 717 687-7631 i ! Esbenshade Turkey Farm “America’s Oldest” PARADISE, PA. Bwamand New Van Dale “1230 Series II” Silo Unloader Customer- Certified to outperform, outlast any make its size. You're in command. Push the . the new Van Dale "1230 Series Unloader go into action—give you output, feed more head—without booster or added electricity. Our say so? No, our customers testify the "1230 Series U" is better three ways: Pnhraiaißß NEW WHIP-SNAP V-PADDLES GIVE EXTRA THROW POWER DOUBLE 7" AUGERS WITH J/U» FLIGHTING Ti * down to 30 percent. The drag is run automatically by time clock about ten times in twenty-four hours. Homemade Toys Easy For Child To Handle For their enjoyment and edu cation, why not give your chil dren homemade toys of wood? The family handyman can come up with simple, yet ver satile toys with a minimum of expense, reminds James E Van Horn, family life and child de velopment extension specialist of The Pennsylvania State Uni versity Children often enjoy the warmer feel of wood instead of plastic or metal, and some chil dren prefer the roughness cieat ed by the saw to a smooth, sand ed surface. Wooden toys have the advan tage of being easily repaired and restored with nails, sand paper, and paint, Mr Van Horn points out. Large blocks in a variety of shapes are free fi on detail and allow a child to use his imagination He can handle them easily and use them to create a variety of make-believe situations Children are energetic and like toys that give them a chance to exercise Hobby horses, stilts, hoops, and sticks are economical and provide plenty of action Wooden boats, autos, trains, Lancaster Farming. Snt.. December 1». I !)(>!)- 1<) Correspondence Courses (ga, dS Clothing Repair Insti uclions Clothing caie includes piopcr use ippan, clcanin i and ‘■toiagc o! .vom famih ga'menls \nd adequate caie adds to a gai menl's weaiabi'ih spicicc ap pc nance and lite Co iect laun clenng, piessme and mending help keep clothing in good shape To help impio\c \oui cloth ing caie skills. The Pennsshan 1a State Univeisity offc’s a coi tespondence cou’se tilled Caie ot Clothing” The couise includ es information on removing stains from washable and diy cleanmg fabrics And theie aie easy to follow insti notions for piessing cotton, wool, and man made fabnes Diagrams and pictuies m the couise show you the best method for mending elbows and knees of garments and making woi n trou ser cuffs look like new For your copy of the couise, send your name and addiess with $2 65 to Caie of Clothing, Box 5000. Unneisity Paik, Pa , 16802. You can study the couise at your leisuie and then file it as a handy refei ence Make check or money order payable to Penn State. and planes are simple to make shapes that adapt to many dif feient playtime games, adds Mr. Van Horn.