FARM WOMEN NEWS t SOCIETY I Society of F.irm Women 1, Lit itz, held their meeting in the Moravian Home, Church Squaie, Lititz. Mrs Scott Caiman, p:evi dent, was in charge of the busi ness meeting. She announced Society 14 will sponsor a bus to the State Con vention on Jan. 12 with Mis Frank Hodecker in charge of reservations. The Jan 13 bus. leaving from the Lancastei Shop ping Center at 7.30 am, may also have reservations by mem bers by contacting Mrs Carman Mrs. Paul Kurtz and Mrs. Hen ly Shreiner attended the Ven ture Club meeting to assist with toys and will also help distribute toys on Friday. Society 1 will entertain Society 8. The program featured devo tions and inspirational thoughts by Mrs. Simon Snyder Youngst eis presented musical selections following. Christmas carols were ]°d by Mrs Geoige Zahn Mrs Willis Bucher inarmsc ;.;d ' Agricultural PLANTFOODI & Fertilizers i i Peanut Hulls We Give I ffcll \ Green i \ “Look For This Sign” Stamps So, Newport Road Intercourse, Penna. Phone (717) 768-8451 FIGHT INFLATION! HE Conestoga Bank mo ami ms m mum mum LANCASTER/CENTERVILLE/EAST/LANDISVILLE/LITITZ MANHEIM TOWNSHIP/MILLERSVILLE/ROHRERSTOWN Santa Claus and gave gifts to tnc guests of the home and the child) cn who participated in the piogram. 'A chicken dinner was served to 85 members and guests The next meeting will be Jan 3 at the home of Mrs Raymond J. Newcomer, 22 W. Oiangc St, Lititz. The Society of Farm Women 8 entertained 27 guests at the Schock Presbyterian Home, 37 E. Main St., Mount Joy, on Sat urday, December 6, and present ed each guest with gifts and food distributed by Santa Clause. Mary Sales, 92, was the oldest guest present. Also present were County Farm Women officers and 36 members of the host group. The program included a piano duet by Mrs. Elmer Groff and Mrs. Charles Shank Mrs Clin ton Eby presented several Christmas readings. Mrs. James Beecher sang Christmas selec- 5% GROWTH INVESTMENT CERTIFICATES INTEREST COMPOUNDED DAILY GIVES YOU MORE FOR YOUR MONEY MEMBER FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION A Trustee for The Lancaster County Foundation SOCIETY 8 tions and led the group in sing ing. She wns accompanied on the piano by Mrs. Shank, her moth er. The featured entertainment was. a Funny Fashions Show in which .1 "housedress" fealuied tonsil uclion paper houses attach ed to a dicss and a "tcadicss” was covcicd with lea bags and accented with a teapot handbag. An evening dress became a night gown when the accessories weic lemoved and an A-line full length gieen coiduroy gown was acccssouzed with tinsel and oth c> Christmas ornaments to make a Christmas tiee Participating in the fashion show were Mrs. Clinton Eby, Mrs. Clyde Wivell. Mrs. William Heisey, Mrs John Keener, Mrs. Louis Bixler, Mrs Herbert Sar ver, Mrs. John Warfel, Mrs. War ren Heisey, Myrtle Wolf, Mis. Richard Warfel, Mrs. Clyde Sumpman, Miss Mary Grace Mar tin, Mrs Harold Drager and Mrs. Jay Greider. The next meeting of Society 8 will be held January 18 with the Misses Anna Mae and Ruth Eby, Donegal Springs Road, serving as hostesses Assisting will be Mis Edward Myeis and Miss Martin. SOCIETY 10 Society of Faim Women 10 met in the home of Mrs Chailes Stauffei Si , Lime Spnngs Faim, Rohreistown, with Mrs John Ha- beckei, piesident, in charge De votions weie led by Mrs Elam Buckwaltei A tin key covered dish dinnei was seived to 28 membeis Two new membeis, Mis Edwin D (Continued on Page 20) Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 13.1969 Ladies, Have You Heard? ... By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Choosing Children’s Hooks When you choose a book for a child, choose it especially for him, not just any child Keep in mind his interests, his intelligence, and his expei icnce. Look carefully at the quality of the writing as you examine the book Avoid a book with careless English or one that’s written down to the child Remember a child is an imitator Often he’ll incorporate into his speech the expiessions he hears you read to him Try to find a book that uses simple, clear language he’ll undei stand, but language that makes the story out of the ordinary Some Basic Facts About Cookies For lolled cookies it’s important not to work excess flour into them fm toughness le sults It’s w’se to woik with just part of the dough at a lime, keeping the test dough into ioils, wiap ioils in chilled Roll dough to the desned waxed papei, and chill until firm thickness. The thicker the cooky, enough to slice You can store the softer the textuie After the rolls in the refrigerator sev baking and cooking, you can dec eial days and bake cookies as mate ioiled cookies with confec needed Foi extia flavoi and eye tioneis’ sugai fiostmg appeal, i oil the chilled dough in With a roll of lefugeiatoi chopped nuts oi toasted coconut cooky dough, it’s easy to have befoie slicing and baking „ fleshly baked cookies within a Dough Im messed cookies shoit time Form the cooky (Continued on Page 20) SAVE AT BOB’S Save Rite market 743 S. BROAD ST. LITITZ, PENNA. Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 9 to 9 Sunday 9 to 5 I o V \ i THOMAS Garber Oil Co. Texaco Heating Oil Burner Sales & Service MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 17