i/i— T.nnrn«.tor Farming Snturdny. December 13.1969 ;i m to noon unci tin* Armstrong A 11/T HfllAff Coik Co. Floor plant fiom 145 unANull NtW3 10 is i >,r> ,s ' ,(,ssi ‘ wood or iw”* i.m lp Bnlain is In chaigc of Fulton f.iange *66 hold Shell "’" r ,esclvl"lonii rcftul.il meet ms at the Gunge Deny farmeis were in get! to Hall. Oaki.Mi Dee 8 The Master. ma ,j then milk icferendtim Hal- Kichard Hollow a>. conducted the | o | s j 0 j| lc D C pt of Agriculture business session when Miss S.vh st . V cral davs in advance of the i.i Shnk announced plans to have jj t . c deadline, two sioups go Chnslmas caiol ]mg Satin da>. December 20 The Lecturer, Mrs J. Stanley Grangers in the Quan yvillc oi Stauffer Jr. announced a colored northern section of the member- and a black and white photo con ship aiea should meet at the lest. Pictures are to be taken Quanyville Piesbytenan Home before Sept. 1, 1970. She also re al 7 pm and the membeis from ported on the National Grange the southern end meet at the convention held at Dayton Beach Grange Hall at 7 p m Membeis Fla. in November. Mr. & Mrs of Colerain Grange #1667 and Stauffer and Mr. & Mrs. Clifford Fulton Junior Grange #343 aie Holloway Jr. attended part of the included and may join either session and toured other places group Both gioups will return of interest in Fla to the Grange Hall afterward for refreshments, Plans are completed for a tour stration on homemade Christmas cf two Lancaster industries Jan- decorations at this meeting She . had many and varied beautiful uary 20 The Kunzler & Co. meal ci cations made from styrofoam, plant will be toured from 10 plastic bags and bottles, egg car- For good production next lactation, FEED PURINA DAIRY CONDITIONER As a dauyman, you know that good milk production doesn’t just happen It’s something jou plan for by , establishing a heid with the genetic potential for good , production, then managing and feeding your cows so they’ll produce up to their hi ed-in ability Many successful local danymen also plan for good pro duction with a pi oven piogiam of dry cow feeding. They need Purina Dany Conditioner, a research pi oven ration to help give diy cows body condition they need for good pioduction after they fieshen Purina Dairy Conditioner is an extra-palatable 12% percent piotein lation It’s foitified with vitamins A and D plus extia phosphoius to help guaid against milk fevei Purina Dany Conditioner is low-cost, too, because the amounts you feed depend on your cows’ condition and on the quality of the roughages you feed For example, a cow dried off an good condition being fed high quality roughages would icquiie less Dany Conditioner than a cow in only fan condition being fed fair quality roughages Drop in soon and get your free copy of the Punna Diy Cow Piogram folder. We’ll be glad to show you how Purina Dairy Conditioner can help you prepare your dry cows for good pro duction next lactation John J. Hess, 11, Inc. Ph- 442-4632 Paradise West Willow Farmers Assn., Inc. Ph- 464-3431 West Willow Ira. B. Landis Ph 394 7912 1912 Cieek Hill Rd , Lane ■ ■a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■■■ Mrs. J. Stanley Stauffer Sr. of Drumore Center gave a demon- James High & Sons Ph- 3544)301 Gordonville Wenger's Feed Mill Inc. Ph- 367-1195 Rheems John B. Kurtz Ph 354-9251 R. D. 3, Ephrata lons, straw hat. foil, paper, tin cans, wire spools. greens and candles decorated with ribbons, In aids, beads. Jewels, sequins flitter etc. She also showed wrap ped Chiisltnas gifts and home made C’hiibtmas cauls. Fulton subordinate and Junioi Granges will hold a Christmas party Dec 22 at the Grange Hall Rev. Kenneth Hill of Steclton will tell the Christmas story. Mrs J. Stanley Stauffer Jr will be in charge of games and group sing ing of Christinas carols. Children are to bring 50 to 75 cent gifts and adults 75 cent to one dollar gifts which will be distributed by Santa. The Jr. Grange is asking lor old jewelry, Christmas cards and calendar pictures. Recipe Correction In last week’s issue in Mrs John Hess’ recipe for Pineapple Crumb Pie it stated drain a IF oz. can of crushed pineapple This amount should have been : 9 oz can. The Bramco-Oakes Feeding System, usu linkage and trough 1: low, has long been r ultimate in automat The feed does not mo It travels through t providing each bird fully balanced ration of the features of th Cage Feeding Systen production. sr * == ss* SAVE ’ss • Savings of up to $10.94 per ton by top dressing alfalfa and plowing down corn fertilizer now! Alfalfa-chickwced control can be added for further savings. • Corn ask about our profit-designed plowdown ratios. East Petersburg E. M. HERR EQUIPMENT, INC. R.D.I, Willow Street SAVE TIME AND MONEY! CALL US NOW FOR DETAILS! FERTILIZES (0., INC BRAMCO Excl^® 1 Ph: 569-3296 THE MOST EFFICIENT AUTOMATIC CAGE FEEDER SYSTEM IN THE INDUSTRY- BRAMCO LINK-CAGE FEEDER 464-3321