Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 06, 1969, Image 8
—Lancaster Farming. Saturday, December 6,1069 8 SECRETS OF THE PAST are often found in antique pieces and Mrs. M. M. Smith (left), Co-Manager of the Farm and Home Benefit Antique Auction and Mrs. Fred Hauer, 717 Farmingdale Road, Lan caster are hunting for secrets in this anti que blanket chest that will be sold today along with a large selection of other fine items. Mrs. Smith said that as of Thursday Good Buy in Ground Beef Ground beef as economical There’s no waste so you get more meat per pound, says Mrs Ruth J. Buck, Penn State extension foods and nutrition specialist You can stretch ground beef with other foods, such as bread crumbs, crushed cereals, rice, and rolled oats Add a half cup of one of these to each pound of meat and you’ll have six gener ous servings instead of 'the usual four. SNOW PUPS FROM TORO Jpi I \ tows i <Vnvf-. I I The 14" Snow Pup 22 pounds Yet the Snow Pup can clean a 50 foot driveway in just 10 minutes Digs deep and throws snow up to 15’ in three directions Again this year a pneumatic primer, and automatic compression re lease for easier starting 5 109” ELI F. KING Pond Road R D 1, Ronks, Pa Phone 768-3670 (2 miles Noithwest of Intercourse) Arcadian Liquid. Fa!E’s the time to speed crop residue decay. Won’t let go of crop residue until it says “Humus.” That’s why Arcadian liquid is called the stubborn fall fertilizer. It completely coats and clings to the stubble. Doesn’t bounce off the way diy prills do. When plowed down, it stays right wheie it’s needed to speed mi crobial bieakdown of organic matter. This faster decomposi tion makes moie nutiients avail able next spring. And Aicadian liquid won’t Early Season Discounts during winter months on fertilizers. Also Chickweed spraying with Fertilizer, Princep, Karmex, Chloro IPC or Dinitro JOHN Z. MARTIN New Holland R#l morning at least 75 entry cards had been turned in and many of these had several items listed. “We are working to keep the quality of the sale at a high level,” Mrs. Smith said. Included in the sale will be many handiwork items, paintings and needlework having fine artistic merit. The sale will start at 11 a.m. L. F. Photo blow away. It won’t segregate, cake or set-up. But it will give faster decay of ciop lesidue, one-trip pi esci iption-fei tilizing, uniform application in less time with less labor. If that’s what you want yom fall fertilizer to do...then gne us a call light now. You’ie icady foi the stub born fall fertilizer: Aicadian liquid. ARCADIAN SEE ME NOW (Jitmleil Phone 717-354-5848 • p o# | s Wnrfcl Inc., 11,743; Vintage (Continued from P.gc 3) rMo „ t , y The project, are baslcly fin- c ]j m bcd to second place, among anccd by the pork producers the twcnty Btntc , pnrtici p a ting nickels received in the check off Jn thc hog chcck off Pennsyl . program or jointly with other vanla had 27.6% of its estimated afnilntcd organizations. hogs marketed supporting the The summary of Pcnnsylvan- sclf . hc , program through the ia’s pork check off for the f „. st nine months of 1969. period from June through Octo- ______ ber is ns follows: _ C Thc balance for this period * DICKSICF days was 64,276 hogs giving 107,934 (Continued from Page 1) hogs to date for this year, a tributed this up-grading directly substantial increase over last to thc local association’s efforts year’s total for twelve months to get a lab in Lancaster County, of 54,980. Eleven markets and In other business. Jay Irwin, farms contributed to this past Associate County Agent, an five months total: Arbogast and nounced Poultry meetings for Bastian Inc., 8535; Walter Dun- January 29; February 26 and lap and Sons, 7585; Hatfield March 17 at the Farm and Home Packing Co., 3732; J. M. Hoober Center. Speakers and topics will Inc., 2082; C. A. Hulshart, 1039; be announced at a later date. Kunzler and Co., Inc, 1200; Also Harold Esbenshade report- Leesport Market and Auction, ed thc Farm Show Banner still 5146; Ezra W. Martin Co 874; being used in local points of Herbert Schick, 2200; J. P. sales. You tun huve BEEF FEEDING SUCCESS! 1. Buy good cattle. 2. Get them to the feed lot as quickly as possible. 3. Use Red Rose Cattle Feeds. Feed Red Rose Beef Cattle Starter Pellets Medicated for 21 days. Use Red Rose Worminator to remove internal para sites. After 21 days use Red Rose 32 Beef Cattle Supple ment or Red Rose 50 Beef Cattle Supplement to fit your grains. Then, you’re on your way to feeding success which ends in good profit! Red Rose CATTLE FEEDS Walter Binkley & Son Lititz Brown & Rea, Inc. Atglen Elverson Supply Co. Elverson Henry E. Garber R. D. 1, Elizabethtown, Pa. L. T. Geib Estate Manheim I. B. Grdybili & Son Refton Strasburg E. Musser Heisey & Son R. D. #2, Mt. Joy, Pa. Heistond Bros. Elizabethtown Red Rose Farm Service, Inc. N. Church St., Quarryville The Red Rose 3-Step program is the way. David B. Hurst Bowmansvilie Martin's Feed Mill, Inc. R. D. 3, Ephrata, Pa, Mountvilie Feed Service Mountvilie Musser Farms, Inc. Musser's Mill The Buck Chos.'E. Sauder & Sons Teire Hill Ammon E. Shelly Lititz E. P. Spotts, Inc. Honey Brook H. M. Stauffer & Sons, Columbia Inc. Witmer