Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 06, 1969, Image 7

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    $500.00 SCHOLARSHIP WINNER from
the Pennsylvania Poultry Federation is
Glenn Stickler, (right), Manheim. Stick
ler is a Junior at Penn State with a major
in Pre-Veterinary IMedicine. The scholar
ship was presented to him at a recent ban
choose a ■ • ** i
Bee-Line Supply
cattle feeding
• Barn Cleaners
• Bunk Feeders • Silo Unloaders • Conveyors
• Complete Automation ... Only from Agway
• you get a firm bid
• your project is backed by a
farmer - owned organization
with many years of farm ex
perience and well trained men
who know the automation busi
• responsibility for the entire
job is centered in one place
your Agway Supply Center
• Sunset Bulk Milk Coolers
quet, where 54 students in the College of
Agriculture received scholarships totaling
$28,605. Homer Bicksler, Executive Direc
tor of the Federation makes the presenta
tion in the above photo.
• Barn Equipment
• competent guidance and advice
in picking out equipment, and
planning the complete opera
tion . . . from selecting the
site, through figuring hay stor
age space, to helping you de
termine the type of barn clean
er or milking parlor stall you
1027 Dillerville Road, Lancaster
24 Hour Service Daily Ph: 717-397-4761
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 6,1969
• Outstanding
(Continued from Page 6)
vama’s Outstanding Young Farm
er several weeks ago at the Pa
Young Faimc:’s Convention at
Penn State He was one of six
regional winners who were con
sidered for the honor.
‘‘.\ow don't make this report
sound like it’s all easy and with
out pioblems," Andy says as this
editor is ready to leave his faim
-Monday afternoon “As you stait
working with better, higher pio
ducing cows and laiger aceiage,
ycur problems increase ” And
for an example he tells of the
heifer calf by Ivanhoe they le
ccntly lost after spending $7OO
foi two samples of seaman to get
the dam bred.
Of couise, evciybody knows
even the best faimeis have piob
lems. But as you drive the half
mile back into Morgantown, you
can’t help but think that Andy
Stoltzfus’ balanced faun opeia
tion with it’s excellent cattle,
field conseivation practices and
For good production next lactation,
As a dauyman, you know that good milk pioduction
doesn’t 311 st happen It’s something you plan for by
establishing a herd with the genetic potential for good
production, then managing and feeding your cows so
they’ll pioduce up to their bied-in ability.
Many successful local dairymen also plan for good pio
duction with a pi oven piogiam of dry cow feeding.
They need Purina Daily Conditioner, a reseaich
pioven ration to help give diy cows body condition
they need for good pioduction after they freshen.
Punna Dairy Conditioner is an extra-palatable 12Y2
pei cent piotein lation It’s fortified with vitamins A
and D plus extia phosphorus to help guaid against milk
Purina Dairy Conditioner is low-cost, too, because the
amounts you feed depend on your cows’ condition and
on the quality of the loughages you feed For example,
a cow dried off in good condition being fed high-quality
roughages would lequne less Dairy Conditioner than
a cow in only fair condition being fed fair quality
Drop in soon and get your free copy of the
Purina Dry Cow Program folder We’ll be glad
to show you how Purina Dairy Conditioner can
help you prepare your dry cows for good pro
duction next lactation.
John J. Hess, 11, Inc.
Ph: 442-4632
West Willow
Farmers Assn., Inc.
Ph: 464-3431
West Willow
Ira. B. Landis
Ph 394-7912
1912 Creek Hill Rd, Lane,
• Referendum
(Continued fiom Page 1)
check, less hauling costs, to pro
vide funds for milk piomotion,
advertising and reseat ch.
"We have made every effort to
see that each producer gets a
ballot,” State Agriculture Secre
tary Leland H. Bull said “How
ex er, there is a chance a few may
have been overlooked Any dairy
man who has not icceived a bal
lot by December 8 should con
tact his county agent or the Bur
eau of Maikets of the Pennsyl
vania Depaitment of Agriculture
in Hainsburg A ballot will be
sent out immediately ”
All ballots must be icceived in
the Department of Agriculture
by noon, Wednesday, December
preventative machine mainten
ance, could well be the answer to
many pioblems faimers face
the answer to many problems be
foie they arise.
James High & Sons
Ph- 354-0301
Wenger's Feed Mill
Ph- 367-1195
John B. Kurtz
Ph 354-9251
R. D. 3, Ephiata
Fb ■ ■ ■ ■ ■