Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 06, 1969, Image 5
;• Po. is (Continued from Pune 1) tlons might be added to the months, probably April. Future committee nt a later time. Re- news releases will reveal the ' Pennsylvania Department of s P° nslbil| t i « chairman and con- jj;g c c “ and proBrnms ,n this of these is the result of n year- Agriculture, and Penn State I™ 1 of "“ wIM bc decided In the other finished projects bv the long * fou,, ' scctloncd " rCM!nreh . r- . . . . near future. Pork promotion inci imisncu projects oy me tllc rt . SOH | c h** project of poik Meats Department have agreed mo nth in F’cnnsylvania was ten- NPPC arc now or soon will be production, based on the 19(58 to cooperate. Other organi/a- tatively set for one of the spring put to use in Pennsylvania. One NPPC poll of pioducers and co- wVdi/// POULTRY FEEDS E R R N A N ( • Improved flock health • Better Shell Quality “FINEST SER VICE ANYWHERE’’ KEY TO LOW COSTS Days since housing Average production per hen housed Feed Efficiency from date housed 3*29 lbs* Average mortality per month 0*64% 1„4% TRY THE OPTIMUM PERFORMANCE PROGRAM • Larger Egg Size in early production • Greater Profits MILLER & BUSHONG, Inc. Rohrerstown, Pennsylvania is THE 80.68% (717) 392-2145 Lancaster Farming, Saturday. December fi, 1969 Flock #42 John (Nome on Deimler request) Lancaster 203 73.39% 3.66 lbs. sponsors by the Pork Council anti Federal Extension Set vice. The four selected by pioduceis in the Council’s 1 f)(J8 poll as most vital to Ihcii pio duclion needs aie swine dis eases, lepioduclhc efficn ney. eauass and poik ciualily. and housing and waste management The huge effoit designed to s.ife guaid against duplication of icseaich funds and effoits. lesulted in a set of these loin books Each book contains a catalogue of completed or in piogiess icseaich in its speci fic aiea, a summaiy ol “ is now known" fiom the combina tion of all previous icseaich; and a listing of the icseaich voids needing fuilher icseaich, study and testing Additionally, the pioieet leacl eis have developed sets of ‘ fact sheets” designed foi pioducer use, these sets also offeimg the best and latest findings affect ing the four major ai eas facing hogmen In anothei pioject, a new poik film. “New Facts About Poik”. has been completed and ideas ed for bioad use by consumei gioups, featunng top medical expei ts and null itionists who at tack the “old wives tales” about poik Planned and pioduced by the Ameucan Meat Institute the film was jointly financed by the Amei ican Meat Institute the National Pork Pioducers Council, and the National Live stock and Meat Board The film is based on a series ot inter views by Floyd Kalber, widely iccognized television newsman This film can be used by any gioup in Pennsylvania free of charge, simply by contacting Heibert Schick, R D #2, Kutz ; town, Pa 19530 The PPPC will be exhibiting its first pork exhibit at the Pennsylvania Farm Show in January 1970 It will be exem plifying that the pork industiy of Pennsylvania is big business over one half billion dollars worth 370 Hoffman leadership in high yield forage crops was dra matically demonstrated with two new introductions in 1939 Promor Alfalfa and Funk’s 78F Sorghum-Sudan Hybrid. This year a new alfalfa-or chardgrass combination . . . Top-Potential Formula . . . and two new multi-variety blends Brand Timothy and “Form ula 70” Brand Red Clover . . 4 have been developed. YOUR HOFFMAN SEED MAN CAN KEEP YOU UP TO DATE IN THE NEWEST AND BEST IN FARM SEEDS. A H HOFFMAN SEEDS, INC. (Lancaster County) Landisvillc Pa flloffman FARM SEEDS ! (Continued on Page 8) Leadership in High Producing Forage Craps P 1 “Formula 69” [cj|| ■unara dependable for paving 5