Hays Converter Beef Breed Introduced At Field Day Despite a cold, damp and snowy day, the enthusiasm of the 750 guests more than made up for any weather discomforts at the introduction of a new beef breed ... the Hays Con verter. The Hays Converter Field Day was jointly sponsored by Senator Hays and American Breeders Service, Inc. of De- % /AP * • % S'. s <• ‘ts' : M - ’ . ; '. * ■•'■_ , s^r^m'P ay^~~trr r '' mr '~~ r JL * " iI if * ' T - * ■ >, i\i :. >ili; >*..ggß / ■ jl iinmanjo^gK. ) A ' I : v-s^oV *• V'; ■ V* <V ■ » * &JJ s> GET THIS SPECIAL DECCA STEREO ALBUM FOR ONLY liHSf when you join Fulton’s 1970 Christmas Club or deposit $lO.OO in a new or existing savings account Thrif T. knows there's no better way to add to You’d expect to pay close to $5.00 for this beau your holiday enjoyment than with the beauty of tiful album, but during this offer it can be yours Christmas music. Memorable performances by for only $l.OO (tax included) when you join a such famous artists as Lawrence Welk, Bing 1970 Fulton National Bank Christmas Club or de- Crosby, the Texas Boys Choir and other great posit $lO.OO in a new or existing Fulton savings stars make CHRISTMAS THROUGH THE YEARS account. This offer good also when you open a one album you’ll enjoy this Christmas and for Golden Passbook Account ($lOO initial deposit) years to come. It’s a wonderful stereo album to or add $lO or more to an existing one. give or get. (It can also be enjoyed on monaural equipment). * V • ► <v' . fV< / s A *• ♦ ♦ * Come in to the Fulton soon. The supply of rec ords is limited. FULTON BANK /and dauphin counties • MEMBER F.D.I.C, • "'v''. " " '■' ■' ’ •«"■ -■>. Forest, Wisconsin For the Ca nadian Senator, former Minister of Agriculture, this was a most satisfying climax to a dream that started in 1957. Senator Hays addressed the group with an explanation of the development of the Hays Converter. “I used Holsteins,” explained Senator Hays, “be cause that’s where I found some of the characteristics I wanted ” Hays started his project with the selection of eight sons of a 3,000-pound Holstein bull, Spring Farm Fond Hope, noted for siring daughters with a but terfat test of 4 percent, but not the high milk flow of the aver age Holstein. These cattle had large frames, but with some thickness or beef qualities not often seen in Holsteins They had sound, desirable udders and good feet The eight bulls were mated to a group of 300 Here ford cows owned by Allan Bak ei’s Bar U Ranch, a neighbor to Hays, for a two-year period The Baker cows had a reputation of being large, thrifty, hardy cat tle sired by top bulls obtained at the yearly Calgary Bull Sales. The resulting crossbred heifeis v 4 ''' - ' ; < '-* ** * - iii were all bred to the Hereford Certified Meat Sire, Silver Prince 7P He is a long, up standing Heieford bull weigh ing approximately 2,400 pounds His steer sons have gained 2 72 pounds per day. Hays stated, “We needed more hardiness, particularly in wintering ability of the cow herd,” as his reason for adding Brown Swiss to the develop ment of his breed He introduc ed the Brown Swiss through four grandsons of the founda tion mother of the breed, Jane of Vernon. She was a great pro ducer and a national show win ner that had a reported “perfect udder ” She lived to be 17 years of age The Swiss bulls, also weighing approximately 2,400 pounds, were out of 1,800-pound dams They were bred to a se lected gioup of 100 Hereford fe males and their daughters join ed the herd Fiom then on, ‘their kind were bred to then kind,” Hays said Since 1962, Senator Harry Hays established the standard that no bull be used unless he had a rate of gain of at least 3 5 pounds per day and weighed 1,100 pounds at 12 months of age “Cows must have good legs and feet, ones that don’t need trimming,” he said “Also cows must be good milkers, with (Continued on Page 16) Lancaster Farming. Saturday, December 6.1969 Poultry Lots To Be Identified Throughout Slaughter Process The U S Department of Agri culture proposed to amend Fed eral poultry inspection regula tions to require pouitry slaugh terers to identify lots of poul try received from individual producers, handlers, or growers throughout the slaughter pro cess. USDA’s Consumer and Mar keting Service said that slaugh ter plants subject to Federal inspection requirements would have to furnish inspectors with names and addresses of produc ers, handlers or growers and a head count of' lots of poultry Plants would also assist inspec tors by keeping records of birds condemned for specific causes within a lot This information would assist inspectors in the inspection of birds originating from an identi fied source of diseased or other wise abnormal poultry flocks The proposed regulations would require C&MS to give condemnation information to producers to help them take im mediate steps to correct the disease or abnormal condition Text of the proposal appeared SECOND SECTION in the Nov 4 Federal Register. Comments m two copies should be sent by Feb 2, 1970 to the Hearing Clerk, Room 112-A, U.S Department of Agricul ture, Washington, D. C 20250, where they will be available for public inspection. Copies of the proposal will be available from the Consumer Protection Programs Services Staff, Consumer and Marketing Service, U S Department of Agriculture, Washington, D. C. 20250. Put first things first and you’ll be so busy ai ranging stuff that you’ll nevei get anything done. * : Z o s A ' + o I ~n > 70 aisfjsig m o ™ n»>!£§ I "MU ■■■ gSsigg B £cN>22g S Bg|W D >o I ■■■ w § §g| 3D SH2- M gwZ ►d 01l ipogii^a - PH ■ ■ 21 P 1 Ob K>,or« ■■■ M°Oz|K Pra§> ?d H J 5C h ®2*i> ▼ h33>o o oSoS o £g*iss 1 raw ogH s?> 2r “ 3N S 3 3 H 13
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