CALL 394-2047 or 626-2191 Farm Equipment' Special Baler Twine $5.85 New 3 pt, scraper blades $85.00 New 3 pt. post hole diggers $l5O. Tractor chains; Stalk shredders; 5?. 1 , 1 , c J?°PPers; PTO hammer Mills; Feed-Grinder Mixers; Ma nure spreaders-Tractor, horse drawn, liquid tank type; disk Harrows; Farmhand wheel rak es; large selection of wheel and crawler tractors and loaders. CLYDE E. KEENER 1531 Manheim Pike, Lancaster Ph: 569-9861 USED TRACTORS 831 Case Diesel 245 hrs. 541 Case Gas Farmall 504 Gas Real Clean 460 International Gas w/loader 831 Case Diesel Case 431 Gas Real Clean 311 B Case Gas Farmall A Just received Shipment of Case Toys. We have several good used Manure Spreaders in stock. KINZER EQUIP. CO. Kinzers, Pa. Ph. 442-4186 Lane. Customers Ph: 768-8916 Mr. Farmer We have your Farm Christ mas toys. Messick Farm Equip. 2750 N. Market St. Elizabethtown, Pa, f Phone 367-1319 Schultz Shredder to fit McCor mick, Baler. , Put your corn fodder under with a Howard Rotovator. See us for a demonstration. Check our prices on Custom 756’s and.Bs6’s before price rise. C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Pa. Ph: 768-8231 Used Equipment 130 bu. New Holland Spreader New New Idea Spreaders Good WD-45 AC Tractor Oliver Heat-Houser and Cab At tachment JD 45 Loader and Snow Bucket GRAYBILL MACHINES, INC. Lititz, Pa. Ph: 626-5221 Tractors JD 420 w/loader JD 2010 w/35 loader JD 70 Diesel C Allis Chalmers JD 440 Crawler w/Blade and Winch WENGER IMP. INC. The Buck Ph. 284 4141 For Sale—New Colp Camper Caps for all size pick-up trucks $135 00 and up. 960 Ford Trac tor and all types of farm mach inery EL WOOD FLOWERS Manheim R#2, Pa. Ph; 653-4839 Used 100 Gal. 3 pt. Hatch Myers Sprayer LESTER A. SINGER Ronks, Pa. Ph - 687-6712 NOTICE Farmers! Market your 1969 tobacco through Agway Tobacco Mar keting Program., CALL Agway Lancaster Phone 394-0541 Farm Equipment Woods 5 ft. Rotary Chopper w/3 pt. hitch. Farmall 400 Tractor Used Hawk Built Spreader Farmall 450 COPE & WEAVER CO. New Providence, Pa. Phone 786-7351 Case 630 Diesel AC 3 pt. Hitch Plow Ford 600 Tractor Dl7 Series 3 Diesel ROY H. BUCK, INC. Ephrata. Pa. Ph: 859-2441 ABC. GROFF, INC. 3544191 Good Used Equipment John Deere 4020 Tractor John Deere 2010 Tractor New Holland 461 Haybind Special No 'interest or pay ments till June 1, 1970. Used Tractors MF Super 90 Diesel Ferguson 30 w/loader Ford 8N w/loader Massey Ferguson 1100 MF 175 Ferguson 30 M. M. WEAVER & SONS Leola, Pa. Ph: 656-7702 electromechanical Service Phase Converters—Electric Mo tors—Power Tools—Generators. ELECTROMEC Rt. 222 Ephrata, Pa. 717-733-7911 Fickes Silos and Badger Feeding Equipment. GRUMELLI FARM SERVICE Quarryville Ph. 786-3630 FOR SALE Used 425 Gal. Esco Bulk Milk Tank 300 Gal. Mueller 300 Gal. Jamesway N.Y. and M C D. 1 approved C. B. HOOBER & SON Intercourse, Pa. Phoue 768-8231 Tile For Milk House Feed Bunk or Manger 2” x 8” x 16” and 2” x 5” x 12” R - D - * Z Phone Livestock Supplements Livestock Supplements KNOW WHAT OURS HAS THAT THEIRS DOESN'T? , Careful examination of the guaranteed analysis will tell you. Ours has only the specific ingredients necessary (and most economical for you) to do the best nutri tional job for the specific type of livestock you intend to feed. CASSELL C. MUMMAU RD 1 Mount Joy 717/653-4355 Young's 51 Inc. Roaring Spring, Pa. Farm Equipment CASE NEW IDEA SALES & SERVICE New 970 CASE in stock with the extras. A good buy, only 3 more left 530, 730, 830 Case Tractors dis counts to 25%, buy now pay later. Used 930 Case, 450 hrs. Case Stalk Shredder Several Used Spreaders Gehl new and used Mix-All Mill- Mixers. NI Cutditioners, a great machine for shredding stalks, next sum mer terms. Vew & Used farm and Construc tion equipment Vew & Used Backhoes and Loaders 480 Case w/loader, backhoe op tional, only 90 hrs. New & Used Uni Harvesters A. L. HERR & BRO. 312 Park Ave. Quarryville, Pa SVinpower-Tractor Driven Alter nators Demonstrated, Installed & Serviced by ELECTROMEC— Ephrata, Pa. Rt. 222 717-733-7911. Used Starline and Hawk Built Spreaders. FARMERVILLE EQUIP CO. Ephrata R 2. Pa. Ph; 354-9221 Used Storage Tanks. 1,000 to 10,000 Capacity. Phone 786-2166. 1 OtWnjtf" ROBERT L. YOHN RD 1 Narvon 215/445-6388 EARL L. UMBLE 2460 Willow Glen Dr. Lancaster 717/393-3208 Lancaster Farming. Saturday, December 6.1969 Worm Equipment Free pick-up, Free deliver.v, Free steam cleaning on Fold Tractor overhauls. DORSEY FORD TRACTORS Phone 464-2746 For Sale—36" ventilation fan, used only a few hours, $125.00. Phone 786-2034. Poultry & Supplies /CinUe/b® DAY OLD OR STARTED PULLETS c* ( - M o-ye.>i CHICKS, INC. 266 E. Paletown Road Quakertown, Penna. 215 536-3155 MUSSER M-327 CHICKS FOR DEC. AND JAN. Raise your qwa Guaranteed a profit able pullet with good egg laying ability. Musser Leghorn Farms Ph. 653-4911 «y ' , / i.' ' / \ . s . \ \ \ s •> ' * WE WON! BABCOCK POULTRY FARM, INC. Ithaca, New York * According to results published in the U.S.D.A. 2-year combined summary of Random Sample Egg Produc tion Tests, 1966-67 and 1967-68, Babcock Beat All Com , petition In Income Over Feed and Chick Costs- Babcock Hatchery, Inc. Box 285, Lititz. Pa. ijsfejjg, Phone 626-8561 ' Where in the World is Babcock? . . . Wherever tggs are \ produced at a profit l o - ' " -x - * LONGENECKER'S HATCHERY —Box 317 f f *?3 Elizabethtown, Pa. 17022 I<\ Phone (717) 367-1545 Day old and started pullets • J. J. WARREN SEX-SAL DAY OLD AND STARTED PULLETS LEUKOSIS RESISTANT—GIVE THEM A TRY! • WHITE MOUNTAIN CROSS BROILER CHICKS BROILER CHICKS WITH TOP PERFORMANCE Poultry & Supplies LAVERS Greider Leghorn Farms, Inc. Phone 653-1853 MOUNT JOY R. 1, PA. Richard R. Forry Ph. 397 0035 Also eqniopert for oil spraying in Poultry houses. SpnafW Lancaster, Pa. High Pressure washing and disinfecting of Poultry and Cage houses 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers