Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, December 06, 1969, Image 1

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    VOL. 15 NO. 2
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Elvefson R 2, in their farm office. The chil
dren standing left to right are Jeanette 7,
Pennsylvania Is Leading The
Nation In Pork Promotion
Pork producers across the na
tion will soon be watching pork
promotion at woik in Pennsyl
vania, which is the first state to
be selected for such an enor
mous project according to Mark
Nestleroth, Publicity Chairman
of the Pennsylvania Pork Pro
ducers Council This state-wide
promotional and educational
program is being planned as a
cooperative, coordinated effoit
by several segments of the food
industry to increase volume and
profits in pork.
Ballots Mailed
The Pennsylvania Department
of Agriculture mailed ballots
Wednesday to state milk pro
ducers who are qualified to vote
in a referendum on a proposed
Milk Marketing Development
Under the program if ap
proved milk pioducens would
assess themselves one half of one
percent of their gross milk
(Continued on Page 7;
Farm Calendar
Saturday, Dec, 6 (today)
11 00 a m Lancaster County
Farm and Home Foundation
Benefit Antique Auction,
Farm and Home Center
Sunday, Dec. 7
7-11—American Faim Bureau
Annual Meet, Washington
Hilton Hotel, Washington
(Continued on Page 9)
Philip 2,and Sherilyn 5. Stpltzfus was re
cently named the Pennsylvania Outstand
ing Young Farmer. L. F. Photo
At a recent dinner meeting
in Harnsburg, the Pennsylvania
Pork Produceis Council, Nation
al Pork Producers Council, and
the National Livestock and Meat
Board presented its program to
several of the state food indus
try organizations. It was agreed
to organize a top-level Poik Pro
motion Committee for Pennsyl
vania to head such an overall
project Along with the organi
zations previously mentioned,
The Pennsylvania As
sociation, Pennsylvania Food
Merchants Association, Pennsyl
vania Grocers Association, Penn
sylvania Restaurant Association,
Pennsylvania Meat Packers,
(Continued on Page 5)
Southeastern Pa.
To Be Site Of 1970
State Plow Contest
The boaid of duectors of the
U S Soil Conservation Service
in Hairisburg recently voted to
hold the 1970 State Plowing Con
test somewhere in Southeastern
Pennsylvania. The site has not
yet been selected but the con
test division will include small
plow, contour, big plow and
women’s invitational matches
In other business, Charles Sla
ton of the Service was re-elected
chairman of the State Plowing
Contest Committee T. Dean Wit
mer of the Pennsylvania Depait
ment of Public Instruction was
named vice-chairman; N. Henry
Woodlmg, Extension Agricultur
al engineer at Penn State, Treas
urer and Richard Vannoy of the
Pa Soil and Water Conservation
Commission, Secretary
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, December 6,1969
Bicksler Says
Poultrymen Will Now
Pay 50c More For Feed
Homer Bicksler, Representa
tive of the Pa Federation, told
local poultrymen they should
support the Aiken Bill which is
now before legislators concern
mg egg processing inspection
Commenting at the regular meet
mg of the Lancaster County
Poultry Association Directors
Thursday evening in the Farm
and Home Center Bicksler also
said the six percent freight rates
have gone into effect and will
now cost poultrymen 50 cents
per ton more for feed or about
$400,000 a year more for pro
ducers in the Northeast He also
asked for help from local poul
trymen for the food booth at
the January Farm Show in Har
Several directors reported on
a meeting at the New Bolton
Center Lab where they were
greeted royally and the local
men expressed pleasure with the
new up-graded services being of
fered at the Center They con
(Continued on Page 81
State Guernsey
Queen Contest
Being Held
Local participants are bein';
sought to enter the Pennsylvania
Guernsey Queen Contest to be
held Sunday, January 11. 1970 at
2 pm in Parlor “A” on the sec
ond floor of the iFaim Show
Building The crowning of tha
State winner and announcement
of the runner-up will be at 7 30
that night
Jesse Balmer, Lititz R 4, the
(Continued on Page 9)
Outstanding Farmer
Thinks You Need
Balanced Program
“If you are going to do a good
job of farming,” says Andiew
Stoltzfus, Pennsylvania’s new
Outstanding Young Farmer, “you
must have a balanced program
Some farmers have good cows
but they don’t do a good job m
the field, or take care of their
equipment properly Others are
excellent crop farmers but their
animal enterprises lack attention
You must meticulously perform
every part of your operation to
be successful.”
And this Elverson R 2 dairy
farmer follows his “balanced”
pioposition religiously. National
ly known for his Registered Hol
stein herd of dairy cattle in
which there are presently seven
excellent, 18 very good, 20 good
plus and 3 good cows for a class
ification average of 84.1 points,
Andrew is also a Conservation
Cooperator with a farm plan with
a five-year rotation of corn and
hay, pasture improvement and
cover cropping for the winter
months He follows a program of
preventative maintenance on his
farm equipment and has develop
ed a farm office filing system that
is being copied by a national
farm magazine
The Herd
“The opportunity has never
“IT FEELS GOOD to bring home the largest deer in the
camp,” says 15-year-old Glenn Rohrer, Lancaster R 2. And
most any hunter would feel good, if like Glenn the first buck
they shot was a 150-pound, eight point, with a large, well
balanced rack for mounting.
The son of Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer D. Rohrer, Glenn was
out for his fourth try at his father’s camp in Tioga County
and had his trophy by 12:10 Monday morning As of Tues
day, the camp had already bagged six other bucks.
The Rohrer family live on Meadow Lane Farm along
Route 999 just West of Millersville. L. F. Photo
$2.00 Per Year
been greater for Pennsylvania
breeders of Registered ’ Hol
steins.” Stoltzfus said “Now is
the time for neighbors to lay
aside their contensions within
the local breed associations and
get together to prove a bull or a
good cow They may not be suc
cessful the first time but with
the opportunity open especially
(Continued on Page 6)
Yost And Robinson
To Attend Boston
AVA Convention
Ivan Yost, Past President of
the Pa. State Young Farmer
Association and Donald Robin*
son. Vo-Ag Teacher at Garden
Spot High School, are scheduled
to attend the American Voca
tional Association Annual Con
vention in Boston December 8.
1 According to Robinson, they
will give a 30 minute slide pres
entation to the Agriculture Edu
cation Division of the convention.
“Educational Opportunities
Available To Farmers Through
Young Adult Fanner Education*’
will be their topic James Fink,
State Superintendent of Voca
tional Agncultuie will mtioduce
the local men