Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 29, 1969, Image 21

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I-*- STONE-*
“Look For This Sign”
So. Newport Road
Intercourse, Penna.
everything for your born
Jamesway’s complete line of quality barn
equipment is available in hot-dip galvanized
or painted finish. We can help you plan the
most modern installation and meet your needs
exactly. What’s more, Jamesway equipment is
easy to install, built so strong it will last as
long as your barn stands. Come in today far
planning help.
R. D. 2, Ephrata
NEW Purina Dairy Conditioner Special can prepare
cows for good production at low cost
Ira. 6. Landis
Ph 394-7012
1912 Creek Hill Rd , L me,
Wenger's Feed Mill
Ph 367-1195
I ,C W§
& Fertilizers
Peanut Hulls
We Give J
Green I 4%( \\
Stamps SSEES 'j
Phone (717) 768-8451
Phone: 717-354-5374
If you’re not among the many good local
dairymen who have started mixing NEW
Purina Dairy Conditioner Special with
your own grain to build a research
proved dry cow ration, it can pay you to
check into this low-cost way of feeding
dry cows.
New Purina Dairy Conditioner is a 16
percent protein ration, fortified with
extra Vitamins A and D plus phosphorus
to help guard against milk fever.
To help you save on dry cow feeding,
Purina Research recommends varying
feeding levels, depending on cow condi
tion and the quality of your roughages.
For example, if a cow is in good condi
tion and your roughages are of excellent
quality, you would feed less Purina dry
cow ration than if the cow were in only
fair condition and if the roughages were
of only fair quality.
Using Purina Check-R-Mix* formulas
we can build you a low-cost dry cow
•Reg. Trademark—Ralston Purina Co.
James High & Sons
Ph 354-0301
Filled Milk Regulated
The U. S Department of Agri- determined by polling their co
culture has amended Federal operative associations
milk marketing orders as of Jan Filled mi i k 1S a beverage con
-1 to provide specific ways for taming either fiesh liquid skim
regulating the dairy ingredients mi i k , or skmi mi i k reconstituted
of filled milk fiom nonfat diy milk, with add-
USDA’s Consumer and Mar- ed vegetable fat or oil in place
keting Seivice officials said the of the natural butterfat Filled
action was taken after the re- milk will be designated as Class
quired appioval of two-thnds I (fluid milk) undei Federal
(three-fourths in five of the or- milk orders
ders) of dany farmers supply- c&MS officials said the
ing each order area Tins was amended oiders aie based on a
: VRoBmM weeds
Remember how bad
they were last spring?
The time to control chickweed and
most other annual broadleaf and
grassy weeds in alfalfa is now. This
fall. With an application of Princep®,
brand of simazine herbicide. It's the
way to get weed-free, top quality al
falfa next spring.
Need more information? See us.
John B. Kurtz
Ph 354-9251
R. D. 3, Ephrata
ration, combining New Purina Dairy
Conditioner with your grain. Or, if you’re
feeding low-protein roughages, it may
pay you to feed Dairy Conditioner
“straight”—just as it comes from the
More and more successful area dairy
men are proving that good dry cow feed
ing pays off in extra cow condition—
and extra milk production in the next
lactation. For example, 100 to 200
pounds of additional body weight at
freshening can pay off in 1,000 to 2,000
pounds of extra milk during the lactation.
Drop in soon and get your free copy of
the Purina Dry Cow Program folder.
We’ll be glad to point out how new
Purina Dairy Conditioner Special can
help prepare your dry cows for good
production at low cost.
John J. Hess, ii, Inc.
Ph 442-4632
West Willow
Farmers Assn., Inc.
Ph 464-3431
West Willow
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29,1969
public hearing in February,
April and May 1968, in Mem
phis, Tenn. Today’s action and
an earlier one on the Central
Arizona order, now add the fill
ed milk provisions to all but
four Fedeial milk orders The
Georgia and Southeastern Mm
nesota-Noithein lowa ordeis,
not in effect at the time of the
hearing, are not included Ac
tion on the Minneapolis St Paul
and Mississippi orders is defer
red until consideration is given
to the filled milk amendments
in the expanded marketing
aieas, effective May 1 and No
vember 1, respectively
The Federal milk marketing
ordeis set minimum puces
which milk handlers or dealers
must pay faimers from whom
they buy milk The ciders do
not set ictail puces, however
While filled milk has been
pi iced as a fluid milk product
under most Federal milk orders
ever since its introduction into
the markets some two years ago,
it previously has not been men
tioned specifically in fluid milk
product definitions, C&MS offi
cials said
The amended orders define
filled milk as a product combin
ing skim milk and nonmilk fat
and resembling any other fluid
milk product. Only products
with less than six percent non
milk fat are included
Filled milk will be included
in Class I along with other milk
for fluid use. This will continue
the current practice m most
markets of maintaining a Class
I classification for all producer
milk in fluid disposition. Thus
in most markets today’s action
will not generally change the
cost to handlers for milk ingre
dients of filled milk
On filled milk made with
skim or reconstituted skim milk
derived from unregulated sour
ces and sold in a Federal order
market, the amended orders
provide for certain payments by
handlers into the producer-set
tlement funds.
In markets where producer
handlers maintain some exemp
tion while buying supplemental
fluid milk products from regu
lated plants, filled milk will be
included in their allowable pur
chases But a producer-handler
will no longer be exempt from
regulation, if he uses reconsti
tuted skim milk or unregulated
milk for his sales of filled milk
or other fluid milk products
Also, the sale of filled milk
will not be a basis for qualifying
a plant for pooling under a milk
order. Various other changes
have been made in administra
tive provisions, including re
porting requirements for hand
lers, and allocation provisions.
Makeyoui Chi istmas tiee a love
ly memoiy of holidays past and
piesent. Eveiy yeai add seveial
new 01 naments to yom collection
of tieasuies. Heie die two blight
yam baubles to ciochctfoi 1909.
One is a pjiannd shape, the
othei is a pmwheol. Made of -wor
sted yam, they die soft and safe
foi families with young childien
and pets Fiee instinotions aie
available by sending a self-ad
diessed, stamped envelope t» the
Needlewoik Editoi of tins news
paper along with your lequest
loi Leaflet PC 5387, A-B.