Jm Some loots aie the indoor type. They are meant to be soft and warn and witty to go with coloiful “at-home” clothes. Here’s a jaunty pair for the holidays, made of felt with nek lack and bias tape trimming. The style is suitable for the whole family and the pattern easily adaptable to a wide size innge. Make a single boot to hold night-betoie-Chustmas gifts. Fiee instructions aie available by sending - a self-addiessed, stamped envelope to the Needlewoik Editor of this newspaper along with joai request foi Leaflet PPE 869. SAVE AT BOB'S Save Rite market 743 S BROAD ST, LITITZ, PENNA. Hours: Mon. thru Sat. 9 to 9 Sunday 9 to 5 QQQDIOI N * "BETTER-BILT" LIQUID MANURE SPREADER DISTRIBUTED AND SOLD BY S. M. MANUFACTURING Co., Inc. Owl Hill Road R. D. 4, Lititz, Penna. Phone 717-626-8585 Call or vVrite For Free Demonstration barber Oil Co. Texaco Heating Oil Burner Sales & Service MOUNT JOY, PA. Ph. 653-1821 Correspondence Courses fßft Learn Farm Butchering Farm butchering is a festive occasion Friends and neighbors often join in the day long wm k and revelry. For colonial faimeis it wai the season’s final u tivity Today, butchering of im stock is still an important souk < oi the farm family’s winter me it supply. According to a Pennsylvania State University coirespondent course on dressing and ci/mg meat on farms, there are se mt il cutena to be followed. Select only healthy animal for slaughter. Choose animals gaining wr ighi rapidly, avoid those in pooi ton dition Use young animals for sh.uji tei cattle two years of age, six to eight months, sheep <■ i to twelve months Give animals all the watei thev want but keep them quiet and without feed for 24 horns ptcv ious to sTaughtei Have good equipment .mrl sharp knives To learn the vauous cius ot meat and how to cuie h.nb prepaie sausage, sciapple ana liverwuist send youi name and addiess with $3 85 to Faim But chermg, Box 5000, Unive. sn v Park, Pennsylvania 16802 Make checks to Penn State There aic no other chaiges and a complete course copy comes to you bv mail. WORRIED about your investment? Fluctuating prices and unsettled market conditions add nothing to peace of mind. But if you would like an investment that is always worth 100 cents on the dollar and pays an excellent dividend, it's time we became acquainted. Stop in. ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $15,000 jfFIRST FEDERA J ® QJavinps 4) ASSOCIATION OF LANCASTER Mon. thru Thurs. 9 to 4:30 Have You Heard?... By Doris Thomas, Extension Home Economist Under the proper condrtrons any fabric those used for cloth* iiil or household furnishings will bum Remember this when vn,i choose household textiles as well as clothing for your family. Fatal or neai tatal accidents can happen " hen people are careless with fire Childien’s dollies often become ignited when they’re playing with matches Eldeily people often catch their clothing on fiie when they’ie aiound ■ cooking or heating stove or when burning 11 ash. Careless smoking habits are the cause of in oat clothing or bedding flies among adults Another common way foi clothing to catch fire is when such flammable liquids as gasoline, koiosene or lighter fluids aie spilled on cloth ing 'hen ignited All fabrics don’t bum to the same degree The degree of flammability depends upon the fiber, weight, and weave of the fabric, suiface oi the fabnc and design of the j, one 0 f |.j ie a^ove aiticles is gaiment. not available, ioil on the giound Fabrics which are sheer, light- or f^ ool until the flames aie ex weight or loosely wovm burn tmgiushed moie icadily than heavy, tightly woven fabnes Napped fabrics , , , , wilh an spaces between loose, Widespiead use ot household, tine fibers tend to burn quicker equipment has ieduced the drud than tightly woven fabnes § er y 111 OUI homes But it has al- Carments which fit loosely, so mci eased hazards to family such as housecoats, lobes, full saf fty loose sleeves burn more quickly About 25,000 peisoi-s each than tight fitting gaiments y ear aie in 3 uied w! ? en - usi ”f When a pel son’s clothing cat- heaters, ranges, washers, and dies fire, the first impulse is to power moweis, accoidmg to the urn, but this only makes the fire (Continued on Page 22) bin n fastei. The correct thing to do is to drop to the floor or giound and roll up m a rug, blanket, coat or heavy garment 25 North Duke St. Phone 393-0601 Fii. 9 to 6 Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29,1969 — Ladies, 4 S«i. 9 U „ .1 *•*■••.'* •. i": • . ... *, THOMAS CUT FUEL BILLS up to 50%/ with the all new FUEL SAVIHG SUPER FLOOR HEAT see it now! L H. Brubaker 350 Strasburg Pike, Lancaster R.D. 3, Lititz, Pa. Plione Lancaster 397-5179 Strasburg 687-6002 Lititz 626-7766 17
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers