Read Lancaster Farming For Full Market Reports LET Your Wayne Dealer Pigs must have protein. Com is low in pro tein, and the protein it contains is poor qual ity. So, without protein supplements, the pig overeats to get the protein he must have to grow. When that happens, the excess gram turns to fat, and the amount of feed needed per pound of gain increases. For lean, fast-growing pigs that turn your feed into pork dollars, feed Wayne Pig Grower, the complete feed for that critical growth period between 50 and 125 lbs. See us now I Feed for the difference innovations make. Feed Wayne. WAYNE PIG GROWER From Allied Mills: The Innovators WHITE OAK MILL R. D. 4, Manheim HEISEY FARM SERVICE Lawn Ph: 964-3454 FOWL’S FEED SERVICE c. E. SAUDER & SONS D x 1. Quarryville R. D . 1. East Earl R. D. 2. Peach Bottom MOUNTVILLE FEED SERVICE R. D. 2, Columbia ROHRER’S MILL i i . iij.. . R. D. 1, Ronks i 13 . I ILJSI il HEALTH I I \ PARADISE SUPPLY Paradise H. JACOB HOOBER Intercourse, Pa. H. M. STAUFFER & sons, me. Witmer HERSHEY BROS. Reinholds GRUBB SUPPLY CO. Elizabethtown DUTCHMAN FEED mills, me. E. D. 1, Stevens LAMPETER-STRASBURG FFA CHAP TER OFFICERS installed at an initiation ceremony Tuesday night at the high school. They are (left to right) seated, Clair Witwer, President; Donald Brene man, Vice President; Standing, Gary Dean, Secretary; Robert Hess, Reporter; Charles Witmer, Chaplain; Glenn Liven good, Sentinel and Kenneth Brubaker, Use Of Mulches There has been considerable roots Mulches can also be used ly, the extra layer of mulch emphasis on the use of mulches during the Winter to advantage should be applied after the in the landscape. In addition to m the garden. Many gaideners ground has frozen The Winter the esthetics during Summer, a think a thick layer of mulch will mulch functions in keeping the mulch controls weeds and helps keep their plants warm all Win- soil frozen around the roots dur ing the late Winter thaws It is tnis alternate freezing and thaw ing of unmulched plants that cause all the root injury This is why an unmulched plant often looks good during cold weather, only to rapidly decline once tem peiatuies rise in the Spring Re member, mulch well after sever al freezes to keep the soil frozen. Snrubs such as azalea, rhododen dron and hollies need mulching. ALLIS-CHALMERS ONE-SEVENTY and ONE-EIGHTY (53* HP) • Best performance and com fort features of the hot One- Ninety XT, in the low-profile One-Seventy, full platform One-Eighty! • Automatic Traction Booster! • Hydrostatic power steering! • Triple hydraulics, optional! See them now at... L. H. Brubaker N. G. Myers & Son Lititz, Pa. Rheems, Pa. Nissley Farm Service Grumelli Farm Service Washington Boro, Pa. Quarryville, Pa. Roy H. Buch, Inc. Ephrata, R.D. 2 Allen H. Matz Farm Equipment New Holland Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 20,1969 — Treasurer. At the same meeting. Green Hand Degree Candidates were listed as Jerry Diller, Ken Geib, Nancy Henkel, Dan Herr, Doug Keener, Ron Leaman, Nelson Livengood and Mervin Slaymaker. Chapter Farmer Degree Candidates were Donald Breneman, Ken Brubaker, Robert Hess, Bob Mellinger, Ken Merkey, Charles Witmer and Gary Dean. keep soil moisture around plant ter. But, this is not true Actual- (63* HP) A ALUS-CHALMER* L. H. Brubaker Lancaster, Pa. World’s lightest chain saw McCulloch Power Mac 6 and Power Mac 6 Automatic Get hold of the world’s lightest chain saw. With or without automatic oiling. Either way it zips through an 8-inch log in 6 seconds. Cuts firewood fast and easy Clears away trees and branches toppled by the wind. Comes ready to use with lightweight bar and fast-cutting McCulloch chain ' $179.95 PM-6 FREE Lightweight Power Mac 6 carrying case, the easy way to carry and store your saw. Regular $14.95 value yours free when you buy Power Mac 6 or Power Mac 6 Automatic. Supply limited. N. G. HERSHEY AND SON Manhehn, Pa. Ph. 665-2271 15