Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 29, 1969, Image 1

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    VOL. 15 NO. 1
Clair Witwer Named
A hefty, 180 pound wrestler
with a modest personality that
belies his strong physical build,
became the second Lampetei-
Strasburg High School FFA stu
dent m as many years to be elect
ed president of the Lancaster
County FFA Chapter
Clair Witwer, 16-year-old son
of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Witwer, 617
Strasburg Pike, was picked Mon
day mght at a special County
FFA reorganization meeting to
follow a schoolmate, Paul Eck
man, Strasburg Rl, to the top
County office.
The entire Lampeter-Strasbuig
student body was informed of
Christmas Program
For Homemakers Set
The annual Homemakers’
Christmas Program will again be
held on December 4 starting at
10 am,.-at the Farm and Home
Center. All county ladies are in
vited to attend any or all of the
day’s activities.-n Lunch will be
on your own and the program is
as follows:
10 00 a.m.—“Festive Foods for
the Holidays” presented by
Mrs. Mary Myers, P. P. & L.
Home Economist.
11-00 a.m.-5 00 p.m &6 00 pm
-9:00 pm—Viewing of ex
hibits of decorations, gifts,
(Continued on Pago 6)
Hess Elected Vice President
Of Pa. Holstein Association
Elvin Hess, Jr, Strasburg HI
Holstein Breeder, was elected
vice president of the Pennsylvan
ia Holstein Association last week
at the annual convention held in
Gettysburg. Hess is the appoint
ed state director fiom Lancaster
Elected president was George
Bndenbaugh, Martinsburg and
Robert Curley, Montrose was
named Treasurer.
Nearly 600 dairymen from all
areas of Pennsylvania and Mary
land attended the two-day 7 meet-’
ing with the Thursday opening
day being devoted to a guided
tour of the Battlefield and a visit
to the electric map in the Nation
al Museum.
- Breakfast, sponsored by banks
and business firms seiving'the
South Central Pennsylvania area,
served to open the business ses
sion on Friday. Miss Jamie
Smith, Adams County Dairy
Princess, welcomed the visitors
Speaker Jack R. Grey; Deputy
Secretary of Agriculture for
Pennsylvania, recognized the
good job being done by dairymen
in the Commonwealth He re
ported that dairy farm income
of $4OO million in Pennsylvania
in 1969 was the big factor in
pushing agricultural income ov
er the $1 billion mark for the
first time.
Grey reported on studies in
progress on possible renovation
the unique occurrance Tuesday
morning via the public address
system and now Clair has a new
nickname as one fellow student
good-naturedly called him “The
Whip ”
How does the new president
feel about the honor? “Well, I
really couldn’t believe it at first,”
he said When you ask how he
will do in wrestling, his favorite
sport, he says in his usual re
served way, ‘T'wouldn’t say I’ll
be great about average ” And
average is how he assesses his
school work with Agriculture
and Chemistiy as his favorite
subjects But Walter McDanels,
his Vo-Ag instructor goes a lot
further saying Clair is an excel
lent student that will be a great
Agriculture teacher some day.
Ag education is what Clair would
like to major in after high
Swine breeding and fatening,
field corn and veal calves are
pi ejects that keep Clair busy-on'
his home farm of 117 acres but
it is the veal calves" that re°’ly.
hold his interest at this time. He
raises the calves from his fath
er’s dairy herd on milk replacer
for about seven weeks and figur
es it takes about a $l2 bag of
feed to bring each calf to the de
sired 180 to 200 pounds At to
day’s market the good veal calf
(Continued on Page 6)
Elvin Hess, Jr.
oi relocation of the State Faim
Show Buildings He urged dany
men -to give caieful study to the
proposed Pennsylvania Milk
Marketing Development Program
and to be sure to vote m the
referendum early in December
President Fail Noel, McSher
lystown, Adams County, called
the annual business meeting to
order at 10:30 a.m. In his report
to the Association, Noel congrat
ulated the merabeiship for the
honors brought to Pennsylvania
(Continued on Page 8)
Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 29,1969
PET YEAL-- CALVES are Clair Wit
wer’s favorite FFA projects. The 16-year
old Junior at Lampeter-Strasburg High
Tobacco Buying Starts Early
The Lancaster County Tobacco 1
market opened about seven
weeks early this season as buy
ers hit the road Monday offering
a top price of 34 cents per pound
for wrappers and 20 cents a
pound for fillers. The straight
stripped price was reported at
30 cents a pound, with one ru
mor that an offer of 33 cents for
pull-off was made That is now
denied, however.
Trading was reported slow by
industry spokesmen Friday mor
ning with some companies out on
Thanksgiving and others observ
ing the holiday Mark Hess, Ag
way Representative, summed up
the thinking o t orner companies
when he said, “We are finding a
larger amount of shed burn and
moldy tips than we first had ex
pected. I don’t mean to have this
reflect on the total crop,” He
continued. “Where there is no
damage the crop is equal to the
Wednesday, Dec. 3
. 4:15 P.M Vo-Ag Teachers
meet, WGAL TV
Thursday, Dec. 4
10.00 AM Homemakeis’
Christmas Progiam, Faim
and Home Center
8 00 PM Lancaster County
Poultry Directors meet,
Farm and Home Center
Saturday, Dec. 6
Farm and Home Foundation
Benefit Antique and Art
Auction, Farm & Home
School was selected County FFA Presi
dent, Monday night. L. F. Photo
iest we can produce in the Coun
Buying was on the slow side
with farmers and buyers alike
not quite sure how much of the
crop was really sold as of Friday
The reasons given ranged from
the early start which left both
buyers and farmers uncertain
just how much damage from
shed burn was present and every
one waiting to see how the mar
ket was going to go.
The week of rainy weather
during the curing process m the
sheds was named the culprit in
the tobacco damage in most cas
es but one spokesman also blam
ed the over-use of MH 30. MH
30 is a chemical used to control
Meanwhile, there has been no
change during the week in the
offered price as farmers and
buyers assess the new crop
Pennsylvania’s 1969 tobacco
production was 38.0 million
pounds, about one percent larg
ei than the ciop produced a
year ago The recent 5-year aver
age was 45 2 million nounds
(Continued on Page 7)
Secretary Lyng Requests Action
Of Inter-State Cooperative
Problems as general as the
United States Impoit Policy and
as specific as improved milk
handling at the store level were
discussed at the 52nd annual
meeting of Inter-State Milk
Producers’ Cooperative, Tues-
day and Wednesday, November
25 and 26,
$2.00 Per Year
S & W District
Endorses Bills
The Pennsylvania Association
of Soil and Water Conservation
District Directors, Inc., has en
dorsed and urged eaily passage
of four House Bills dealing with
natural resources and the en
vironment of the Common
Support for the legislation
was adopted by delegates at
tending the 22nd annual con
ference of conservationists held
Nov. 12-14 at Allentown. The
statewide organization includes
rural and urban directors from
64 of Pennsylvania’s 67 coun
The pending legislation con
sists of House Bills 958, 385,
1353 and 1679, dealing with re
clamation and revegetation of
all strip mined areas, construc
tion of fish ladders at dam sites
and an amendment (HB 958) to
the State Constitution entitling
all citizens “to clean air, pure
water . and esthetic values of
the environment ”
(Continued on Page 7)
Richard E._L>ng, Assistant
Secretary of Agriculture, Unit
ed States Depaitment of Agri
culture, asserted that the “new
team’s” first responsibility will
be to increase farm income and
said “We have been in Wash
ington long enough to know the
(Continued on Page 12)