m Miik (Continued from Page 1) vestment will follow his milk to reasons for the deciease in per his market capita milk consumption A referendum among dauy conti ibute one-half of one The piogiam must be appiov farmeis will be held by mail peicent of then gioss milk check et * by pioduceis every three December 3 to December 17, lcss hauling costs That’s about >eais It may be leiminatcd at 1969 to see if pioduceis waul a thiee cents pci bundled weight ‘ ,nv time by special icleicndum Biandatoiy check off piogiam called by pioduceis throughout Pennsylvania. If farmeis vote foi the pio and vvheic the money will be giam, $2,000,000 will be made spent The Boaid will icpicsent available to help piomote the all aieas of the state I went to the Key Bank for my farm loan. There’s a real farmer’s banker there—Stanley Musselman. He ' K^)k knows farming as well as I do. He gave me some good advice i ! ®n planning for profitable man- ■H| * *' agement even had some ideas j ©n how I could improve my op- ! ©ration. That’s the kind of banking service that suits ,“ e fine - THE (TXSs r Lancaster COUNTY FARMERS national i LANCASTER • QUARRY. ILLS • I'-'UfiT JP* • CHRISTIANA • COLUMBIA MEMBER F D I C LET YOUR AGWAY SUPPLY CENTER HELP PUN YOUR DAIRY AUTOMATION PROJECT Complete Automation ...Only from Agway • you get a firm bid 9 i-cppas’bility for the entire job is cen tered in one place your Agway Sup ply Center • v'nu pioiect is backed by a farm'')'own ed oigamzation ”ith many years of faim expei ijnee ard n°ll trained men who know the autonr»ti„n business • competent guidance and advice in pick ing out equipment, and planning the complete operation . . . from selecting the site, through figuring hay storage space, to helping you determine the type of barn cleaner or milking parlor stall you need Agway sale of milk in the Pennsylvania All monies collected go into a marketing area. A farmers in- lestricted account and can be All daiiymen who sell milk An Vivisoiy Boaid nominated bj pioducei s wm decide how U I l ' I . BEE-LINE SUPPLY CENTER 1027 DiMervilie Road, Lancaster Ph. 397-4761 spent only on projects develop ed and approved by the Advis -01 y Boaid Infoimahon in the foim of questions and answcis wcie giv en at the meeting ns follows Q. What is the authority for the milk marketing referendum? A The \gncultuial Commodit ies Maiketing Act of 1968 0- Who requested the referen dum? A It was requested by a number of interested milk produceis groups Q. Who will conduct the refer endum? A The Pennsylvania Depart ment of Agriculture under the direction of the Secretary. Q. What am I voting for? A. You are voting to assess your self at the late of one-halt of one pei cent (0 50%) of youi gioss value of milk, less haul ing charges, for the puipose of providing funds to promote 1! Fully equipped barn, free-stall or conventional—Agway delivers the plans, products and services for the complete job. HAY STORAGE • PERFECTION PIPELINE MILKING SYSTEMS • STARLINE EQUIPMENT O SUNSET BULK MILK COOLERS O CRAINE SILOS mii -ffswss ww— B UK STALLS REE STALLS Lancaster Farming, Saturday, November 22,1969—7 sales of milk through increas ed consumption. Q. Who is eligible to vote? A All milk producers in the Commonwealth who piocluce milk loi sale What pel cent of the vole is lequiml to taiij the refer endum? Two thuds 01 moic of those voting and icpiesanting not leas than 50 pci cent oi the pioduction of those voting Who will administer the pro gram if the referendum car ries? It will be adnnnistei ed by an Advisoiy Boaid of 15 men, subject to the appioval of the Secretaiy The advisors will be appointed by the Secretaiy of Agriculture fiom nomina tions submitted by the pro duceis. Q. Who collects the money? A The Department of Agucul ture collects the money fiom the pioducer who is lespon sible for such payment He may designate a dealei to account for and submit pay- MANUK CAMP OmCE, LAV. | MILKING fAMOI KTUIN AIUY HOSWAI ASHA monts The, money shall be paid into a special fund m the Depailnvent of AgiiculUue Who decides how the money will be spent? The Advisoiy Boaid. Ifow much money will he av ail able? \bout S 2 000 000 over twice as much as now laised voluntanlj If I vote against the progiam, will I have to pay anyway? Yes, of two-thuds of chose voting cast favoiable ballots and if they produce not less than 50% of the milk pioduc ed by those voting If I now contribute to ADA and Dairy Council, will this deduction go on top of that? No This will be an all-mclu sive assessment, out of which allotments will be made by the Advisoiy Board to such gioups as ADA and Dairy Council as the Boaid appiov es However, there is nothing in the law or the referendum to prevent any local group of produceis fiom developing a local promotional progiam m addition to the State-wide piogiam Is this dedi ction going to cost me more than I now give to ADA and Dairy Council? If you now give a total of about 3c a cwt to these groups, your assessment un dei the Pi ogi am will be about the same Will every dairy farmer in Pennsylvania get a ballot? Yes, if he sells his milk Q. Do all Pennsylvania produc ers pay even if their milk is sold outside the state? A. Yes Q. What about producers ii another state whose milk is sold in Pennsylvania? A They do not pay. ' Q. If I now pay into an advertis ing fund which my dealer matches, would that be con tinued? A That would be up to the local producers to decide whether or not they wanted to con tinue their local program in addition to the State-wide program. The Advisory Boai cl could also decide to cooper ate with the local piogiam. Do dealers match this pro gram? No This is a program financ ed and controlled by pioduc ers Will there be a public hear ing prior to calling the refer endum? Yes this has been set for July 15 When would the Program start if approved? Febiuaiy 1, 1970. How long do I pay? The Program must come up for renewal every three years, via referendum. Q, Can the Program be voted out before the three years are up? A Yes, if a special referendum is requested in wilting by at least ten per cent of the pio duceis and the majonty of those voting opposed it, 01 if moie than 33 1 ■.% of the pio duceis affected by the pro giam request its termination m writing, the Secietaiy must tei inmate the Piogiam. Echoes aie ok but they seldom conti ibute much new. It may take yeai s of effort to piove your intelligence but only a second to show your stupidity. A good leader is one who can mspne others to do what he wanted done, anyway.