Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, November 15, 1969, Image 7

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    Port I
Pesticides In Prespective
By Delbert 1,. Hieilein,
Pesticides Coordinator
01 food mcl OllU' ()')(!■> UMIKIIIl 1 '
Agricultural Extension Smite a • ino ' s 101 t ' u>
With so much .mention focu- lOiiMimei to use With the pies
€J on the use of pesticides todu ent >\>tem one l.umei is able to
many views concei nmg then of produce enough foi moie than
fects on the enuionment aic 40 other people The use of
ausing. The Evtcnsion Seivice is chemical pesticides and other ag
not only interested in this publ.c iicultuial chemicals has conlri
concern but is m\ohed with the buted to this tremendous achieve
educational aspects of pesicide ment in, production. Mistakes
usage? as well as with learning may have been made, yet we
(how to properly control pests cannot afford to become alarm
with minimum danger to desir- ists to the point where pesticides
able life forms. Commercial ag- should be banned It is recogniz
riculture must be advised of ed that certain pesticide u4es
chemical uses and the associated must be changed, because con-.
TUES., NOV. 18,1969
Leaving Schenkw eiler Hotel 12:30 P.M.
Et. 100 and old Rt. 22 Fogelsville
, For more information contact > our
f local representati\ e.
Richard S. Enck J. Mark Kreider
; 284-4973 392-5513
Lane. Co. Lane. Co.
Hugh D. Hartman Henry H. Stauffer
! 397-1830 367-3196
Lebanon Co. Dauphin Co.
By Weof-her-Seol
4- I Pre-Hang for
A 95
L-J JLC#*,.
240 LB. Seal'Tabs Sq 7.19
50 LB Smooth 801 l
90 LB. Mineralized
’ ak' m\o’\od -o piodiuiioii
Sign >
Ea 2.05
Ea 3.15
l 'inni.ition h.i, in iui ml Hm
'i a: t h i ffoi l- h i\c in ho dumM
ml 10u.i,,l in.ilcii iU ,uul ways lo
P 1 o m I dm m,\ ,i iiiinii m and at
'ln - mil jmc ,n-u i> adequate
P mint, on oi fo./-l, lib sheltei.
ail 1 pi oi.,i ~on oi health.
I in’ Coope atnc Extension
Sti vu o came-, on .i continuing
pi o„m am to iiiionn ilie public
f.ii hum's homeownoi-. g.udeneis,
.>nd tommoicuil giowers con
cerning the safe effective use of
pesticides Likewise, recom
mendations on pesticide usage
aie ba»ed on the newest infor
mation from legislations, regu
lations. and rcseaich develop
ed by competent sc.entists. These
“built-in" safeguards help to as
sure the usei that a particular
chemical may be directed toward
a pest species vv.thout adverse
effects on himself or the environ
ment Each chemical undergoes
several yeais of testing on many
life forms and in a variety of
habitats before it can be regist
ered for use by the USD A and a
tolerance established by the
Food and Drug Administration
The Federal Fish and Wildlife
Service also must e\aluate the
data presented and make a final
judgement A chemical that has
any questionable effect on the
test species is discaided
Different approaches to pest
conti ol include many nonchemic
al methods Parasites to help
eliminate ceitam haimful pests
(such as the alfalfa weevil, gvp
sy moth, and cabbage looper)
are being leaied and studied
Crop varieties resistant to pest
attack are being developed Life
cycles of pests are studied to find
the "weak link” in their growth
cycle, at this point, contiol is
usually relatnely easy Stenlity,
‘i We stock quality, name §
tjs brand building materials. '
* It is not necessaiy to $
$ wait foi a “sale” to le- *
y ceive a good \alue at $
* CASHWAY. Our prices *
v are low .. . every d rt \ .. . *
the year around. *
*:♦> <♦> •>><♦>J:
k " Standard
- i Sizes
- u I
|| *
. I
Ijillujl EACR
New tower a mm*
Reduced Prices Hr*** *■*
Phone: 397-4829
Phone: 397-4820
Other Important
Control Methods
OPEN 7 30 to 5 30
I..HU .i -u r F.i’ ming. Smliiul,i\ .
atliai’. n' icpcllanl. and hoi
inonm, an* methods hivu 1 1 it’d
and in. I on v moils insect spe
nos \loii” with non ihemic.d
methods is ~ s\si mu ta”cd in
Ugi.ilml tonliol whcie ii.duial
piedatois and paiasitcs ,uc cn
con raged to wage w.n on the
pests, so onlv a minimum of
chemical pesticides is lequned
This has been successful in some
areas of commeicial fiuit pio
duction The practice of continu
ous ciopping has had advantages,
but this has also increased pest
problems, sometimes to the
point of no solution Crop rota
tion helps to control certain pest
species by changing the habitat
and food supply and thus main
taining the population at a level
of minor economic importance
The Use Of
Chlorinated Hydrocarbons
The use of pesticides has al
ways presented a paradox By
using them a ceitam degree of
hazard is created, and yet with
out them, pests would sevei ely
damage crops causing food puc
es to inciease To immediately
ban all chloi mated hydiocaibons
would be unwise Theie is a
gieat degiee of \anation within
this class of pesticides that is not
clearly understood and must be
consideied These factois include
such items as mammalian toxi
city, peisistence in various med
ia, and degiadation and detoxi
fication by emuonmental 'influ
ences such as sunlight, plant en
zunes watei, soil colloids, intu
cate chemical combinations and
lecombmations, oigamc mattei,
and nnciooiganisms Specifically
the insecticide methoxychlor has
a chemical structme similar to
DDT, yet it is comparatively non
toxic to waim-blooded animals,
being about v . as toxic as com
mon table salt It also quickly!
decomposes into haimless com-'
ponenls Methoxychloi is an ef
fective insecticide and can still
Iseive to control pests without
senous injmy to desnable spec
ies Othei chloi mated hvdiocai
bons fungicides and heibic d
es as well as insecticides fit
into Inis same categoiy
| Impioiet' chemical conhol
maj be ac.neied by adjusting
spiay lemmmeudaiions Cnem.-
; cals with snOi.ei ica.dual hie
'.i e icphic ng othei mateuals in
! most im’ mces but lime agam
l costs will be sac ficed and appli
cation me 1 ; oda mus‘ be caie-
I fully wacncn New spiav tech
, riques w b arml.citior'3 in lates
of onh a lev ounces pei acie aie
1 aiailaole The chenrcal is dnecl
ed spcchca.U to tie peal but
has httie eflect on non target or
ganisms c ' Aeuac poafades al
so pio\icie O'cellcnl conliol cf
i the pest v.tboit Lneat of spur
duft 01 hazaid to wildlife Scien
tists aie lookmg foi mateuals
and techmciues mat will enable
n giower to select a shoit lesi
-1 duel chemical and auect it at
the pest specie a a tne most vuln
e> able pei od ol i s aie span
At the same t ne risers oi
pesticides w 11 be required to ob
sene the utmoat in safety p.e
cautions fhs*' to pi otect them
selves and oJie.a f om acciden
tal pesticide poisoning second
to be ceilam that all legisteied
uses aie followed to keep chenv
cal lesidues on ciops at a
raurn and lastly to see that no
undue en\nonmental
tion deems i’om lv: application
methods Fu’thei attention will
be lequued iOi peshcide storage
and disposal tmeat m
gi ound w atei supplies must ■
aroided betOie accidental
lamination resul's A modeiat.j
curtailment of ceilam chlount
ed hydrocarbons is to be e\pm
ect within the near future -'it
present, no chlorinated hyd c
caibon pest.cije (except metb
oxychloi) is tecommendec 1 io.
any phase of meat oi m he p -
auction Replacements \\ 11 ul i ;
mately be neccasa'w foi DDT,
\'o\ einlici r. I'll,') 7
line I,,' Vd’ in, I),, M, M)
I ’mil m ll('|i|,i( him, ~ 1r ) lu, i-
I'l’cni' lo' (me 1 Min 1, ,
|n >1 sp-' le*. Wrli 11.< ii j.’ ic
nu'iiN u.cis imci i n Ii oh
iiciivc **ii c I (.11 cl ■■ IK ,i i ,’i u(.
\.m:.i”c s .ind dc icK.i.i ,i e-, m
iv( Ii insl.iiK e M,tn\ ( m ,nu ,tl
C'fs (,m lie in.iml.micd Mil limit
fc.ii of set ion > li.nm or
injustice to wildlife „nd the in-
Meeting l oud .Needs
When man Je.nnefl how to con
quei plant ami pe-N with
out backbreaking laboi new op
poitunitics came to dew clop ag
ncultuie, impiovmg ho h quality
ami quantity of fooil and (iber.
Successful post conliol ha-> help
ed to impiove agi.cultmal cfli
ciency, ficcmg laboi to help
cieate othei economic oppoitun
ities The sustained economic
giowlh of any nation depemU on
how well its people u n obtain
their food icquucmenN Oi all
human needs, lood and shelter
come fiist
Let’s look at a lew hguic> In
the United States tod i\ theie
aie o\ei 200 million peop'c that
haie to be led thiee times a
da> with milk, meat spam tiuits
and vegetables If tins How of
food vveie cut off ao lutle as
two weeks, theie wou'd be panic
w the maiket place' Bv the .sear
2000 AD U S pouulation will be
past the 250 million maik and
to teed, clothe, shelte and pio
tect this population is still a
tiemendous challenge to mod
em agucultuie Upw.ids ot 250
billion pounds of food a sear
will be needed bs 2000 Witho it
pest conliol this task w'ould be
foinndable, if not impossib'e
Theie aie no kno vn indica
tions that piesenl levels ot pes
ticide usages in Pennsylvania
(Continued on Page 10)
a cash dhri&nd
This special pie season program
pays you cash for buying early.
The amount you get depends on
the machine you buy—and when
you buy it. The earlier you buy,
the bigger your dividend. Program
starts November 1,1968, and goes
through February 28,1969.
Eligible machines include: Auto-'
mafic Bale Wagons and Stack Re
trievers 9 Balers 9 Combines •
Crop-ChoppersOForage Blowers#
Forage Boxes and Crop-Carriers •
Forage Harvesters • Hay Condi
tioners • Mower Conditioners •
Mowers # Rakes • Self-Propelled
Program applies to new machines
only. Stop in soon for complete
E. D. 3, Litil/, Pa.
350 SUasbuig Pike, Lancaster
Ph: Lancastei 397-5179
Sti asburg 687 6002
LitiU 626-7766
' 1111