2 I .mu tister Funning. Snturdnv. Nm ember fl. 1000 At Lancaster Yards Weekly Review Noy ember 6. 1960 {’ \ TTLE 3500 Comp.n cd to List weeks close. Slaughtci Sires steady to 50 lovvci most decline on weights o\ci 1100 lbs. Cows Meads to 25 highci instan ces 50 highci on Cuttci, Dulls yyeak to 50 lowei. Fecdei Slcci s moMK steady Supply included •in e*.limited 15 pci cent Slaught ei Steei> 20 peicent Cows and Bulls with the balance mainly Feedei Steel s SL VUGIITER STEERS Load lugh-Choice and Fume 1150 lbs .10 50 Choice 900 1200 lbs 28 fat) 29 75 few head 29 85 30 25 Choice 1200 1350 lbs 28 10 29 10. high Good and low Choice 27 50- 28 75 Good 25 85 27 85 lew Stan daicl 24 35 25 60 COWS—Utility and high di ess mg Cuttei 18 00 19 50 Cuttei 17 00 18 75. Cannei and low Cut tei 15 00 17 00 BULLS Choice 28 25 29 60. Good 25 75 28 00. Utility and Commeicial 25 60-28 50 Cuttei and 'ow Utility 22 85 24 85 FEEDER STEERS Couple lots Choice 475 550 lbs 33 50 35- 00 fne loads Choice with end of Good 490 525 lbs 32 00 33 00 load Choice 800 lbs 29 50 two (Continued on Page 31 REGULAR LIVESTOCK AUCTION EVERY FRIDAY Stockers & Feeders All Weights All Breeds Now,beginning to Moye Good Doing Shenandoah Valley Va Cattle STAUNTON UNION STOCK YARDS, INC. Staunton, Va. VINTAGE SALES STABLES, Inc. BULLS. STEERS, BUTCHER COWS, HOGS. LAMBS AND VEAL CALVES SOLD ON COMMISSION SALE EVERY TUESDAY 12 NOON FAT HOGS AND FEEDER PIG SALE EVERY SATURDAY AT 9:00 A.M. For Marketing Information Phone Area Code 717-442-4181 i Paiadise, Pa. 10 mi East of Lancastei on Rt 30 Kenneth E. Hershev, Sales Manager Box 100 ” <♦> -SB- •»: <♦> •:♦> •»> <♦> <♦> <«• <♦>. •» <«• _ AUCTIONS makes the difference in I | CLIP OUT AMD SAVE 1 marketing livestock! I 0 New Holland makes the difference I I SPECIAL STOCKER & FEEDER SALE § MONDAY 10.30 AM. FAT HOGS and SHOATS j UNCASTER UNION STOCK YARDS I 2.30 P.M - FAT STEERS, BULLS, COWS & VEAL \ I HORSE SALE-MONDAY at 10:00 AM. j _ SALES PAVILION - DAIRY SALE - WEDNESDAY at 12:30 P.M. t j I"ATSTEERS BULLS. COWS &V!EAL~ THURSDAY 5 FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1969 AT 1:00 P. M. j aMMOPM I > j NEW HOLLAND SALES STABLES, .NO. j VALUABLE DOOR PR.ZES TO BE GiVEN AWAY AT EACH SALE j, | • ' New Holland, Penna 9 Sponsored by: The Lancaster Livestock Exchange and Union Stock Yard Co. ‘ H / \hjam W Di/JV'nb. ch Hi-na i:er Phone (717) 354 2194 | i|| MARKET NEWS REPORT CATTLE 673 Compaicd to Monday. Slaughtci Steeis steady to 50 lower, most decline on weights oyci 1100 lbs. Coyvs steady to 25 highci instances 50 highci on Cutter. Bulls steady to 50 lowei SL\UGHTER STEERS Choice 900 1200 lbs 28 60 29 35, few head 29 85 30 35. Choice 1200 -1350 lbs 28 10 29 00. couple lots 1390 1410 lbs 27 60 27 85. high- Cood and loyv Choice 27 50 28 75, Good 25 85 27 85. feyv Standai cl 24 35 25 60 COWS—Utility and highcliess irg Cuttei 18 25-19 50, Cutter 17 00 18 75. Cannei and low Cut tei 15 25 17 00 BULLS—Good 25 75 27 35. few Choice 28 25 29 60 Utility and Commeicial 25 60-28 00. Cuttei ~nd loyv Utility 22 85 24 85 FEEDER STEERS—Two loads Choice 860 980 lbs 28 10 28 75 CALVES 136 Vealeis steady to weak VEVLERS Choice 46 GO -49 50. couple 50 50 Good 43 00- 47 00 Standaid 38 00 44 50, Util itv 34 0040 00, Cull 90-120 lbs 28 00-32 00. 65 85 lbs 25 00 28 50 HOGS 206—Banows and Gilts steady to 2d lowei B ARROWS AND GILTS—US 1 2 200 225 lbs 27 00 Six US 1 220-240 lbs 27 75 US 2 3 190 255 lbs 26 35 26 75 One lot US 3 4 245 lbs 26 10 SHEEP 61 Wooled Lambs steady WOOLED LAMBS One lot 70 lb 28 00 Good 75 90 lbs 24 50- 25 00, one lot Utility 85 lbs 23 50 Take Soil Samples Soon Taking soil sanioles in the fall, hefoie the giourd 1 eezes helps avoid the late wmtei and eailv spung uish, lemmds Wavne Hin ish, Extension agiononnst at The Pennsvlvama State Univei sit/ \sk >oiu count> agent loi fmlhei mtoi motion PARADISE, PENNA Auction Only November 5, 1969 Vintage Auction November 4, 1069 CATTLE 671 Compaicd to last Tuesday. Slaughter Steers steady to 50 highci. Coyvs 25 50 lower Bulls slcatlv to 50 lowei SL VUGIITER STEERS High Choice and Fume 1050 1300 lbs 29 85 31 25, few Choice yield giadc 2 30 75 3125. Choice 950 1325 lbs 29 00 30 50. few eaily 28 75 29 00; high Good and low- Choice 28 00 29 25. Good 26 50 28 50 COWS —Utility and high dress mg Cutter 17 50 19 25, feyv 19 35- 19 75. Cuttci 16 25 18 50. Cannei and loyv-Cuttei 15 50-16 50 BULLS Utility and Com meucal 25 50 28 00, feyv 28 75- 2910 C ALVES 584 Vealei s steady to 2 00 lowei, least decline on Choice VEALERS Choice 47 50 50 - 50, Good 44 00 47 50. Standaid 38 50 45 00, Utility 33 00-38 00. Cull 90 120 lbs 28 00-33 00. 65 85 lbs 23 00 29 00 HOGS 236 - Gilts 50 75 lowei BARROWS \ND GILTS—US 1 2 200-240 lbs 26 35 27 10 5 head US 1 200 235 lbs 27 50 27 75 US 2- 190-255 lbs 26 35 26 75 US 3- 250-270 lbs 25 50-26 10 SHEEP 54 Wooled Lambs steady to weak Slaughter Ewes 1 00 lowei Bauows and WOOLED LAMBS—Few head Choice 70 SO lbs 30 00-31 50, Good 24 00-28 00 SLAUGHTER EWES Util ity and Good 4 00-6 50 Chicago Cattle Weekly Review CATTLE Compared with last weeks close High Choice and Finns Stasis mostly 50 lowei Aveiage Cho ce and below steady to 25 lovv’ei Slaughtei Heifeis weak to 25 lowei Cows 50 hignei, Bulls steady Receipts 67 peicent Slau ghtei Steeis 30 pe’cent Heifeis balance mostly Cows Oveiall finish ot Steeis not as attiaclive as last week with 13 percent Pume and 78 peicent Choice as compared with 15 peicent Prime and 77 percent Choice last week and 10 peicent Prime and 78 a (Continued on Page 3) LLOYD H. KREIDER Auctioneer and Sales Manager Qaanyville Box 180 Ph: 786-3394 New Holland Auction cows November 5, 19G9 Novembci G, 19G9 CATTLE 793 Compaied lo Inst Thursday, Slaujthtei Steers Receipts of 175 cows 2 bulls steady to sliong. Cows steady and 20 heifeis sold steady Hol lo stionK, after a few early stein 425 670. Guernseys 175-265; sales 25-50 lowei. Bulls steady Other bieeds 275-375, Bulls 270- lo 50 lower Suppl.v included 36 290. Heifeis 260 330 percent Cows and 21 peiccnt Feeder Steei s SLAUGHTER STEERS Choice 950 1325 lbs 28 85 30 50. few high Choice and Pi ime 30 - 25 30 75. high Good and low Choice 27 75 °9 25. Good 26 50- 28 25, few Standaid 24 75 26 00 COWS Utility and high diessmg Cultei 17 50 19 10, few 19 50 20 10. Cuttei 16 50-18 00. Cannei and low Cutter 14 75 16 - 50 BULLS Choice 28 00 29 50 Good 25 50 28 00, Utility and Commei ciai 25 75-28 60. Cuttei and low-Utihty 23 00-25 00 FEEDER STEERS Two loads Choice 880-935 lbs 28 50 2925 mi’ced-Good and Choice 740-800 lbs 28 25-28 60. two loads mixed-Good and Choice 915-980 lbs 27 50-27 85 CALVES 502 - steady to 1 00 lower When one handles gasoline caielessly, such as ovei filling a tank, adding fuel while a tractor i-> lunning hot or spilling fuel, the chances of a dangerous fire 01 explosion are gieatly increas* CUP „ D on ~, ~ T u ed Handle all fuels, and especial steady ~ lv § asoline - carefully as you y would djnamite, cautions Exten- WOOLED LAMBS Good sion agricutural engineers at The and Choice 65 85 lbs 27 00-29 00 Pennsylvania State Univeisity VEALERS Choice 47 GO -49 50, couple Pnme 53 00-53 50, Good 43 00-48 00. Standard 39- 00 45 00 Utility 32 50 39 00, Cull 90 120 lbs 28 00-33 00, 65 85 lbs 22 00-29 00 FUTURES TRADING (Closing bids as of Thuisday, Novembei 6, 1969) November December January ’7O February March April May June August September October December a-asked Tiend Cattle aie steady, Hogs aie stronger; Potatoes steady and Eggs are stronger. Receipts of 343 hoises sole? stiongei on bettei grades Rid ing hoises 90 325, Dnving horses 110 3Sf, Ponies 10 30, Killers 4-5. Receipts of 1010 hogs and 16 shoats sold 25 to 50 lower Re tail 27 29, Wholesale 26 25-26 75; Heavj weights 24-26 25; Shoats 20 Receipts of 142 calves sold $1 lower Choice and Prime 45 50- 49, Good and L Choice 40-45; Standaid 34 39 50; Common 22- 32 50 Vealers Gasoline Is Powerful Chicago Chicago Cattle Hogs 28.55 27.15 28.77 25.95 29.20 24.58 2.91 3&55 29.40 25.20 29.40 29.10 28.90 b-bid t HORSES November 3. 1969 HOGS November 3, 1969 CALVES November 3, 1969 New York Maine New York Potatoes Fresh Eggs 2.44 54.85 50.15 47.09 43.10 2.71 42.85 3.51 38.00 40.09 n-nominal