20 (.aacastcr Kaimtntf. Saturday November I. 1909 APPLES! APPLES! APPLES! Waen billing apples lonsidei the intended use and the qiu.nti t. needed Iheie aio mam \a i a ties ot apple-, ioi chlTeient Uses such as baking, canning, iiee/mg. eating as well as all pm pose \aiieiies Unless jou plan to can, liee/e 01 bake with the apples, pmchase the eail> vaiieties Buj onlv in small quantities Latei \aueties aie less penshable so best fOi buy jng in laigei quantities Caietul handling is impoitant in the storage lite of apples .Apples that aie damaged 01 biu ised thiough careless handling can lose up to two-thuds ot then stouige life The ideal tempei aluie foi stoiage is between 28 and 36 degiees Since this temp eiatuie is haid to obtain in most homes, stoie them in the coolest aiea possible \ second ictiig eiatoi deioted onl\ to the stoi age ot pioduce, is also satisfac toiv it the tempeiatme is main to.ned between 30 and 40 de giees The ideal moistuie level loi stoiage ot apples is 80 to 90 pei cent Since this is haul to achiexe when apples ate kept m a icfiigeiatoi, stoic them in a plastic bag without holes It vou’ie planning to slice and ii eeze apples, dip the slices in a solution ot ascoibic acid mmied i.dch attei sl'cmg to pieseive the nalmal coloi oi the apples It applesauce is to be tiozen, SUPER SHOES Self Seivice 2750 Columbia Ace, Lancaslet Lane. Co.’s I aigest Shoe Stoic All Ist (pi.u'ty Supei Liuv Pi ices SAVE AT BOB’S Save Rite MARKET 743 S BROAD ST. LITITZ PENNA IIouis; Mon. thin Sat. 9 to 9 Sunday 9 to 5 Garber Gil Co. Texaco Heeling Oil Burner Seles & Service mol:”i jo' pa Ph (,53-P2l FOR THE FARM WIFE ®e AND FAMILY the latei v audios of apples will fieeze well The Cot Hand apple is pai ticulai Iv desn cable fo. this put pose and has a while coloied sauce The Golden Delicious ap ple .vields a golden coloied sauce The Mclntosh apple hovvevei, is not as desn cable toi canning purposes because the sauce takes on a gra.v coloi Mclntoshes maj be moie desn cable in a blend with othei vaiieties of apples APPLE CRUMBLE 4 frosted brown sugar cinna mon pop tarts pastries CHOCOLATE APPLE-SAUCERS 3 tablespoons margarine or 1 cup (6 ounces) semi-sweet buttei, melted chocolate morsels 2 cups pic sliced apples (1 lb. 2'ti cups sifted flour 4-ounce can) teaspoons cinnamon ~ i cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking soda 2 tablespoons all purpose flour 1 teaspoon salt •'* teaspoon salt 1 1 teaspoon nutmeg ‘‘i teaspoon cinnamon v s teaspoon cloves *• teaspoon nutmeg 1 1 i cups firmlj -packed brown 1 tablespoon lemon juice sugar Bieak pop-taits pastiies into 'a cup softened butter bowl add melted margarine oi (Cont.nued on Page 25) ' * \ c '\ . X “\ u ° C -^r \ C-* FOR A "RAINY” DAY Nothing protects your future and the security of your family like a savings account. Attractive dividends are paid like clockwork. Your savings are insured up to $15,000. No one has ever had to wait for their money. No wonder a savings account is the basic security for more Americans than any other type of investment. Your account is invited. ACCOUNTS INSURED TO $15,000 ~—, — n — n I FIRST FEDERAXft 9 CJavings and/s.an 4 ASSCXCIAT?ON OF LANCASTER tiff Ulon. thru Thurs 9 to 4 30 bultei Crumble with foil; into sm.ill pieces for topping Set aside Combine pic sliced apples and remaining ingredients foi Ailing in slightly buttcicd Bxo <2 inch baking pan Spi inkle lopping evenly ovei filling. Hake in modelute oven (375 dcgiees) about 40 minutes or until lop is lightly bi owned Makes 8 seiv ing» APPLE UPSIDE DOWN CAKE 1 1 cup butter ■* i cup light brown sugar 2'-i cups sliced apples •’’i teaspoon mace 2 teaspoons lemon juice 1 1 cup shortening 1 1 cup sugar 1 egg I'j cups sifted all-purpose flour 2 teaspoons baking powder 1 1 teaspoon salt cup milk 1 teaspoon Vanilla extract Melt buttei in BxBx2 inch pan spi inkle with biown sugai Diain apples, place overlapping vedges on sugat Spi inkle with mace and lemon iuice Cieam togethei shO'tening and su,di \dd egg. beat well Sitt Logelhei Horn. baking powder and salt, add alteinately with milk to ciearned mixture Add vanilla extiact Pour battei ovei tiuit Bake in slow oven, 325 degrees, 1 hour Cool 5 minutes Turn up side down on cake lack 25 North Duke St. Phone 393-0601 Fii 9 to 6 9 to noon \-\ Sat. j\S A. .IKLS TOC.- ;ve >, ay patterned sweaters. These two pullovers are knit in "all American” colors to stand out in the school yard. She has discovered Indian lore in the red, white and blue bands which tnm the solid blue background of her sweater, lie feels like a trail bla/er in his scarlet sweater with blue and white dot-dash stripes. Hers is made of knitting worsted and his of huger mg jam. Both aie in unisex si/es G-12 Free instructions are available by sending a self-addressed, stamped envelope to the Needlework Editor ol this newspaper along with your request for Leaflet PK 4037 □lomoi SPECIAL VALUES L \DIES’ LOOP TOP NYLON STRETCH STOCKINGS They need no Gaiters 5 Colors BOYS’ NYLON QUILTED c jm mm SKI JACKETS $ 4-95 With Hood U IN L T Black or Navy Sizes 6 to 16 EASY-ON J STORM WINDOW KITS Owr ea HEAVY PLASTIC BY THE YARD THIS WEEK'S SPECIAL WEDNESDAY THRU TUESDAY surrs low a, 10.00 Clothing. Shoes, Housewares, Hardware and GOOD'S STORE 1 mile North of Route 23 Along Route 625 ft. D. 1, East Earl, Penna. Suggested Retail Price $1.39 Pr. General Merchandise 1 > 4 OUR PRICE 95f Pr Each 80c >ard Each Pb. 21S-445-6156