Try A Classified Ad It Pays! LAST WINCHESTER FEEDER CATTLE SALE Fm mci s Livestock Exchange, Inc. Winchester. Virginia State Sponsored Graded Uniform Lots All Breeds Mark this date on your calendar: 2nd FEEDER CALF SALE Fridav. October 31,1969 7:30 P.M. Dehorned - Yearlings 500 LB -1000 Lb Feeder Calves 300 Lb - 600 Lb Bang’s Vaccinated heileis—eligible for interstate shipment Guarantee "No Bied Heifers or Stags” in feeder calves only I. Fred Stine, Advisor P. T. Mclntire. Sale Manager Box 440 Winchester. Va 22601 Write or Phone- NORTHERN VIRGINIA LIVESTOCK. INC. Phone; Area Code 703/662-2946 HEAD 1500 HEAD (STATE GRADED) VIRGINIA FEEDER CALVES THORS., OCT. 30 SEVEN P. M. FAUQUIER LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE INCORPORATED MARSHALL, VIRGINIA 1 Sponsored by: Marsholi Feeder Cattle Assn. ' All eahes will be vaccinated with Rea-Plex and two doses of Pasteurella Heifers vaccinated with strain 19 for brucellosis and guaranteed open. All calves originate in counties free of brucellosis and tuberculosis. Tel: 703 364-4861 Kent R. Ferrell Auctioneers John H. O’Neill Public Auction COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE OF 200 REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE The undersigned discontinuing the dairy business will sell the complete herd of Dairy Cattle at Public Auction (under tent) on "the premises located on BALDWIN MILL ROAD (Md. Rte No, 165) 1 miles South of UPPER CROSS ROADS (at Md. Rte No. 152 Fallston Road) 6 miles South of JARRETTSVILLE in the Southwestern section of HARFORD CO , MARYLAND, 100 HEAD, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1969 at 10:30 a.m. 100 HEAD, SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 1969 at 10:30 a.m. 200 HEAD OF REGISTERED AND GRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE: 80 head fiesh in the past 60 days, 40 head close Spnngei s and balance in lull flov, of lactation This is one of the largest Dany Operations on the East Coast, having been managed by thiee generations of the Elnhaidt family Confoimation, type and size with good milk m eduction have been the primary pre requisite of this held s status Selective buying of replacemen animals, close culling and good dany management has contribut ed gieatly to the success of this dany operation T B. and Bangs tested within 30 days of out of-state shipments Complete indivi dual information available on days of the sale. TERMS CASH 1 Not responsible for accidents on day of the sale ! EHRHARDT FARMS, INC. j Baldwin, Maryland Aberdeen Sales Co., Sales Mgr Bdrdell Preston, Jr , Ringmaster Lunch, available on the grounds. • 30 Percent' (Continued from Page 24) would be more realistic, since about two fifth** of the 13 billion hot dogs consumed annuall.v are made at fat target levels of 34 or 35 peicent Less than one pei cent have fat levels exceeding 36 peicent Fiankfurters inspected b.v the USD A have had fat contents landing fioin 15 to 51 peicent, although the oxti ernes are \eiv rate Federal!} inspected cooked sausage genet all> tanges fiom 32 1 to 33 1 percent fat Mrs Virginia Knauer, special assistant to the President for con sumer affaits. spoke lot the •White House - dunng the heal ings It was !atgel> hei effoits (calling foi a 30 percent maxi mum ) and the pubhcit.v follow mg her testimony which tnggei ed the Hood of consume! tom ments icquesting the 30 peicent tat limit Anjwaj the consumeis won Now that all consumeis have heard about this conti ovors.v. might theie be an opportunity for someone to advertise and sell a fiank that has onlv 25 percent fat’ Only Three Chains Feed Cattle Only three major food chains are engaged in feeding cattle The three fed a total of 49,000 head of cattle in 1967. less than 23 percent of the total cattle led J * W MX"? , AW ' PUBLIC SALE OF COMPLETE HOLSTEIN DISPERSAL 2 Miles Northeast of Elizabethtown. Go East From Route 230 at Aunt Sally’s Kitchen on Mill Road, on the form er Henry Hess Farm. Follow signs. MONDAY, OH. 93 HEAD OF REGISTERED & GRADE HOLSTEIN DAIRY CATTLE 42 MILK COWS, ONE HALF REGISTERED, 51 HEIFERS, MAJORITY REGISTERED, 10 HEIFERS DUE NOW TILL CHRISTMAS, 26 - 6 MO. TO 24 MO. OF AGE, 14 - UNDER 6 MO. OF AGE 12 Years of ABC and Curtis Breeding, 0 S 5 Years Average 13,500 M 500 Fat Calfhood Vaccination Health Chart Sale Day SALE HELD UNDER COVER, Cows in herd have milked up to 100 lbs per day Rosetta Reg Skylighter Dau 6Yr. 305 D 15,260 M 2 Daughters Selling, 1 by Astronaut, 1 by Lockway Lucifer W Ivanhoe and 1 Granddaughter by Lucky _ M v Sheryl Reg Sequoia Dau 5 Yr. 305 D 16,024 M 568 F Sheryl has 3 Daughters Selling Milk and Honey Due in November and Twin Daughters by Astronaut Pat Reg Sequoia Dau 5Yr 305 D Pam Reg Cochran Gen Dau 3 Yr. 305 D Queen Gr 4Yr. 305 D Sandy and Cindy fiom a 2 times 20,000 lbs Dam Sally and 2 Grand Daughters Selling Lytle Lucifer Everlasting Luck 1531531 Born July 25, 1967 Sire Don Augur Everlasting Design 86 pts His Dam Rose sold for $6,100 Grand Sir Don Augur Design Homestead with 43 Daughters A plus on milk 1708 lbs Lucks Dam Aggie Della Lucifer 11 Yr 364 Da 24,63 d M 973 F Lifetime Pi od 234,382 M 9370 F Many Cows and 10 Heifeis now in seivice to Luck Also selling 12 Daughters by Luck Other Sires repiesented Ivanhoe Jack, Smith Holm Lu cross, Rcmandale Dividend Peifoimer, Posch Soveieign I\anhoe, Athalone Leader, Penn State Star Man, Ivanhoe, Citation Cham buc Marshall and others. 2 Smge S P IX Pumps, 2 -50 lb Pails with Nanowboie, 3 - 4C lb Pails, Schiue Dumping Station, Stainless Steel Double Tubs, 2 Carrying Pail'-, Appioximateiy 175 Tons of Corn Silage on Covet ed Pile to be sold"in lump Kreider and Diller, Auctioneers and Sales Managers Wenger & Byler, Attorneys Conservation Corner " 6 , . 'L ' X ) J y/ J** / . ** * i\ 4r - ' “Improved pastures sure hike milk production 1 ' During World War II about 19 chains were involved in cattle *‘*v*a*j.+ v, ‘* * 11:30 A. M, TERMS BY CLAIR NISSLEY Executor of the Estate of J. Luke Nissley LUNCH FURNISHED Lancaster Farming, Saturday, October 2'\ 196 D—27 ✓- * % - ✓ 27, 1969 538 F 683 P 549 T 540 F 572 F 15,017 M 15,978 M 15,998 M \ \ T feeding Because of the meat shortage during the war chains moved into the business to assuie themselves a constant meat sup ply Poultry Meat In Sausage The USDA. after one of the most controveisial periods of dis cussion between proponents and opponents, announced its de cision on August 28 regarding the inclusion of poultry in cook ed sausage products These in clude frankfurters, bologna, Vienna sausage, knockwurst, and similar products Poultry meat may now com prise up to 15 percent cooked sausage product, but it must be named in the list of ingredients on the package If the sausage pioduct contains more than 15 percent poultry, the pioduc* name must cleaily indicate its presence, such as ‘Frankfuiter with Chicken ” Only poultry (without skin) will be peimitted in “all meat” sausages Poultry skm, as a nor mally edible part of the product, may be used in cooked sausage products that are not labeled as being composed of all meat However, the amount of skin must not be more than the nat uial proportion that is present on the whole carcass or the part which is used CATTLE SALES EVERY TUESDAY LARGE SELECTIONS OF CATTLE DIRECT FROM PRODUCERS EACH WEEK. STAUNTON LIVESTOCK MARKET, INC. C & O FUts Staunton, Va.