Lancaster farming. (Lancaster, Pa., etc.) 1955-current, October 11, 1969, Image 9

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    ,• StOrttd t o ascertain. a course of action
(Continued from Page 1) relative to the situation. Hovers
, »nS the "import” situation may
the individual characteristics arc or may not be desirable, depend
great; thus the strain purchase ing on the circumstances. An
decision Is made on reputation “imported” pullet, in itself, is
and random sample tests. not undesirable if she fulfills ac-
In attempt to ccpted egg production qualifies
put-out' a high quality started lions; as. in the final analysis,
pullet, many different manage- what is important is that Penn-
Moot systems and practices have sylvania egg producers have a
bee* devised. What the optimum dependable bullet that will re
combination of management turn a reasonable income
practices is for the various avail- It appears that some of these
able strains, under all conditions out-of-state pullet production
of rearing and egg production, aieas are increasingly expcnenc
has not been determined. mg some and even moie of the
The influx of out-of-state pul- disease difficulties that plagued
lets was brought about mainly Pennsylvania This would mean
by the widespread incidence in that in the nol-too-distant futuio,
the major pullet-rcai mg areas and the time might arrive lathei
of Marek’s Disease. Herpe’s form quickly, Pennsylvania perhaps
of Avian Leucosis It would ap should raise her own stalled pul
pear that it is not compatible to lets
jaisc started pullets in the gen- \gamst that time, pullet giow
eral area where laige numbers eis past, piesent and futme
of bioilers are being taised This would do well to keep up on all
observation is beginning to be relative manageiial and health
apparent in othei states also The control developments having to
disease situation is also serious do with stalled pullets Some of
with the bioiler glower, mci- the pullet gioweis have aheady
dentally. indicated an mtei est in an edu
“lmportmg” stalled pullets cational piogiam, on a icgulai
ifrom other aieas less affected basis, to keep up with develop
with the disease has tempoianly moots The fiist of these meet
helped the situation However, it mgs was the symposia held
is getting increasingly difficult to October 7 and one planned for
secure dependable pullets of November 5 at the Lancaster
good quality in all respects, that Farm & Home Center
b^ W lfirsuTOng m S\ n here The staued f lllet d,SCUSSIOn DANIEL BRANDT, Manheim R 4,
. , , , , , group indicated that it would shows his champion crossbred gilt that
appears to be no morbidity and hp ri p, n . ahl „ u n , nni .. „ • b " owi) ciidinpion ciossorea gni uidi
the survivors lav real well What not u able t 0 p ‘ omote ’ was champion at the Manheim Fair.
xnesumvors lay ieai wen wnai as such) the reanng 0 £ started
we cannot live with is the high pu u e t s by everyone in Pennsyl- T , , , .
death losses vania But by keepm® the in was determined that the tiend ly with the out-of-state pullets
This economic dram, due to dustry constantly aware of all w^ uld come ’ and that the Penn - and stlll not sacufice l uaht y 11
the out-of-state purchases of developments and progress m SJlVama industr y should be has been shown by pullet grow
started pullets, is of fairly re- started pullet technology, work- ready - ers in southern states that
cent origin, five years, but is one mg together on field studies and We can learn to live with when all poultry diseases except
that the Poultry Extension Ser- shared experiences, the time Maiek’s Disease, until such time Marek’s Disease are effectively
vice feels should reverse itself would come when certain indi- tiiat a cure 15 Perfected But it controlled, this dreaded disease
an Pennsylvania Representatives viduals and corporations might also appears that we can develop of poultry is not a serious threat
of the started pullet industry want to make the personal de- our management practices, so High pullet losses occur pn-
Siave been meeting to discuss and cision to raise their own pullets that we can compete economical- manly when Marek’s Disease is
Contact Your local Custom
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other probfem weeds fn alfalfa?
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Need more information? See us.
Lancaster Farming. Saturday, October 11,1969—!
Fair Winners
Daniel is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry K.
Brandt. L F. Photo
concurrent in a flock along with
another disease.
The pullet health control pio
giam must be designed to deal
with all types of disease regard
less of cause The pnnciples of
health management are veiy
closely associated with general
management such as isolation
practices, sanitation procedmes,
all in all out program, bird
disposal practices, parasite con
trol and systems of ventilation
and housing utilized
In the absence of temporary
parental immunity passed to the
clnck, chickens are most suscept
ible to infection at an eaily age.
Their resistance to disease stead
ily inci eases from one day of age
to maturity Therefoie, it is logi
cal to provide extia piotection to
the chicks or build up lesistance
to a disease challenge, as age le
sistance alone is not totally suc
cessful against the moie vaulent
diseases, such as Maiek’s Di
There is ample evidence in
the liteiature that cycling tem
peiatures within the laying hou
se lesult in bettei egg pi educ
tion than fiom houses wheie a
constant temperatuie pievails.
Penn State did some of the ori
ginal work on this consideration.
Relating this vaiymg tempera
ture principle to reaung pullets,
beyond the period of 10 to 14
days when the chick is getting
ils temperature-i egulating mech
anism in older, we need to in
i' whether oi not to ac
climatize* oiu pullets to vaiymg
conditions In oui modem poul
tiy house we have a tight, well
insulated building that is foi the
most pait veil contioiled, tem
per atm e-wise, by moie and raoie
unproved and accurate theimo
Aie we then pioduung a hot
house ’ pullet, used to constant
enu'onmental conditions that
Cchnor lace up to a sliess m her
latei hie’
Inlounal e\idence in the he'd
v ould indicate this ■ — wc see
oldei houses used veij success
fully foi leaung pullets -Vad
voikeis at the Lmncishy of
Gsoigia found that bioileis do
best when giovvn undei \anable
tempeialuie conditions That is,
cold loom blooding was utilized;
the tempeiature awaj fiom the
blooded is allowed to fluctuate
01 vaij nonnally as opposed to a
s\ stem wheie the v'hole biooder
100 m is held at a unifoim temp
eialme at chick level